• 2011movements-fsm discussion

Fwd: [Action2-l] Europe Special Report: The tortured activist whose fate tells Turkish protesters: don’t seek refuge in Greece

from Ulrike Beudgen on Jun 08, 2013 09:31 AM

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Anfang der weitergeleiteten E‑Mail:

> Von: katerina tsapopoulou <katerina.tsapopoulou@...>
> Datum: 8. Juni 2013 11:02:28 MESZ
> An: action2-l@...
> Betreff: [Action2-l] Europe Special Report: The tortured activist whose fate tells Turkish protesters: don’t seek refuge in Greece
> http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/special-report-the-tortured-activist-whose-fate-tells-turkish-protesters-dont-seek-refuge-in-greece-8650289.html
> also:
> 1) Group of Lawyers for the Rights of Migrants and Refugees' Urgent Announcement
> Download the announcement in English here
> Download the announcement in French here
> Download the announcement in Italian here  
> 2) UNHCR Greece
> UNHCR concerned about missing asylum seeker
> http://www.ekathimerini.com/4dcgi/_w_articles_wsite1_1_05/06/2013_502820
> original text in greek: http://www.unhcr.gr/nea/artikel/b2621b1c159e02fab00983f24cb09264/to-grafeio-tis-ya.html
> 3) texts translated in italian
> http://atenecalling.org/preoccupazione-dellunhcr-per-le-denunce-che-riguardano-il-ritorno-forzato-dalla-grecia-in-turchia-di-un-cittadino-turco/
> http://atenecalling.org/sequestro-in-stile-cia-e-consegna-alla-turchia-di-un-militante-della-sinistra/
> http://atenecalling.org/sequestro-di-bulut-yiala-membro-della-commissione-di-solidarieta-con-i-detenuti-politici/
> _______________________________________________
> Action2-l mailing list
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