• 2011movements-fsm discussion

  • Re: [Squares] Hang Out around Networked Democracy (Friday)

    from Orsan Senalp on Jun 13, 2013 09:39 PM
    Dear comrades, activists and those in their networks.
    For tomorrow we will try to do something new (as far as i know).
    There will be an experimental Spanish-English simultaneous
    interpretation, which will be provided by comrades on a Mumble room.
    Mumble is an Open Source Voip, audio chat, software, needs to be
    downloaded and installed on your device beforehand here:
    or from an app-store
    The interpretation will be in this location on Mumble:
    Location: Occupytalk.org server
    Room: Assemblies & Round Tables - go to OPEN SPACE
    How to join Mumble: http://www.global-square.net/how-to-join/
    It would work best if participants use two devices if possible - any
    smartphone/pc/mac/pad  combination.
    To explain it simple terms it works like this:
    Participants who need interpretation would need two apparatus, these
    can be two computers or one computer one telephone so on. So all who
    needs translation shall run mumble and Google hangout at the same
    time.  On one device follow the hangout meeting, and on the other
    listen simultaneous interpretation on mumble,
    If all download and install mumble beforehand and log in Mumble room
    15 minutes before we could help out to fix their systems and get ready
    for the meeting.
    I hope we have thought everything and it would work. Don't forget it
    is an experimental thing, if it do not work perfect or fails we don't
    need to worry or get frustrated, we will learn for the next time.  In
    case we develop this it will be very useful for the future meetings
    and assemblies.
    In solidarity!
    On 12 June 2013 16:51, Bernardo Gutiérrez <bernardobrasil@...> wrote:
    > Hello you all
    > I am preparing an international session around Networked Democracy and
    > #GlobalRevolution, on friday, 19.00 (GMT+1). It will be in the Spanish
    > glocal platform ThinkCommons.org. Occupations, squares, public space... are
    > quite important points in the Hang Out.
    > We need someone from Istambul.  As the language of thinkcommons is Spanish,
    > it would be fantastic if you find any person Spanish speakers. It can be
    > portuguese. If not, no problem, as we have Serkan participating in English
    > I personally will be in Porto Alegre, in the Digital Office of the
    > Governent, probably the most advanced  networked democracy in the world.
    > Doménico di Siena will be in Madia Lab Prado, Madri. We will have in the
    > Hang Out, guest from 15M, Occupy, #YoSoy132 (México), hackers, activists...
    > Here you have the hang out. We will project the hang out in Madri and Porto
    > Alegre, in order to create hybrid communities (digital+analogic). There will
    > be streaming, a link to watch the glocal-hybrid meeting.
    > It would we fantastic to have someone from Istambul, to explain what is
    > happening.
    > https://plus.google.com/u/0/events/c1mohmvi3rsv7i08g3goha5tu90
    > Orsan is suggesting to do a translation to a Mumble room, to English. I
    > think it is a great idea!
    > We also need anyone from New York / Occupy, better in Spanish
    > Any other people wanting to participate?
    > Best
    > Bernardo
    > --
    > www.futuramedia.net
    > www.codigo-abierto.cc
    > www.bernardogutierrez.es
    > http://blogs.20minutos.es/codigo-abierto
    > @bernardosampa (twitter)
    > São Paulo +55 11 43044380 (fijo) +55 11 84881620 (celular)
    > Madrid +34 669 098365
    > _______________________________________________
    > n-1 working group:
    > https://n-1.cc/pg/groups/104127/take-the-square-international/
    > Squares mailing list
    > Squares@...
    > for unsubscribe/etc:
    > https://lists.takethesquare.net/mailman/listinfo/squares or
    > Squares-owner@...
    Thread Outline:
  • Re: Re: [Squares] Hang Out around Networked Democracy (Friday)

    from Rossella on Jun 13, 2013 09:42 PM
    Orsan It's true this news?" Ordu - 14 Haziran 2013'den itibaren 3 Gün
    boyunca ilk adım anıtı önünde direniş çadırı oluşturulacak."
    The army will camp in Taksim from 14 J?
    2013/6/13 Orsan Senalp <orsan1234@...>
    > Dear comrades, activists and those in their networks.
    > For tomorrow we will try to do something new (as far as i know).
    > There will be an experimental Spanish-English simultaneous
    > interpretation, which will be provided by comrades on a Mumble room.
    > Mumble is an Open Source Voip, audio chat, software, needs to be
    > downloaded and installed on your device beforehand here:
    > http://www.mumble.com/mumble-download.php?OKEY=google_mum-download_mumble
    > or from an app-store
    > The interpretation will be in this location on Mumble:
    > Location: Occupytalk.org server
    > Room: Assemblies & Round Tables - go to OPEN SPACE
    > How to join Mumble: http://www.global-square.net/how-to-join/
    > It would work best if participants use two devices if possible - any
    > smartphone/pc/mac/pad  combination.
    > To explain it simple terms it works like this:
    > Participants who need interpretation would need two apparatus, these
    > can be two computers or one computer one telephone so on. So all who
    > needs translation shall run mumble and Google hangout at the same
    > time.  On one device follow the hangout meeting, and on the other
    > listen simultaneous interpretation on mumble,
    > If all download and install mumble beforehand and log in Mumble room
    > 15 minutes before we could help out to fix their systems and get ready
    > for the meeting.
    > I hope we have thought everything and it would work. Don't forget it
    > is an experimental thing, if it do not work perfect or fails we don't
    > need to worry or get frustrated, we will learn for the next time.  In
    > case we develop this it will be very useful for the future meetings
    > and assemblies.
    > In solidarity!
    > Orsan
    > On 12 June 2013 16:51, Bernardo Gutiérrez <bernardobrasil@...>
    > wrote:
    > > Hello you all
    > >
    > > I am preparing an international session around Networked Democracy and
    > > #GlobalRevolution, on friday, 19.00 (GMT+1). It will be in the Spanish
    > > glocal platform ThinkCommons.org. Occupations, squares, public space...
    > are
    > > quite important points in the Hang Out.
    > > We need someone from Istambul.  As the language of thinkcommons is
    > Spanish,
    > > it would be fantastic if you find any person Spanish speakers. It can be
    > > portuguese. If not, no problem, as we have Serkan participating in
    > English
    > >
    > > I personally will be in Porto Alegre, in the Digital Office of the
    > > Governent, probably the most advanced  networked democracy in the world.
    > > Doménico di Siena will be in Madia Lab Prado, Madri. We will have in the
    > > Hang Out, guest from 15M, Occupy, #YoSoy132 (México), hackers,
    > activists...
    > > Here you have the hang out. We will project the hang out in Madri and
    > Porto
    > > Alegre, in order to create hybrid communities (digital+analogic). There
    > will
    > > be streaming, a link to watch the glocal-hybrid meeting.
    > > It would we fantastic to have someone from Istambul, to explain what is
    > > happening.
    > >
    > > https://plus.google.com/u/0/events/c1mohmvi3rsv7i08g3goha5tu90
    > >
    > > Orsan is suggesting to do a translation to a Mumble room, to English. I
    > > think it is a great idea!
    > >
    > > We also need anyone from New York / Occupy, better in Spanish
    > > Any other people wanting to participate?
    > >
    > > Best
    > > Bernardo
    > >
    > > --
    > > www.futuramedia.net
    > > www.codigo-abierto.cc
    > > www.bernardogutierrez.es
    > > http://blogs.20minutos.es/codigo-abierto
    > > @bernardosampa (twitter)
    > > São Paulo +55 11 43044380 (fijo) +55 11 84881620 (celular)
    > > Madrid +34 669 098365
    > >
    > > _______________________________________________
    > >
    > > n-1 working group:
    > > https://n-1.cc/pg/groups/104127/take-the-square-international/
    > >
    > > Squares mailing list
    > > Squares@...
    > > for unsubscribe/etc:
    > > https://lists.takethesquare.net/mailman/listinfo/squares or
    > > Squares-owner@...
    > >
    > --
    > Archive:
    > http://openfsm.net/projects/2011movements-fsm-wsf/lists/2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion/archive/2013/06/1371159542965
    > To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to
    > 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@....  Please contact
    > 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@... for questions.
    • Re: Re: [Squares] Hang Out around Networked Democracy (Friday)

      from Orsan Senalp on Jun 13, 2013 09:46 PM
      :))) Ordu is a city near blacksea and the news is about capulcus in
      that city :)
      On 13 June 2013 23:34, Rossella <rossella.gr86@...> wrote:
      > Orsan It's true this news?" Ordu - 14 Haziran 2013'den itibaren 3 Gün
      > boyunca ilk adım anıtı önünde direniş çadırı oluşturulacak."
      > The army will camp in Taksim from 14 J?
      > 2013/6/13 Orsan Senalp <orsan1234@...>
      >> Dear comrades, activists and those in their networks.
      >> For tomorrow we will try to do something new (as far as i know).
      >> There will be an experimental Spanish-English simultaneous
      >> interpretation, which will be provided by comrades on a Mumble room.
      >> Mumble is an Open Source Voip, audio chat, software, needs to be
      >> downloaded and installed on your device beforehand here:
      >> http://www.mumble.com/mumble-download.php?OKEY=google_mum-download_mumble
      >> or from an app-store
      >> The interpretation will be in this location on Mumble:
      >> Location: Occupytalk.org server
      >> Room: Assemblies & Round Tables - go to OPEN SPACE
      >> How to join Mumble: http://www.global-square.net/how-to-join/
      >> It would work best if participants use two devices if possible - any
      >> smartphone/pc/mac/pad  combination.
      >> To explain it simple terms it works like this:
      >> Participants who need interpretation would need two apparatus, these
      >> can be two computers or one computer one telephone so on. So all who
      >> needs translation shall run mumble and Google hangout at the same
      >> time.  On one device follow the hangout meeting, and on the other
      >> listen simultaneous interpretation on mumble,
      >> If all download and install mumble beforehand and log in Mumble room
      >> 15 minutes before we could help out to fix their systems and get ready
      >> for the meeting.
      >> I hope we have thought everything and it would work. Don't forget it
      >> is an experimental thing, if it do not work perfect or fails we don't
      >> need to worry or get frustrated, we will learn for the next time.  In
      >> case we develop this it will be very useful for the future meetings
      >> and assemblies.
      >> In solidarity!
      >> Orsan
      >> On 12 June 2013 16:51, Bernardo Gutiérrez <bernardobrasil@...>
      >> wrote:
      >> > Hello you all
      >> >
      >> > I am preparing an international session around Networked Democracy and
      >> > #GlobalRevolution, on friday, 19.00 (GMT+1). It will be in the Spanish
      >> > glocal platform ThinkCommons.org. Occupations, squares, public space...
      >> > are
      >> > quite important points in the Hang Out.
      >> > We need someone from Istambul.  As the language of thinkcommons is
      >> > Spanish,
      >> > it would be fantastic if you find any person Spanish speakers. It can be
      >> > portuguese. If not, no problem, as we have Serkan participating in
      >> > English
      >> >
      >> > I personally will be in Porto Alegre, in the Digital Office of the
      >> > Governent, probably the most advanced  networked democracy in the world.
      >> > Doménico di Siena will be in Madia Lab Prado, Madri. We will have in the
      >> > Hang Out, guest from 15M, Occupy, #YoSoy132 (México), hackers,
      >> > activists...
      >> > Here you have the hang out. We will project the hang out in Madri and
      >> > Porto
      >> > Alegre, in order to create hybrid communities (digital+analogic). There
      >> > will
      >> > be streaming, a link to watch the glocal-hybrid meeting.
      >> > It would we fantastic to have someone from Istambul, to explain what is
      >> > happening.
      >> >
      >> > https://plus.google.com/u/0/events/c1mohmvi3rsv7i08g3goha5tu90
      >> >
      >> > Orsan is suggesting to do a translation to a Mumble room, to English. I
      >> > think it is a great idea!
      >> >
      >> > We also need anyone from New York / Occupy, better in Spanish
      >> > Any other people wanting to participate?
      >> >
      >> > Best
      >> > Bernardo
      >> >
      >> > --
      >> > www.futuramedia.net
      >> > www.codigo-abierto.cc
      >> > www.bernardogutierrez.es
      >> > http://blogs.20minutos.es/codigo-abierto
      >> > @bernardosampa (twitter)
      >> > São Paulo +55 11 43044380 (fijo) +55 11 84881620 (celular)
      >> > Madrid +34 669 098365
      >> >
      >> > _______________________________________________
      >> >
      >> > n-1 working group:
      >> > https://n-1.cc/pg/groups/104127/take-the-square-international/
      >> >
      >> > Squares mailing list
      >> > Squares@...
      >> > for unsubscribe/etc:
      >> > https://lists.takethesquare.net/mailman/listinfo/squares or
      >> > Squares-owner@...
      >> >
      >> --
      >> Archive:
      >> http://openfsm.net/projects/2011movements-fsm-wsf/lists/2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion/archive/2013/06/1371159542965
      >> To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to
      >> 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@....  Please contact
      >> 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@... for questions.
      > --
      > Archive: http://openfsm.net/[...]/1371159744542
      > To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to
      > 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@.... Please contact
      > 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@... for questions.
      • Re: Re: [Squares] Hang Out around Networked Democracy (Friday)

        from Rossella on Jun 13, 2013 09:48 PM
        ahh ok It's a mistake of a young Italo-turkish boy! :)
        2013/6/13 Orsan Senalp <orsan1234@...>
        > :))) Ordu is a city near blacksea and the news is about capulcus in
        > that city :)
        > On 13 June 2013 23:34, Rossella <rossella.gr86@...> wrote:
        > > Orsan It's true this news?" Ordu - 14 Haziran 2013'den itibaren 3 Gün
        > > boyunca ilk adım anıtı önünde direniş çadırı oluşturulacak."
        > > The army will camp in Taksim from 14 J?
        > >
        > >
        > > 2013/6/13 Orsan Senalp <orsan1234@...>
        > >>
        > >> Dear comrades, activists and those in their networks.
        > >>
        > >> For tomorrow we will try to do something new (as far as i know).
        > >>
        > >> There will be an experimental Spanish-English simultaneous
        > >> interpretation, which will be provided by comrades on a Mumble room.
        > >> Mumble is an Open Source Voip, audio chat, software, needs to be
        > >> downloaded and installed on your device beforehand here:
        > >>
        > http://www.mumble.com/mumble-download.php?OKEY=google_mum-download_mumble
        > >> or from an app-store
        > >>
        > >> The interpretation will be in this location on Mumble:
        > >> Location: Occupytalk.org server
        > >> Room: Assemblies & Round Tables - go to OPEN SPACE
        > >> How to join Mumble: http://www.global-square.net/how-to-join/
        > >>
        > >> It would work best if participants use two devices if possible - any
        > >> smartphone/pc/mac/pad  combination.
        > >>
        > >> To explain it simple terms it works like this:
        > >> Participants who need interpretation would need two apparatus, these
        > >> can be two computers or one computer one telephone so on. So all who
        > >> needs translation shall run mumble and Google hangout at the same
        > >> time.  On one device follow the hangout meeting, and on the other
        > >> listen simultaneous interpretation on mumble,
        > >>
        > >> If all download and install mumble beforehand and log in Mumble room
        > >> 15 minutes before we could help out to fix their systems and get ready
        > >> for the meeting.
        > >>
        > >> I hope we have thought everything and it would work. Don't forget it
        > >> is an experimental thing, if it do not work perfect or fails we don't
        > >> need to worry or get frustrated, we will learn for the next time.  In
        > >> case we develop this it will be very useful for the future meetings
        > >> and assemblies.
        > >>
        > >> In solidarity!
        > >> Orsan
        > >>
        > >> On 12 June 2013 16:51, Bernardo Gutiérrez <bernardobrasil@...>
        > >> wrote:
        > >> > Hello you all
        > >> >
        > >> > I am preparing an international session around Networked Democracy and
        > >> > #GlobalRevolution, on friday, 19.00 (GMT+1). It will be in the Spanish
        > >> > glocal platform ThinkCommons.org. Occupations, squares, public
        > space...
        > >> > are
        > >> > quite important points in the Hang Out.
        > >> > We need someone from Istambul.  As the language of thinkcommons is
        > >> > Spanish,
        > >> > it would be fantastic if you find any person Spanish speakers. It can
        > be
        > >> > portuguese. If not, no problem, as we have Serkan participating in
        > >> > English
        > >> >
        > >> > I personally will be in Porto Alegre, in the Digital Office of the
        > >> > Governent, probably the most advanced  networked democracy in the
        > world.
        > >> > Doménico di Siena will be in Madia Lab Prado, Madri. We will have in
        > the
        > >> > Hang Out, guest from 15M, Occupy, #YoSoy132 (México), hackers,
        > >> > activists...
        > >> > Here you have the hang out. We will project the hang out in Madri and
        > >> > Porto
        > >> > Alegre, in order to create hybrid communities (digital+analogic).
        > There
        > >> > will
        > >> > be streaming, a link to watch the glocal-hybrid meeting.
        > >> > It would we fantastic to have someone from Istambul, to explain what
        > is
        > >> > happening.
        > >> >
        > >> > https://plus.google.com/u/0/events/c1mohmvi3rsv7i08g3goha5tu90
        > >> >
        > >> > Orsan is suggesting to do a translation to a Mumble room, to English.
        > I
        > >> > think it is a great idea!
        > >> >
        > >> > We also need anyone from New York / Occupy, better in Spanish
        > >> > Any other people wanting to participate?
        > >> >
        > >> > Best
        > >> > Bernardo
        > >> >
        > >> > --
        > >> > www.futuramedia.net
        > >> > www.codigo-abierto.cc
        > >> > www.bernardogutierrez.es
        > >> > http://blogs.20minutos.es/codigo-abierto
        > >> > @bernardosampa (twitter)
        > >> > São Paulo +55 11 43044380 (fijo) +55 11 84881620 (celular)
        > >> > Madrid +34 669 098365
        > >> >
        > >> > _______________________________________________
        > >> >
        > >> > n-1 working group:
        > >> > https://n-1.cc/pg/groups/104127/take-the-square-international/
        > >> >
        > >> > Squares mailing list
        > >> > Squares@...
        > >> > for unsubscribe/etc:
        > >> > https://lists.takethesquare.net/mailman/listinfo/squares or
        > >> > Squares-owner@...
        > >> >
        > >>
        > >>
        > >> --
        > >> Archive:
        > >>
        > http://openfsm.net/projects/2011movements-fsm-wsf/lists/2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion/archive/2013/06/1371159542965
        > >> To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to
        > >> 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@....  Please contact
        > >> 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@... for
        > questions.
        > >
        > >
        > >
        > >
        > > --
        > > Archive: http://openfsm.net/[...]/1371159744542
        > > To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to
        > > 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@.... Please contact
        > > 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@... for
        > questions.
        > --
        > Archive:
        > http://openfsm.net/projects/2011movements-fsm-wsf/lists/2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion/archive/2013/06/1371159971302
        > To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to
        > 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@....  Please contact
        > 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@... for questions.
        • Re: Re: [Squares] Hang Out around Networked Democracy (Friday)

          from Orsan Senalp on Jun 13, 2013 09:49 PM
          who doesn;t know the exsisgtence of Ordu city :)  it is indeed and
          interesting name for a city... gr. and hugs
          On 13 June 2013 23:40, Rossella <rossella.gr86@...> wrote:
          > ahh ok It's a mistake of a young Italo-turkish boy! :)
          > 2013/6/13 Orsan Senalp <orsan1234@...>
          >> :))) Ordu is a city near blacksea and the news is about capulcus in
          >> that city :)
          >> On 13 June 2013 23:34, Rossella <rossella.gr86@...> wrote:
          >> > Orsan It's true this news?" Ordu - 14 Haziran 2013'den itibaren 3 Gün
          >> > boyunca ilk adım anıtı önünde direniş çadırı oluşturulacak."
          >> > The army will camp in Taksim from 14 J?
          >> >
          >> >
          >> > 2013/6/13 Orsan Senalp <orsan1234@...>
          >> >>
          >> >> Dear comrades, activists and those in their networks.
          >> >>
          >> >> For tomorrow we will try to do something new (as far as i know).
          >> >>
          >> >> There will be an experimental Spanish-English simultaneous
          >> >> interpretation, which will be provided by comrades on a Mumble room.
          >> >> Mumble is an Open Source Voip, audio chat, software, needs to be
          >> >> downloaded and installed on your device beforehand here:
          >> >>
          >> >> http://www.mumble.com/mumble-download.php?OKEY=google_mum-download_mumble
          >> >> or from an app-store
          >> >>
          >> >> The interpretation will be in this location on Mumble:
          >> >> Location: Occupytalk.org server
          >> >> Room: Assemblies & Round Tables - go to OPEN SPACE
          >> >> How to join Mumble: http://www.global-square.net/how-to-join/
          >> >>
          >> >> It would work best if participants use two devices if possible - any
          >> >> smartphone/pc/mac/pad  combination.
          >> >>
          >> >> To explain it simple terms it works like this:
          >> >> Participants who need interpretation would need two apparatus, these
          >> >> can be two computers or one computer one telephone so on. So all who
          >> >> needs translation shall run mumble and Google hangout at the same
          >> >> time.  On one device follow the hangout meeting, and on the other
          >> >> listen simultaneous interpretation on mumble,
          >> >>
          >> >> If all download and install mumble beforehand and log in Mumble room
          >> >> 15 minutes before we could help out to fix their systems and get ready
          >> >> for the meeting.
          >> >>
          >> >> I hope we have thought everything and it would work. Don't forget it
          >> >> is an experimental thing, if it do not work perfect or fails we don't
          >> >> need to worry or get frustrated, we will learn for the next time.  In
          >> >> case we develop this it will be very useful for the future meetings
          >> >> and assemblies.
          >> >>
          >> >> In solidarity!
          >> >> Orsan
          >> >>
          >> >> On 12 June 2013 16:51, Bernardo Gutiérrez <bernardobrasil@...>
          >> >> wrote:
          >> >> > Hello you all
          >> >> >
          >> >> > I am preparing an international session around Networked Democracy
          >> >> > and
          >> >> > #GlobalRevolution, on friday, 19.00 (GMT+1). It will be in the
          >> >> > Spanish
          >> >> > glocal platform ThinkCommons.org. Occupations, squares, public
          >> >> > space...
          >> >> > are
          >> >> > quite important points in the Hang Out.
          >> >> > We need someone from Istambul.  As the language of thinkcommons is
          >> >> > Spanish,
          >> >> > it would be fantastic if you find any person Spanish speakers. It can
          >> >> > be
          >> >> > portuguese. If not, no problem, as we have Serkan participating in
          >> >> > English
          >> >> >
          >> >> > I personally will be in Porto Alegre, in the Digital Office of the
          >> >> > Governent, probably the most advanced  networked democracy in the
          >> >> > world.
          >> >> > Doménico di Siena will be in Madia Lab Prado, Madri. We will have in
          >> >> > the
          >> >> > Hang Out, guest from 15M, Occupy, #YoSoy132 (México), hackers,
          >> >> > activists...
          >> >> > Here you have the hang out. We will project the hang out in Madri and
          >> >> > Porto
          >> >> > Alegre, in order to create hybrid communities (digital+analogic).
          >> >> > There
          >> >> > will
          >> >> > be streaming, a link to watch the glocal-hybrid meeting.
          >> >> > It would we fantastic to have someone from Istambul, to explain what
          >> >> > is
          >> >> > happening.
          >> >> >
          >> >> > https://plus.google.com/u/0/events/c1mohmvi3rsv7i08g3goha5tu90
          >> >> >
          >> >> > Orsan is suggesting to do a translation to a Mumble room, to English.
          >> >> > I
          >> >> > think it is a great idea!
          >> >> >
          >> >> > We also need anyone from New York / Occupy, better in Spanish
          >> >> > Any other people wanting to participate?
          >> >> >
          >> >> > Best
          >> >> > Bernardo
          >> >> >
          >> >> > --
          >> >> > www.futuramedia.net
          >> >> > www.codigo-abierto.cc
          >> >> > www.bernardogutierrez.es
          >> >> > http://blogs.20minutos.es/codigo-abierto
          >> >> > @bernardosampa (twitter)
          >> >> > São Paulo +55 11 43044380 (fijo) +55 11 84881620 (celular)
          >> >> > Madrid +34 669 098365
          >> >> >
          >> >> > _______________________________________________
          >> >> >
          >> >> > n-1 working group:
          >> >> > https://n-1.cc/pg/groups/104127/take-the-square-international/
          >> >> >
          >> >> > Squares mailing list
          >> >> > Squares@...
          >> >> > for unsubscribe/etc:
          >> >> > https://lists.takethesquare.net/mailman/listinfo/squares or
          >> >> > Squares-owner@...
          >> >> >
          >> >>
          >> >>
          >> >> --
          >> >> Archive:
          >> >>
          >> >> http://openfsm.net/projects/2011movements-fsm-wsf/lists/2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion/archive/2013/06/1371159542965
          >> >> To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to
          >> >> 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@....  Please contact
          >> >> 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@... for
          >> >> questions.
          >> >
          >> >
          >> >
          >> >
          >> > --
          >> > Archive: http://openfsm.net/[...]/1371159744542
          >> > To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to
          >> > 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@.... Please contact
          >> > 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@... for
          >> > questions.
          >> --
          >> Archive:
          >> http://openfsm.net/projects/2011movements-fsm-wsf/lists/2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion/archive/2013/06/1371159971302
          >> To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to
          >> 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@....  Please contact
          >> 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@... for questions.
          > --
          > Archive: http://openfsm.net/[...]/1371160098810
          > To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to
          > 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@.... Please contact
          > 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@... for questions.
  • Re: Re: [Squares] Hang Out around Networked Democracy (Friday)

    from judith on Jun 14, 2013 05:06 AM
    Great initiative! Good luck
    ---- Envoyé avec BlackBerry® d'Orange ----
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Orsan Senalp <orsan1234@...>
    Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2013 23:31:09 
    To: squares<squares@...>
    Reply-To: 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@...
    Cc: <nettime-l@...>; Discussion list about the WSF<worldsocialforum-discuss@...>; WSF L&G<wsf-l-and-g@...>; ESF<fse-esf@...>; <2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@...>; InterOccupy Info<info@...>; Intl Network<intlnetwork@...>
    Subject: [2011movements-fsm discussion] Re: [Squares] Hang Out around
    	Networked Democracy (Friday)
    Dear comrades, activists and those in their networks.
    For tomorrow we will try to do something new (as far as i know).
    There will be an experimental Spanish-English simultaneous
    interpretation, which will be provided by comrades on a Mumble room.
    Mumble is an Open Source Voip, audio chat, software, needs to be
    downloaded and installed on your device beforehand here:
    or from an app-store
    The interpretation will be in this location on Mumble:
    Location: Occupytalk.org server
    Room: Assemblies & Round Tables - go to OPEN SPACE
    How to join Mumble: http://www.global-square.net/how-to-join/
    It would work best if participants use two devices if possible - any
    smartphone/pc/mac/pad  combination.
    To explain it simple terms it works like this:
    Participants who need interpretation would need two apparatus, these
    can be two computers or one computer one telephone so on. So all who
    needs translation shall run mumble and Google hangout at the same
    time.  On one device follow the hangout meeting, and on the other
    listen simultaneous interpretation on mumble,
    If all download and install mumble beforehand and log in Mumble room
    15 minutes before we could help out to fix their systems and get ready
    for the meeting.
    I hope we have thought everything and it would work. Don't forget it
    is an experimental thing, if it do not work perfect or fails we don't
    need to worry or get frustrated, we will learn for the next time.  In
    case we develop this it will be very useful for the future meetings
    and assemblies.
    In solidarity!
    On 12 June 2013 16:51, Bernardo Gutiérrez <bernardobrasil@...> wrote:
    > Hello you all
    > I am preparing an international session around Networked Democracy and
    > #GlobalRevolution, on friday, 19.00 (GMT+1). It will be in the Spanish
    > glocal platform ThinkCommons.org. Occupations, squares, public space... are
    > quite important points in the Hang Out.
    > We need someone from Istambul.  As the language of thinkcommons is Spanish,
    > it would be fantastic if you find any person Spanish speakers. It can be
    > portuguese. If not, no problem, as we have Serkan participating in English
    > I personally will be in Porto Alegre, in the Digital Office of the
    > Governent, probably the most advanced  networked democracy in the world.
    > Doménico di Siena will be in Madia Lab Prado, Madri. We will have in the
    > Hang Out, guest from 15M, Occupy, #YoSoy132 (México), hackers, activists...
    > Here you have the hang out. We will project the hang out in Madri and Porto
    > Alegre, in order to create hybrid communities (digital+analogic). There will
    > be streaming, a link to watch the glocal-hybrid meeting.
    > It would we fantastic to have someone from Istambul, to explain what is
    > happening.
    > https://plus.google.com/u/0/events/c1mohmvi3rsv7i08g3goha5tu90
    > Orsan is suggesting to do a translation to a Mumble room, to English. I
    > think it is a great idea!
    > We also need anyone from New York / Occupy, better in Spanish
    > Any other people wanting to participate?
    > Best
    > Bernardo
    > --
    > www.futuramedia.net
    > www.codigo-abierto.cc
    > www.bernardogutierrez.es
    > http://blogs.20minutos.es/codigo-abierto
    > @bernardosampa (twitter)
    > São Paulo +55 11 43044380 (fijo) +55 11 84881620 (celular)
    > Madrid +34 669 098365
    > _______________________________________________
    > n-1 working group:
    > https://n-1.cc/pg/groups/104127/take-the-square-international/
    > Squares mailing list
    > Squares@...
    > for unsubscribe/etc:
    > https://lists.takethesquare.net/mailman/listinfo/squares or
    > Squares-owner@...
    Archive: http://openfsm.net/projects/2011movements-fsm-wsf/lists/2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion/archive/2013/06/1371159542965
    To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@....  Please contact 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@... for questions.
  • Re: Re: [Squares] Hang Out around Networked Democracy (Friday)

    from judith on Jun 14, 2013 05:08 AM
    Great initiative! Good luck
    ---- Envoyé avec BlackBerry® d'Orange ----
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Orsan Senalp <orsan1234@...>
    Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2013 23:31:09 
    To: squares<squares@...>
    Reply-To: 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@...
    Cc: <nettime-l@...>; Discussion list about the WSF<worldsocialforum-discuss@...>; WSF L&G<wsf-l-and-g@...>; ESF<fse-esf@...>; <2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@...>; InterOccupy Info<info@...>; Intl Network<intlnetwork@...>
    Subject: [2011movements-fsm discussion] Re: [Squares] Hang Out around
    	Networked Democracy (Friday)
    Dear comrades, activists and those in their networks.
    For tomorrow we will try to do something new (as far as i know).
    There will be an experimental Spanish-English simultaneous
    interpretation, which will be provided by comrades on a Mumble room.
    Mumble is an Open Source Voip, audio chat, software, needs to be
    downloaded and installed on your device beforehand here:
    or from an app-store
    The interpretation will be in this location on Mumble:
    Location: Occupytalk.org server
    Room: Assemblies & Round Tables - go to OPEN SPACE
    How to join Mumble: http://www.global-square.net/how-to-join/
    It would work best if participants use two devices if possible - any
    smartphone/pc/mac/pad  combination.
    To explain it simple terms it works like this:
    Participants who need interpretation would need two apparatus, these
    can be two computers or one computer one telephone so on. So all who
    needs translation shall run mumble and Google hangout at the same
    time.  On one device follow the hangout meeting, and on the other
    listen simultaneous interpretation on mumble,
    If all download and install mumble beforehand and log in Mumble room
    15 minutes before we could help out to fix their systems and get ready
    for the meeting.
    I hope we have thought everything and it would work. Don't forget it
    is an experimental thing, if it do not work perfect or fails we don't
    need to worry or get frustrated, we will learn for the next time.  In
    case we develop this it will be very useful for the future meetings
    and assemblies.
    In solidarity!
    On 12 June 2013 16:51, Bernardo Gutiérrez <bernardobrasil@...> wrote:
    > Hello you all
    > I am preparing an international session around Networked Democracy and
    > #GlobalRevolution, on friday, 19.00 (GMT+1). It will be in the Spanish
    > glocal platform ThinkCommons.org. Occupations, squares, public space... are
    > quite important points in the Hang Out.
    > We need someone from Istambul.  As the language of thinkcommons is Spanish,
    > it would be fantastic if you find any person Spanish speakers. It can be
    > portuguese. If not, no problem, as we have Serkan participating in English
    > I personally will be in Porto Alegre, in the Digital Office of the
    > Governent, probably the most advanced  networked democracy in the world.
    > Doménico di Siena will be in Madia Lab Prado, Madri. We will have in the
    > Hang Out, guest from 15M, Occupy, #YoSoy132 (México), hackers, activists...
    > Here you have the hang out. We will project the hang out in Madri and Porto
    > Alegre, in order to create hybrid communities (digital+analogic). There will
    > be streaming, a link to watch the glocal-hybrid meeting.
    > It would we fantastic to have someone from Istambul, to explain what is
    > happening.
    > https://plus.google.com/u/0/events/c1mohmvi3rsv7i08g3goha5tu90
    > Orsan is suggesting to do a translation to a Mumble room, to English. I
    > think it is a great idea!
    > We also need anyone from New York / Occupy, better in Spanish
    > Any other people wanting to participate?
    > Best
    > Bernardo
    > --
    > www.futuramedia.net
    > www.codigo-abierto.cc
    > www.bernardogutierrez.es
    > http://blogs.20minutos.es/codigo-abierto
    > @bernardosampa (twitter)
    > São Paulo +55 11 43044380 (fijo) +55 11 84881620 (celular)
    > Madrid +34 669 098365
    > _______________________________________________
    > n-1 working group:
    > https://n-1.cc/pg/groups/104127/take-the-square-international/
    > Squares mailing list
    > Squares@...
    > for unsubscribe/etc:
    > https://lists.takethesquare.net/mailman/listinfo/squares or
    > Squares-owner@...
    Archive: http://openfsm.net/projects/2011movements-fsm-wsf/lists/2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion/archive/2013/06/1371159542965
    To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@....  Please contact 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@... for questions.
  • Re: Re: [Squares] Hang Out around Networked Democracy (Friday)

    from judith on Jun 14, 2013 05:12 AM
    Great initiative! Good luck
    ---- Envoyé avec BlackBerry® d'Orange ----
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Orsan Senalp <orsan1234@...>
    Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2013 23:31:09 
    To: squares<squares@...>
    Reply-To: 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@...
    Cc: <nettime-l@...>; Discussion list about the WSF<worldsocialforum-discuss@...>; WSF L&G<wsf-l-and-g@...>; ESF<fse-esf@...>; <2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@...>; InterOccupy Info<info@...>; Intl Network<intlnetwork@...>
    Subject: [2011movements-fsm discussion] Re: [Squares] Hang Out around
    	Networked Democracy (Friday)
    Dear comrades, activists and those in their networks.
    For tomorrow we will try to do something new (as far as i know).
    There will be an experimental Spanish-English simultaneous
    interpretation, which will be provided by comrades on a Mumble room.
    Mumble is an Open Source Voip, audio chat, software, needs to be
    downloaded and installed on your device beforehand here:
    or from an app-store
    The interpretation will be in this location on Mumble:
    Location: Occupytalk.org server
    Room: Assemblies & Round Tables - go to OPEN SPACE
    How to join Mumble: http://www.global-square.net/how-to-join/
    It would work best if participants use two devices if possible - any
    smartphone/pc/mac/pad  combination.
    To explain it simple terms it works like this:
    Participants who need interpretation would need two apparatus, these
    can be two computers or one computer one telephone so on. So all who
    needs translation shall run mumble and Google hangout at the same
    time.  On one device follow the hangout meeting, and on the other
    listen simultaneous interpretation on mumble,
    If all download and install mumble beforehand and log in Mumble room
    15 minutes before we could help out to fix their systems and get ready
    for the meeting.
    I hope we have thought everything and it would work. Don't forget it
    is an experimental thing, if it do not work perfect or fails we don't
    need to worry or get frustrated, we will learn for the next time.  In
    case we develop this it will be very useful for the future meetings
    and assemblies.
    In solidarity!
    On 12 June 2013 16:51, Bernardo Gutiérrez <bernardobrasil@...> wrote:
    > Hello you all
    > I am preparing an international session around Networked Democracy and
    > #GlobalRevolution, on friday, 19.00 (GMT+1). It will be in the Spanish
    > glocal platform ThinkCommons.org. Occupations, squares, public space... are
    > quite important points in the Hang Out.
    > We need someone from Istambul.  As the language of thinkcommons is Spanish,
    > it would be fantastic if you find any person Spanish speakers. It can be
    > portuguese. If not, no problem, as we have Serkan participating in English
    > I personally will be in Porto Alegre, in the Digital Office of the
    > Governent, probably the most advanced  networked democracy in the world.
    > Doménico di Siena will be in Madia Lab Prado, Madri. We will have in the
    > Hang Out, guest from 15M, Occupy, #YoSoy132 (México), hackers, activists...
    > Here you have the hang out. We will project the hang out in Madri and Porto
    > Alegre, in order to create hybrid communities (digital+analogic). There will
    > be streaming, a link to watch the glocal-hybrid meeting.
    > It would we fantastic to have someone from Istambul, to explain what is
    > happening.
    > https://plus.google.com/u/0/events/c1mohmvi3rsv7i08g3goha5tu90
    > Orsan is suggesting to do a translation to a Mumble room, to English. I
    > think it is a great idea!
    > We also need anyone from New York / Occupy, better in Spanish
    > Any other people wanting to participate?
    > Best
    > Bernardo
    > --
    > www.futuramedia.net
    > www.codigo-abierto.cc
    > www.bernardogutierrez.es
    > http://blogs.20minutos.es/codigo-abierto
    > @bernardosampa (twitter)
    > São Paulo +55 11 43044380 (fijo) +55 11 84881620 (celular)
    > Madrid +34 669 098365
    > _______________________________________________
    > n-1 working group:
    > https://n-1.cc/pg/groups/104127/take-the-square-international/
    > Squares mailing list
    > Squares@...
    > for unsubscribe/etc:
    > https://lists.takethesquare.net/mailman/listinfo/squares or
    > Squares-owner@...
    Archive: http://openfsm.net/projects/2011movements-fsm-wsf/lists/2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion/archive/2013/06/1371159542965
    To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@....  Please contact 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@... for questions.