• 2011movements-fsm discussion

  • Next online meeting of The Global Square - Proposal for a Call for Tues 18th of June

    from T_indignadx on Jun 14, 2013 08:04 PM
    Greetings all,
    Marita, Orsan and Ternura here
    We just left the Think Commons conference http://thinkcommons.org/live/ were
    10 countries participated about *Online Direct Democracy*
    We decided that there is just SO MUCH to share, we all have juicy updates
    from our countries and our movements.
    It was decided that there would be a TGS meeting after the 15th, and that
    is why we are here proposing you all to agree on meeting next tuesday 18 at
    6pm GMT
    Please* if you have a proposal for a date that would suit us better*, feel
    free to launch it as a reply to this email.
    *Proposal for our next online meeting of GlobalSquare (also known as Occupy
    the WSF initiative) Tuesday June 18th, 6pm GMT, 7pm UK, 8pm CET *
    Check your local time here: time zone converters
    *The meeting will be on Mumble (voice chat tool)*
    Mumble  is an Open Source software, similar to skype but is not property of
    Location: Occupytalk.org <http://occupytalk.org/> server
    Room: *Assemblies & Round Tables*  - sub channel: "*OPEN SPACE*"
    How to join Mumble: http://www.global-square.net/how-to-join/
    *Facilitation  of the meeting normally starts half an hour before. *
    *If this is your first time  it can be good to join in earlier and try to
    fix possible  connection/sound problems. You are more than welcome to
    forward this invitation to your networks!*
    The aim of this meeting is to share updates about actions and recent
    political and social events like #OccupyGezi #OccupyERT and #YS132 as well
    as updates on the #GlobalskilsXchange in London this weekend.
    For this reason will be very interesting to have people from all the world
    and from places where this events/actions/demonstrations and conference are
    taking place, specially MEXICO, GREECE and  of course TURKEY.
    We normally build the agenda collectivly so if you wold like to add some
    points to the thematic already been decided in the previous meeting fell
    free to do it in the pad of the meeting
    *Signs we use in the text chat during our mumble meetings:*
    WWWW or +1  = agree
    MMMMM or -1   = disagree
    ****turn****        = ask for turn
    +++++             = direct response
    TTTTT               = technical point
    #####           = please kindly try to conclude your intervention, I
    understood you :)
    *Some information about GlobalSquare*
    web site: http://www.global-square.net
    Mailing list: You can subscribe here / vous pouvez vous inscrire ici:
    All from Global Square in Tunis:* *
    More info about Occupy platforms: http://peoplesassemblies.org/panforum
    “Una persona con ubuntu está abierta y disponible para los otros, se afirma
    en los otros y no se siente amenazada por las capacidades ajenas porque
    tiene la seguridad de que el progreso ajeno es en beneficio de la
    totalidad, que se incrementa, y que se reduce cuando el otro es torturado u
    Desmond Tutu
    "A person with Ubuntu is open and available to others, affirming of others,
    does not feel threatened that others are able and good, based from a proper
    self-assurance that comes from knowing that he or she belongs in a greater
    whole and is diminished when others are humiliated or diminished, when
    others are tortured or oppressed"
    Archbishop <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archbishop> Desmond
    Doctora por la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (PhD)
    Máster en Gestión de Sistemas Integrados (IMS - SHEQ)
    Innovadora Social por el Instituto del Banco Mundial (WBI)
    Gijón Toma la Calle<https://www.facebook.com/groups/167907269942762/?fref=ts>
    Take the Square International
    Peoples Assemblies Network (PAN)
    Thread Outline:
  • Re: Next online meeting of The Global Square - Proposal for a Call for Tues 18th of June

    from VIA22 on Jun 14, 2013 09:15 PM
    Thanks for the initiative!
    I will try to be there.
    On Fri, Jun 14, 2013 at 3:56 PM, Dr. TR. Rojas-D <ternuros@...> wrote:
    > Greetings all,
    > Marita, Orsan and Ternura here
    > We just left the Think Commons conference http://thinkcommons.org/live/ were
    > 10 countries participated about *Online Direct Democracy*
    > We decided that there is just SO MUCH to share, we all have juicy updates
    > from our countries and our movements.
    > It was decided that there would be a TGS meeting after the 15th, and that
    > is why we are here proposing you all to agree on meeting next tuesday 18 at
    > 6pm GMT
    > Please* if you have a proposal for a date that would suit us better*,
    > feel free to launch it as a reply to this email.
    > *Proposal for our next online meeting of GlobalSquare (also known as
    > Occupy the WSF initiative) Tuesday June 18th, 6pm GMT, 7pm UK, 8pm CET *
    > *
    > *
    > Check your local time here: time zone converters
    > http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html
    > *The meeting will be on Mumble (voice chat tool)*
    > Mumble  is an Open Source software, similar to skype but is not property
    > of MSN
    > Location: Occupytalk.org <http://occupytalk.org/> server
    > Room: *Assemblies & Round Tables*  - sub channel: "*OPEN SPACE*"
    > How to join Mumble: http://www.global-square.net/how-to-join/
    > *Facilitation  of the meeting normally starts half an hour before. *
    > *If this is your first time  it can be good to join in earlier and try to
    > fix possible  connection/sound problems. You are more than welcome to
    > forward this invitation to your networks!*
    > The aim of this meeting is to share updates about actions and recent
    > political and social events like #OccupyGezi #OccupyERT and #YS132 as well
    > as updates on the #GlobalskilsXchange in London this weekend.
    > For this reason will be very interesting to have people from all the world
    > and from places where this events/actions/demonstrations and conference are
    > taking place, specially MEXICO, GREECE and  of course TURKEY.
    > *Agenda*
    > We normally build the agenda collectivly so if you wold like to add some
    > points to the thematic already been decided in the previous meeting fell
    > free to do it in the pad of the meeting
    > http://titanpad.com/globalsquare13
    > *Signs we use in the text chat during our mumble meetings:*
    > WWWW or +1  = agree
    > MMMMM or -1   = disagree
    > ****turn****        = ask for turn
    > +++++             = direct response
    > TTTTT               = technical point
    > #####           = please kindly try to conclude your intervention, I
    > understood you :)
    > *Some information about GlobalSquare*
    > web site: http://www.global-square.net
    > Mailing list: You can subscribe here / vous pouvez vous inscrire ici:
    > http://openfsm.net/projects/2011movements-fsm-wsf/lists/2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion
    > All from Global Square in Tunis:* *
    > http://titanpad.com/globalsquaresassembliesTunis
    > More info about Occupy platforms: http://peoplesassemblies.org/panforum
    > *
    > UBUNTU
    > “Una persona con ubuntu está abierta y disponible para los otros, se
    > afirma en los otros y no se siente amenazada por las capacidades ajenas
    > porque tiene la seguridad de que el progreso ajeno es en beneficio de la
    > totalidad, que se incrementa, y que se reduce cuando el otro es torturado u
    > oprimido”
    > Desmond Tutu
    > "A person with Ubuntu is open and available to others, affirming of
    > others, does not feel threatened that others are able and good, based from
    > a proper self-assurance that comes from knowing that he or she belongs in a
    > greater whole and is diminished when others are humiliated or diminished,
    > when others are tortured or oppressed"
    > Archbishop <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archbishop> Desmond Tutu<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Desmond_Tutu>
    > *
    > Doctora por la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (PhD)
    > Máster en Gestión de Sistemas Integrados (IMS - SHEQ)
    > Innovadora Social por el Instituto del Banco Mundial (WBI)
    > Gijón Toma la Calle<https://www.facebook.com/groups/167907269942762/?fref=ts>
    > http://comunicacionestatal15m.tomalaplaza.net/
    > Take the Square International
    > http://takethesquare.net/
    > Peoples Assemblies Network (PAN)
    > http://www.peoplesassemblies.org/newswire/
    > --
    > Archive: http://openfsm.net/[…]/1371240296107<http://openfsm.net/projects/2011movements-fsm-wsf/lists/2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion/archive/2013/06/1371240296107>
    > To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to
    > 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@.... Please contact
    > 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@... for questions.
    Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/VIA22GLOBAL
    Twitter : @VIA22GLOBAL #VIA22
  • Next online meeting of The Global Square - Proposal for a Call for Tues 18th of June

    from mariangela on Jun 17, 2013 07:43 AM
    nobody has answered to  Ternura's message 
    Is it because all we agree on the day and time suggested for the next global square meeting
    or because there is no interest in it or because the day is not the best one???????????
    Please give us some feedback before we found only the three of us in the meeting and remember that we left the discussion at this point
    Summary of the aspectation on Global Square, open questions and proposals 
    to be send to the list and discuss in the next meeting after middle june 
    V. starting a doodle 
    meeting in Milan september 2012
    Agora99 in madrid november 2012
    Assembly in the street of Florence during Florence 10+10 
    Global Square in the WSF of Tunis 
    Website: http://www.global-square.net/
    In december 2012 we started a mailinglist for discussion and collaboration. You can subscribe to this list on this page http://openfsm.net/projects/2011movements-fsm-wsf/lists/2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussionl  (subscribe form on the right). 
    The archive of the list is also publicly accessible on the same page.
    Online meetings
    Since the end of november 2012 we hold online voice chat meetings on a  regular basis. 
    For our online meetings we use a program called Mumble. Mumble is  open source voice chat software. Once you have installed this program on  your computer or mobile device you can login to a server. 
    Configuration to connect with Occupytalk.org server
    In Mumble click on: Server > Connect > Add new
    Enter the following information:
    Label : Occupii
    Server : occupytalk.org (has to be written exactly as it is)
    Port: 64738
    Channel: Assemblies & Round Tables > OPEN SPACE
    Nickname: Your name/nick
    Source and more info: http://occupytalk.org/article/how-connect-our-server
    What is  Global Square: 
    GlobalSquare is an initiative of a group of participants in the  newest wave of  movement and uprising around the world. 
    Global Square is an international global space not a group. People participating don't share the same ideologies or priorities buy yes a process methodology which is horizontality
    This space is an horizontal, not  hierarchical open space 
    People participating in the space don't represent any other space, 
    There isn't a membership for this space
    Tasks are decided in assemblies and on rotation 
    Most of the people participating in this space are in different way connected with other international mailing lists like take the square, transcolab, WSF and ESF, VIA22; P2P, Spanish revolution and others 
    Goals of the space: 
    Exchange informations between people who are actively working in different horizontal movements like Occupy, 15M, people assemblies and others on the action, analysys proposals coming from these spaces 
    Promote horizontal spaces in international gathering, calls and global events, Social Forum, being in or out the process (depending on the situation) offering tools to extend them
    Offering a continuos listening and expressing different expieriences
    Exchange analysis on different horizontal and assembleary methodologies 
    Promote convergency and bridges between different spaces in the world 
    Promoting participation in action,gathering and activities proposed by different squares and movement working on the possiblity of participation for people who cannot be and travel to the place (using streaming and 
    Document the activities and the meetings in order to garantee trasparency, participation and inclusivity
    Having meetings one, twice a month or once each two months 
    Developping the tools of the space 
    Asambleas en Mumble, Occupythe talk, Open Space 
    mailing list 
    Asambleas fisicas: Florencia , Tunes y Madrid 
    collective pads to prepare the meetings, take notes, prepare documents