• 2011movements-fsm discussion

Brazilian Revolution (today)

de parte de Bernardo Gutiérrez en 17/06/2013 15:45
Hello you all

As I suppose you know, Brazil is waking up. Last week has been quite
intense and different. All began with a quite classical protest againts the
increasing of the transport fee in São Paulo. The media manipulation around
the protest and the use of tear gas and the brutal repression transformed
this in a national affair. A lot of cities in Brazil started protesting
about public transport. But the most interesting is that networks connected
other questions and people began reclaiming about everything.  Againts
world cup. Health. Education. Violence. Civic rights. Mass media, as It
happened in Turkey, almost ignored the revolution. And social media is on
fire. I had never seen anything like this in Brazil. I don´t know if we can
speak yet about a Brazilian Spring, but we are near.
In some way, last year has been a networked year in Brazil, people doing
things beyond old structures, from the netwoks to the streets.

I have published a text in SPanish (in Eldiario.es) about this

At the moment, I dont see many texts in English speaking what is happening.
Just violence, and riots.

Today there is a big big protest in Sao Paulo. More than 240.000 people
confirmed. Protests confirmend in 100 cities the whole planet . It will
start at 17.00 Brasil ( 20.000 GMT)

So, please, keep an eye on it and help divulgating. Some hashtags that are


In fact, we are looking for a new one. Feel free to use others.

We will have the html codes of the streaming. If you want to use it, just
tell me




www.futuramedia.net  <http://www.bernardogutierrez.es>
<http://www.bernardogutierrez.es>@bernardosampa (twitter)
São Paulo +55 11 43044380 (fijo) +55 11 84881620 (celular)
Madrid +34 669 098365

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