• 2011movements-fsm discussion

  • [Fwd: Re: Parklarbizim Forum]

    from davidgabriel on Jun 20, 2013 06:38 AM
    english article about Parklarbizim initiatives
    * * *
    Assemblies emerging in Turkey: a lesson in democracy
    by Jerome Roos on June 19, 2013
    The protesters are starting to counter-pose their own direct democracy to
    the sham of a democracy proposed by Erdogan’s authoritarian neoliberal
    Something quite amazing is happening in Istanbul. In addition to the
    silent “standing man” actions around the country, people’s assemblies are
    slowly starting to emerge in different neighborhoods across the city. As
    in Spain, Greece and the Occupy encampments before, the protesters in
    Turkey are starting to counter-pose their own form of direct democracy to
    the sham of a democracy proposed by Erdogan’s authoritarian neoliberal
    state. If there was ever any doubt, this shows how deeply intertwined the
    global struggles truly are.
    As the state launches its merciless witch hunt on protesters, activists
    and Tweeters, thousands of people are starting to gather in dignity in
    various public spaces. As Oscar ten Houten reports from on the ground in
    Istanbul, the Beşiktaş Assembly in Abbasaga park, which has been
    going on for days, tripled its number of participants on Tuesday night,
    with a total of ten popular assemblies taking place in Istanbul alone and
    at least one more in Izmir. As Oscar writes on his great blog (which he
    started at the occupation of Puerta del Sol in Madrid in 2011):
        These meetings have nothing to do with Taksim Solidarity any more.
    They are spontaneous initiatives by local people who are fed up with
    Erdogan’s disregard for the Turkish citizens, their rights and
    freedoms, their history, beliefs and traditions. … We arrive in
    Kadıköy, and truly, I couldn’t believe this was happening. Well
    over two thousand people were gathered on the green, to express their
    anger with the government’s eviction of Gezi, and to share their hope
    for a better Turkey. Like anywhere else, it was a cross section of the
    population, which included all races and creeds.
    Interestingly, the members of the popular assemblies in Turkey use the
    same hand-signs as the indignados, indicating that some of the methods
    were directly inspired by the real democracy protests in Spain. This, in
    turn, seems to confirm the idea we raised very early on in the Turkish
    uprising, and a claim that many Turkish activists have been making from
    the very start: namely that this movement is not just a local or national
    protest, but part of a global struggle against the subverted nature of
    representative capitalist democracy and for real democracy and total
    What, then, is real democracy? Obviously it’s difficult to have a
    straightforward answer to such a complex question, seeing that different
    people will interpret the idea (and the ideal) differently. It is quite
    easy, however, to identify what it is not. Democracy stands for the rule
    of the people. As a result, when corporate interests and religious
    delusions begin to dominate government, that is not democracy. In fact,
    when a small elite of elected politicians is delegated to speak on behalf
    of the rest, that is not the rule of the people but their representation.
    The worldwide experiments with direct democracy — in the form of
    horizontal self-organization through popular assemblies, decentralized
    mutual aid networks, thematic working groups, and so on — provide a
    glimpse of what another world could look like. Of course, none of this is
    to say that the protesters have a blueprint in hand for the ideal
    revolutionary society; but they are actively testing and trying out
    different models to see how large groups of people can effectively
    organize themselves without hierarchical and centralized leadership.
    Last year, when shooting our first ROAR documentary – Utopia on the
    Horizon – in Athens, we interviewed Manolis Glezos, the 90-year-old Greek
    WWII resistance hero who is currently an MP for the coalition of the
    radical left. Glezos experimented with direct democracy when he was the
    mayor of a village on the island of Naxos. Even though Glezos still
    believes that a parliament controlled by popular forces can help activists
    on the ground, he insists that the citizens’ revolution as such cannot
    proceed if the people do not organize themselves from below.
    So what about the popular assemblies in Syntagma Square, Puerta del Sol
    and Zuccotti Park? Was that real democracy? When we asked Glezos, he
    looked at us with an amused smile on his face, and — to our great surprise
    — just said: “No. This is not democracy. How can a few thousand people
    assembled in a square claim to speak on behalf of the millions that live
    in the region? This is not democracy — it’s a lesson in democracy. If this
    movement wants to survive, its direct democratic models will need to
    spread to the neighborhoods and to the working places. Only then will we
    start seeing the emergence of a genuinely democratic society.”
    What Glezos is saying, in other words, is that for direct democracy to
    work, the assemblies need to be radicalized and extended into the working
    places in the form of workers’ self-management, as in the inspiring case
    of the Vio.Me factory in Greece. Obviously, none of this will be enough to
    overthrow the capitalist state as such; but it is a starting point to help
    engage people in different forms of decision-making, different forms of
    production, and different ways of being, thinking and interacting. In a
    word, it is about building the social foundations of self-organization
    that will allow us to replace the oppressive institutions of the
    capitalist state when the time comes.
    But there is something more. The direct democracy of the squares is also
    about saying that we cannot wait for some distant revolution to overthrow
    the capitalist system. We are currently facing a global humanitarian
    tragedy, an ecological disaster and a profound social and political
    crisis. We have to act now. We cannot rely on corporate elites to do this
    for us. We cannot trust in political representatives to take the process
    ahead. The only ones we can trust are ourselves. We, the people, will have
    to carry this revolution forward. Starting now.
    Still, on a more humble level — yet perhaps the most important of all — we
    should be careful not to fetishize direct democracy. At the end of the
    day, the assembly is a very simple phenomenon: it is about ordinary people
    craving to be heard and to have a say in their lives. Assemblies are a way
    to allow those who have been shut up for years to finally stand up in
    dignity and to speak their voice — and be heard. It is about recovering
    our collective sense of humanity from the rapacious claws and
    unrepresentive institutions of the capitalist state.
    As such, the assemblies are a beautiful and crucial form of social
    engagement and political participation. In the future, they may well be
    expanded to cover more and more segments of the population. But even in
    these moments of elation, when we see the people taking matters into their
    own hands and enacting real democracy in the places where they live and
    work, we should stay realistic: this is only just the beginning. The
    capitalist state survives, and creating our own parallel society is not
    enough. We must self-organize, and then push our quest for autonomy
    outwards to eventually encapsulate all of society.
    Luckily, there is hope that such radical aspirations may not just be a
    pipe dream. In a sign that this leaderless movement is already
    deregulating the violent flow of authority unleashed by the Turkish state,
    the increasingly desperate government is doubling down on the repression,
    arresting random people who were sighted at the protests or who sent out
    “provocative” Tweets, and even threatening to send in the army. As Oscar
    puts it, “the authorities still don’t understand what’s happening. They
    look for leaders, people to corrupt or to eliminate. But there are none.
    We are not an organisation, we are a world wide web. We are the people on
    the threshold of changing times.”
    ---------------------------- Message original ----------------------------
    Objet:   Re: [2011movements-fsm discussion] Parklarbizim Forum
    De:      marknbarrett@...
    Date:    Mer 19 juin 2013 17:09
    À:       2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@...
    Gracias y abrazos :)
    Sent from phone
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Mikifus <mikifus@...>
    Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2013 16:51:06
    To: lista global square<2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@...>
    Reply-To: 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@...
    Subject: Re: [2011movements-fsm discussion] Parklarbizim Forum
    Yo can find documents translated to Spanish in here:
    2013/6/19 <marknbarrett@...>
    > **
    > Salaams All
    > Are there any English language statements or links to what the park
    > assemblies decided or discussed?
    > Best wishes
    > Mark
    > Sent from phone
    > ------------------------------
    > *From: * Serkan Bayraktaro?lu <serkanb8@...>
    > *Date: *Wed, 19 Jun 2013 17:32:28 +0300
    > *To: *2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@...<
    > 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@...>
    > *ReplyTo: * 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@...
    > *Subject: *[2011movements-fsm discussion] Parklarbizim Forum
    > dear friends
    > thank you all for this great resources. after two days of park assemblies
    > much more solid ideas have started to emerge. i guess these kind of
    > materials will be very helpful.
    > best
    > Serkan
    > 19 Haziran 2013 Çar?amba tarihinde Dr. TR. Rojas-D <ternuros@...>
    > adl? kullan?c? ?öyle yazd?:
    > > OH!
    > > I almost forgot these 2 that are really important:
    > > Occupy The Economy Organizer Handbook
    > >
    > http://www.occupylv.org/sites/default/files/Occupy%20The%20Economy%20Organizer%20Handbook%20-%20occupytheeconomy.pdf
    > > and Attitudes that should be avoided within our movement, at assemblies
    > and work Groups
    > >
    > https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B7rG_OtNW-8pdHY3M2ZEZlZha0k/edit?usp=sharing
    > > Now for mumble meetigs using Open Space format: open space in mumble |
    > Etherpad Lite
    > > Cheers,
    > > T
    > > On Wed, Jun 19, 2013 at 3:10 PM, Dr. TR. Rojas-D <ternuros@...>
    > wrote:
    > >>
    > >> Hello
    > >> I am also hoping ot have closer contact with them, some have joined the
    > Occuoy Eurpe FB group
    > https://www.facebook.com/groups/287229027955686/?fref=ts
    > >> Here we have more resources:
    > http://peopleslibrary.files.wordpress.com/2011/10/occupy.pdf
    > >> BTW look what I found!!
    > http://occupywallst.org/media/OccupyWallSt-Orientation-Guide.pdf I am
    > about to cry tears of nostalgia and also joy
    > >> Occupy Denver General Assembly Facilitation Booklet
    > >> 2012
    > http://occupydenver.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/Facilitation-Workshop.pdf
    > >> Tutorial for Effective Occupy General Assemblies
    > >>
    > http://occupyu.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/effective-meetings.pdf
    > >> Regarding future organization of local assemblies:
    > >> Twelve Principles [suggested only] of the Occupation
    > >> Movement, either as a whole or for each group, derived
    > >> from the twelve traditions of Alcoholic Anonymous
    > >> NOWDC Social Forum April 3, 2012 very useful
    > http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/4827451/Twelve%20Principles.pdf
    > >> I believe we are following this last one (those transparent an
    > horizontal assemblies at least), even though we did know!!
    > >>
    > >>>
    > >>>
    > >>>
    > >>>
    > >>> --
    > >>> Archive:
    > http://openfsm.net/projects/2011movements-fsm-wsf/lists/2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion/archive/2013/06/1371631250556
    > >>> To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to
    > 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@....  Please contact
    > 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@... for questions.
    > >>
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > > --
    > > Archive: http://openfsm.net/[?]/1371648230608
    > > To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to
    > 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@.... Please contact
    > 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@... for questions.
    > >
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    > 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@.... Please contact
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    Thread Outline:
  • Re: [Squares] Fwd: [Fwd: Re: Parklarbizim Forum]

    from marknbarrett@... on Jun 20, 2013 02:56 PM
    Hey there :)
    Thanks Miki and others for forwarding the ROAR article, which I've re-published at www.peoplesassemblies.org and also @panworldwide
    And, see also from a less revolutionary  but quite informative perspective http://www.carnegieeurope.eu/2013/06/20/urban-transformation-in-turkey/gb5h
    Assemblies emerging in Turkey: a lesson in democracy
    In solidarity!
    Sent from phone
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Mikifus <mikifus@...>
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    Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2013 14:16:33 
    To: squares<squares@...>
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    Subject: [Squares] Fwd: [2011movements-fsm discussion] [Fwd: Re:
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