• 2011movements-fsm discussion

  • REMINDER: Transnational Online Forum - How can we connect now our struggles and squares to create a global change?

    from Orsan Senalp on Jun 27, 2013 12:22 PM
    Apologies for cross-posting!
    This is a reminder for a largest transnational online forum which will be
    held this evening at 20.00 UTC+2 on a Mumble server. Please see the call
    and location information below, and visit the Facebook event here:
    in order to get live assitence and more information!
    In solidarity!
       - MUMBLE: Occupytalk.org server
       Event name: Transnational Online Forum - How can we connect now our
       struggles and squares to create a global change?
       Available in 1) ENGLISH 2) TURKÇE 3) PORTUGUÊS 4) ESPAÑOL 5) FRANÇAIS 6)
       ITALIANO 7) العربية
       TIME: UTC (GMT) 18:00
       London: 19:00
       Madrid: 20:00
       Istanbul: 21:00
       Rio de Janeiro: 15:00
       New York: 14:00
       Check your local time here: time zone converter (http://
       Location: MUMBLE: Occupytalk.org server
       Room: Assemblies & Round Tables > OPEN SPACE - FORUM
       Mumble is a voice chat Open Source software (works similar to skype but
       is not a corporate tool). Please follow these instructions to get
       connected. If this is the first time you use Mumble, please try to log in
       at least half an hour in advance, we will be there to help you.
       How to join Mumble:
       -- How can we connnect now our struggles and squares to create a global
       change? -- Open Space in Mumble
       This call is to build together an international assembly on Mumble
       (chat/voice program) with the comrades from Spain, Germany, London, US,
       Brazil, Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Turkey, Tunısia, Quebec and all other
       places we could reach, where people fıght for their dignity themselves.
       The naked truth is that the peoples were already on the streets and
       squares yet they are once back in masses...
       Things are still hot and many things (re-)emerging, in Spain, Portugal,
       Turkey, Bulgaria, Brazil, Greece, Germany, London, US,..... and there are
       lots of things and information we need to engage with.
       Therefore with this call we invite you for an transnational online
       assembly to exchange and update each other on Global May mobilisations and
       the new uprisings coming in its aftermath.
       We would also like to reflect on where we are heading: 15O, 5November,
       19O, .......
       Download mumble:
       Connect to Mumble:
       FORUMA DAVET - 27 Haziran 2013, 21.00 Mumble / OccupyTalk
       Bu çağrı ile, İspanya, Almanya, Yunanistan, Bulgaristan, Türkiye,
       Brezilya, Tunus, ABD, İngiltere, Kanada ve diğer bir çok yerde onurlu bir
       yaşam için mücadele veren direnişçileri açık kaynak ve özgür bir sesli
       sohbet programı olan Mumble üzerinde hep beraber uluslararası bir forum
       düzenlemeye devet ediyoruz.
       Gerçek olan şu ki, halklar sokakları ve mücadeleyi hiç biz zaman terk
       etmemişlerdi. Şimdi ise, neredeyse üç haftadan beri, kitleler halinde
       sokakları ve meydanlari tamamen geri talep ediyoruz...
       Brezilya, Türkiye ve Bulgaristandaki gelişmeler hala canlı ve sıcak,
       İspanya, ABD, İngiltere, Kanada, Yunanistan, Tunus, Mısır, Meksika ve diğer
       bir çok ülkede ise direnişler yeniden alevleniyor ya da yeni direnişler
       geliştiriliyor. Her düzeyde ortaya çıkan bu deneyimlerin paylaşılması ve
       yayılmasına ihtiyaç var.
       Bu nedenle bu çağrı ile bütün direnişileri ve çapulcuları,
       düzenleyeceğimiz uluslararası çevrim içi foruma katılmaya, ülkelerindekl
       durum hakkında diğerleri ile bilgi değişimi ve güncelleme paylaşımı yapmaya
       davet ediyoruz.
       Mayıs ayındaki eylemleri, Mayıs sonu şiddetlenen ayaklanmaların nereye
       doğru evrildiğini tartışmak istiyoruz... 15E, 19E, 5Kasım...
       Download Mumble:
       Connect to Mumble:
       3. PORTUGUÊS
       -- Como podemos conetar agora as nossas lutas e praças para criar uma
       mudança global? -- Espaço Aberto no Mumble
       Este é um apelo à participação conjunta, na construção de uma Assembleia
       Internacional através do Mumble (programa de conversação/voz), com os
       campanheiros de Espanha, Alemanha, Londres, E.U.A. Brasil, Portugal,
       Itália, Irlanda, Turquia, Tunísia, Quebec e de outroslocais, onde o Povo
       está em luta pela sua dignidade.
       É verdade que as pessoas já estavam nas ruas e praças, mas agora estão
       de volta, e em massa ...
       O momento é "fervilhante" e com muitas reincidências em países como
       Espanha, Portugal, Turquia, Bulgária, Brasil, Grécia, Alemanha, Londres,
       nos Estados Unidos... e há muitas questões e informações com que nos temos
       de confrontar.
       É esta a razão deste apelo, em que te convidamos para uma reunião
       transnacional on-line, com o objectivo de partilharmos experiências e nos
       atualizarmos com as informações sobre as mobilizações do Global May, assim
       como, sobre os eventos (revoltas, manifestações, etc) que emergiram desde
       Gostaríamos também de reflectir sobre o percurso e futuro de: 15O,
       5November, 19o, .......
       Download Mumble e conectar-se ao Mumble: http://www.global-square.net/
       Server: occupytalk.org; chatroom: OPEN SPACE
       Uma video-guia para se conetar ao Mumble: http://www.youtube.com/
       4. ESPAÑOL
       -- ¿Cómo podemos conectar ahora nuestras luchas y plazas para crear un
       cambio global? -- Open Space en Mumble
       Este es un llamamiento para un encuentro asambleario internacional en el
       programa de voz Mumble con compañerxs de España, Alemania, Londres, Estados
       Unidos, Brasil, Portugual, Italia, Irlanda, Turquía, Túnez, Quebec y otros
       muchos lugares donde la gente libre una intensa batalla por la libertad y
       la dignidad.
       La verdad desnuda es que la gente ya se había lanzado a las calles y las
       plazas antes, pero en estos momentos están de vuelta en grandes masas...
       El hierro todavía está candente y de hecho, en todas partes se está
       dejando sentir un intenso despertar: España, Portugal, Grecia, Alemania,
       Londres, Estados Unidos... están ocurriendo muchas cosas y hay mucha
       información para compartir y trabajar.
       Por eso se convoca esta asamblea transnacional online para intercambiar
       y actualizar información y recursos en torno a las movilizaciones que están
       teniendo lugar en todo el mundo y las insurrecciones que aún están por
       Nos gustaría asimismo reflexionar sobre la dirección que queremos asumir
       colectivamente: 15-O, 5 de noviembre, 19O, etc
       Aquí puedes bajarte Mumble y unas instrucciones básicas en inglés:
       Server: occupytalk.org; chatroom: OPEN SPACE
       y un video sencillo explicativo: http://www.youtube.com/
       5) FRANÇAIS
       -- Comment peut- on connecter maintenant nos lutes et places pour créer
       un changement global? -- Espace Ouvert sur Mumble
       Cet appel invite à construire ensemble une Assemblée internationale sur
       Mumble (programme chat/voix) avec les camarades en Espagne, Allemagne,
       Londres, Etats-Unis, Brésil, Portugal, Italie, Irlande, Turquie, Tunisie,
       Québec et tout
       autre endroit que nous pourrions atteindre, où les gens se battent pour
       leur dignité.
       La vérité est que les peuples étaient déjà dans les rues et sur les
       places, et qu'ils sont de retour massivement...
       La situation est encore brûlante et beaucoup de choses (ré-)émergent, en
       Espagne, au Portugal, en Turquie, en Bulgarie, au Brésil, en Grèce, en
       Allemagne, à Londres, aux Etats-Unis... et nous nous retrouvons devant
       beaucoup d'enjeux et d'informations.
       C'est pourquoi, avec cet appel, nous vous invitons à une assemblée
       transnationale en ligne, afin d'échanger et de s'informer mutuellement sur
       les mobilisations aillant eu lieu durant Global May et sur les nouveaux
       soulèvements qui ont émergé depuis.
       Nous souhaitons également à réfléchir au futur : 15O, 5November, 19O,
       Download and install Mumble:
       6. ITALIANO:
       Questo invito è per costruire insieme un'assemblea Internazionale su
       Mumble (chat / voce) con i compagni provenienti da Spagna, Germania,
       Londra, Stati Uniti, Brasile, Portogallo, Italia, Irlanda, Turchia,
       Tunisia, Quebec e tutti gli altri posti che abbiamo potuto raggiungere,
       dove la gente lotta per la propria dignità.
       La nuda verità è che i popoli che erano già per le strade e le piazze
       sono tornati in massa ancora una volta ...
       La situazione è ancora calda e molte cose stanno (ri) emergendo, in
       Spagna, Portogallo, Turchia, Bulgaria, Brasile, Grecia, Germania, Londra,
       USA, ..... e ci sono molte cose e informazioni di cui abbiamo bisogno di
       Pertanto con questa chiamata vi invitiamo per un assemblea
       transnazionale online per lo scambio e l'aggiornamento sulle mobilitazioni
       che sono nate durante il Global May e le nuove insurrezioni che sono nate
       Vorremmo anche riflettere su dove stiamo andando: 15O, 5November, 19O,
       Download Mumble and connect to Mumble: http://www.global-square.net/
       Server: occupytalk.org; chatroom: OPEN SPACE.
       7. ARABIC
       هذا النداء يدعوكم لنبني معا جمعا عاما عالميا على تطبيق “مامبل“ لنشارك
       رفاقنا بإسبانيا و المانيا، و بريطانيا، و أمريكا، و البرازيل، و البرتغال، و
       إيطاليا، و إرلندا، و تركيا، و تونس، و مقاطعة الكيبيك، و كل منطقة يمكننا
       الوصول اليها و التي يناضل فيها الناس من أجل كرامتهم.
       و الحقيقة ان الشعوب قد نزلت الى الشوارع و الساحات، و ستعود بقوة لا محالة.
       الحالة ان الامور تزداد تأزما و إشتعالا و كثير من عوامل الازمة تعاود
       الظهور، في إسبانيا و البرتغال و تركيا و بلغاريا و البرازيل و اليونان و
       بريطانيا و الولايات المتحدة...مما يضعنا امام رهانات و كم معطيات متعاظم.
       و لهذا نأمل من خلال هذا النداء، أن تنضموا لنا في هذا الجمع العالمي
       الافتراضي، من أجل تبادل التجارب و المعطيات حول التحركات التي نظمت في “ماي
       العالمي“ و الهبات الشعبية التي تلته.
       كما نعتزم التفكير في وسائل إنجاح ١٥ أكتوبر و ٥ نوفمبر و ١٩ أكتوبر،..
       Mumble is a voice chat Open Source software (works similar to skype but
       is not a corporate tool). Please follow these instructions to get
       connected. If this is the first time you use Mumble, please try to log in
       at least half an hour in advance, we will be there to help you.
       How to join Mumble:
       Updates from countrıes
       Exchange on global may and re*resurgence of the peoples
       Where are we heading?
       (Facilitation of the meetings start half an hour before.
       You are more than welcome to share this invitation in your networks!)
       Signs we use in the text chat during our mumble meetings:
       WWWW or +1 = I agree
       MMMMM or -1 = I disagree
       ****turn**** = I ask for turn
       +++++ = I have a direct response
       TTTTT = I ask for a technical point
       ##### = please kindly try to conclude
    Thread Outline:
  • Re: [Squares] REMINDER: Transnational Online Forum - How can we connect now our struggles and squares to create a global change?

    from mariangela on Jun 27, 2013 04:10 PM
    the meeting is at 20 CET 
    El 27/06/2013, a las 14:14, Orsan Senalp escribió:
    > Apologies for cross-posting! 
    > This is a reminder for a largest transnational online forum which will be held this evening at 20.00 UTC+2 on a Mumble server. Please see the call and location information below, and visit the Facebook event here: https://www.facebook.com/events/141335846062355/
    > in order to get live assitence and more information!
    > In solidarity!  
    > MUMBLE: Occupytalk.org server
    > Event name: Transnational Online Forum - How can we connect now our struggles and squares to create a global change?
    > Available in 1) ENGLISH 2) TURKÇE 3) PORTUGUÊS 4) ESPAÑOL 5) FRANÇAIS 6) ITALIANO 7) العربية
    > TIME: UTC (GMT) 18:00
    > London: 19:00
    > Madrid: 20:00
    > Istanbul: 21:00
    > Rio de Janeiro: 15:00
    > New York: 14:00
    > ...
    > Check your local time here: time zone converter (http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html)
    > WHERE?
    > Location: MUMBLE: Occupytalk.org server
    > Room: Assemblies & Round Tables > OPEN SPACE - FORUM
    > Mumble is a voice chat Open Source software (works similar to skype but is not a corporate tool). Please follow these instructions to get connected. If this is the first time you use Mumble, please try to log in at least half an hour in advance, we will be there to help you.
    > How to join Mumble: http://www.global-square.net/how-to-join/
    > ==================================
    > 1.ENGLISH:
    > -- How can we connnect now our struggles and squares to create a global change? -- Open Space in Mumble
    > This call is to build together an international assembly on Mumble (chat/voice program) with the comrades from Spain, Germany, London, US, Brazil, Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Turkey, Tunısia, Quebec and all other places we could reach, where people fıght for their dignity themselves.
    > The naked truth is that the peoples were already on the streets and squares yet they are once back in masses...
    > Things are still hot and many things (re-)emerging, in Spain, Portugal, Turkey, Bulgaria, Brazil, Greece, Germany, London, US,..... and there are lots of things and information we need to engage with.
    > Therefore with this call we invite you for an transnational online assembly to exchange and update each other on Global May mobilisations and the new uprisings coming in its aftermath.
    > We would also like to reflect on where we are heading: 15O, 5November, 19O, .......
    > http://titanpad.com/internationalcallXactions
    > Download mumble:
    > Connect to Mumble: http://www.global-square.net/how-to-join/
    > 2.TÜRKÇE
    > Bu çağrı ile, İspanya, Almanya, Yunanistan, Bulgaristan, Türkiye, Brezilya, Tunus, ABD, İngiltere, Kanada ve diğer bir çok yerde onurlu bir yaşam için mücadele veren direnişçileri açık kaynak ve özgür bir sesli sohbet programı olan Mumble üzerinde hep beraber uluslararası bir forum düzenlemeye devet ediyoruz.
    > Gerçek olan şu ki, halklar sokakları ve mücadeleyi hiç biz zaman terk etmemişlerdi. Şimdi ise, neredeyse üç haftadan beri, kitleler halinde sokakları ve meydanlari tamamen geri talep ediyoruz...
    > Brezilya, Türkiye ve Bulgaristandaki gelişmeler hala canlı ve sıcak, İspanya, ABD, İngiltere, Kanada, Yunanistan, Tunus, Mısır, Meksika ve diğer bir çok ülkede ise direnişler yeniden alevleniyor ya da yeni direnişler geliştiriliyor. Her düzeyde ortaya çıkan bu deneyimlerin paylaşılması ve yayılmasına ihtiyaç var.
    > Bu nedenle bu çağrı ile bütün direnişileri ve çapulcuları, düzenleyeceğimiz uluslararası çevrim içi foruma katılmaya, ülkelerindekl durum hakkında diğerleri ile bilgi değişimi ve güncelleme paylaşımı yapmaya davet ediyoruz.
    > Mayıs ayındaki eylemleri, Mayıs sonu şiddetlenen ayaklanmaların nereye doğru evrildiğini tartışmak istiyoruz... 15E, 19E, 5Kasım...
    > http://titanpad.com/internationalcallXactions
    > Download Mumble:
    > Connect to Mumble: http://www.global-square.net/how-to-join/
    > 3. PORTUGUÊS
    > -- Como podemos conetar agora as nossas lutas e praças para criar uma mudança global? -- Espaço Aberto no Mumble
    > Este é um apelo à participação conjunta, na construção de uma Assembleia Internacional através do Mumble (programa de conversação/voz), com os campanheiros de Espanha, Alemanha, Londres, E.U.A. Brasil, Portugal, Itália, Irlanda, Turquia, Tunísia, Quebec e de outroslocais, onde o Povo está em luta pela sua dignidade.
    > É verdade que as pessoas já estavam nas ruas e praças, mas agora estão de volta, e em massa ...
    > O momento é "fervilhante" e com muitas reincidências em países como Espanha, Portugal, Turquia, Bulgária, Brasil, Grécia, Alemanha, Londres, nos Estados Unidos... e há muitas questões e informações com que nos temos de confrontar.
    > É esta a razão deste apelo, em que te convidamos para uma reunião transnacional on-line, com o objectivo de partilharmos experiências e nos atualizarmos com as informações sobre as mobilizações do Global May, assim como, sobre os eventos (revoltas, manifestações, etc) que emergiram desde então.
    > Gostaríamos também de reflectir sobre o percurso e futuro de: 15O, 5November, 19o, .......
    > http://titanpad.com/internationalcallXactions
    > Download Mumble e conectar-se ao Mumble: http://www.global-square.net/how-to-join/
    > Server: occupytalk.org; chatroom: OPEN SPACE
    > Uma video-guia para se conetar ao Mumble: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zkIZDN5aMY0
    > 4. ESPAÑOL
    > -- ¿Cómo podemos conectar ahora nuestras luchas y plazas para crear un cambio global? -- Open Space en Mumble
    > Este es un llamamiento para un encuentro asambleario internacional en el programa de voz Mumble con compañerxs de España, Alemania, Londres, Estados Unidos, Brasil, Portugual, Italia, Irlanda, Turquía, Túnez, Quebec y otros muchos lugares donde la gente libre una intensa batalla por la libertad y la dignidad.
    > La verdad desnuda es que la gente ya se había lanzado a las calles y las plazas antes, pero en estos momentos están de vuelta en grandes masas...
    > El hierro todavía está candente y de hecho, en todas partes se está dejando sentir un intenso despertar: España, Portugal, Grecia, Alemania, Londres, Estados Unidos... están ocurriendo muchas cosas y hay mucha información para compartir y trabajar.
    > Por eso se convoca esta asamblea transnacional online para intercambiar y actualizar información y recursos en torno a las movilizaciones que están teniendo lugar en todo el mundo y las insurrecciones que aún están por venir.
    > Nos gustaría asimismo reflexionar sobre la dirección que queremos asumir colectivamente: 15-O, 5 de noviembre, 19O, etc
    > http://titanpad.com/internationalcallXactions
    > Aquí puedes bajarte Mumble y unas instrucciones básicas en inglés: http://www.global-square.net/how-to-join/
    > Server: occupytalk.org; chatroom: OPEN SPACE
    > y un video sencillo explicativo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tKKTcPvSNiw
    > 5) FRANÇAIS
    > -- Comment peut- on connecter maintenant nos lutes et places pour créer un changement global? -- Espace Ouvert sur Mumble
    > Cet appel invite à construire ensemble une Assemblée internationale sur Mumble (programme chat/voix) avec les camarades en Espagne, Allemagne, Londres, Etats-Unis, Brésil, Portugal, Italie, Irlande, Turquie, Tunisie, Québec et tout
    > autre endroit que nous pourrions atteindre, où les gens se battent pour leur dignité.
    > La vérité est que les peuples étaient déjà dans les rues et sur les places, et qu'ils sont de retour massivement...
    > La situation est encore brûlante et beaucoup de choses (ré-)émergent, en Espagne, au Portugal, en Turquie, en Bulgarie, au Brésil, en Grèce, en Allemagne, à Londres, aux Etats-Unis... et nous nous retrouvons devant beaucoup d'enjeux et d'informations.
    > C'est pourquoi, avec cet appel, nous vous invitons à une assemblée transnationale en ligne, afin d'échanger et de s'informer mutuellement sur les mobilisations aillant eu lieu durant Global May et sur les nouveaux soulèvements qui ont émergé depuis.
    > Nous souhaitons également à réfléchir au futur : 15O, 5November, 19O, .......
    > http://titanpad.com/internationalcallXactions
    > Download and install Mumble: 
    > http://www.global-square.net/how-to-join/
    > 6. ITALIANO:
    > Questo invito è per costruire insieme un'assemblea Internazionale su Mumble (chat / voce) con i compagni provenienti da Spagna, Germania, Londra, Stati Uniti, Brasile, Portogallo, Italia, Irlanda, Turchia, Tunisia, Quebec e tutti gli altri posti che abbiamo potuto raggiungere, dove la gente lotta per la propria dignità.
    > La nuda verità è che i popoli che erano già per le strade e le piazze sono tornati in massa ancora una volta ...
    > La situazione è ancora calda e molte cose stanno (ri) emergendo, in Spagna, Portogallo, Turchia, Bulgaria, Brasile, Grecia, Germania, Londra, USA, ..... e ci sono molte cose e informazioni di cui abbiamo bisogno di occuparci.
    > Pertanto con questa chiamata vi invitiamo per un assemblea transnazionale online per lo scambio e l'aggiornamento sulle mobilitazioni che sono nate durante il Global May e le nuove insurrezioni che sono nate dopo.
    > Vorremmo anche riflettere su dove stiamo andando: 15O, 5November, 19O,
    > Download Mumble and connect to Mumble: http://www.global-square.net/how-to-join/
    > Server: occupytalk.org; chatroom: OPEN SPACE.
    > 7. ARABIC
    > هذا النداء يدعوكم لنبني معا جمعا عاما عالميا على تطبيق “مامبل“ لنشارك رفاقنا بإسبانيا و المانيا، و بريطانيا، و أمريكا، و البرازيل، و البرتغال، و إيطاليا، و إرلندا، و تركيا، و تونس، و مقاطعة الكيبيك، و كل منطقة يمكننا الوصول اليها و التي يناضل فيها الناس من أجل كرامتهم.
    > و الحقيقة ان الشعوب قد نزلت الى الشوارع و الساحات، و ستعود بقوة لا محالة.
    > الحالة ان الامور تزداد تأزما و إشتعالا و كثير من عوامل الازمة تعاود الظهور، في إسبانيا و البرتغال و تركيا و بلغاريا و البرازيل و اليونان و بريطانيا و الولايات المتحدة...مما يضعنا امام رهانات و كم معطيات متعاظم.
    > و لهذا نأمل من خلال هذا النداء، أن تنضموا لنا في هذا الجمع العالمي الافتراضي، من أجل تبادل التجارب و المعطيات حول التحركات التي نظمت في “ماي العالمي“ و الهبات الشعبية التي تلته.
    > كما نعتزم التفكير في وسائل إنجاح ١٥ أكتوبر و ٥ نوفمبر و ١٩ أكتوبر،..
    > Mumble is a voice chat Open Source software (works similar to skype but is not a corporate tool). Please follow these instructions to get connected. If this is the first time you use Mumble, please try to log in at least half an hour in advance, we will be there to help you.
    > How to join Mumble: http://www.global-square.net/how-to-join/
    > AGENDA:
    > Updates from countrıes
    > Exchange on global may and re*resurgence of the peoples
    > Where are we heading?
    > (Facilitation of the meetings start half an hour before.
    > You are more than welcome to share this invitation in your networks!)
    > Signs we use in the text chat during our mumble meetings:
    > WWWW or +1 = I agree
    > MMMMM or -1 = I disagree
    > ****turn**** = I ask for turn
    > +++++ = I have a direct response
    > TTTTT = I ask for a technical point
    > ##### = please kindly try to conclude
    > http://titanpad.com/globalMAYcallplanning
    > _______________________________________________
    > n-1 working group: https://n-1.cc/pg/groups/104127/take-the-square-international/
    > Squares mailing list
    > Squares@...
    > for unsubscribe/etc: https://lists.takethesquare.net/mailman/listinfo/squares or Squares-owner@...