• 2011movements-fsm discussion

  • Rerport / Minutes of the Transnational Online Forum - How can we connect now our struggles and squares to create a global change? 27 June 2013

    from Orsan Senalp on Jul 03, 2013 10:05 AM
    Around 75-80 activists participated to the online forum held on 27 June
    2013. Participants were from:
       15M Madrid, Barcelona, Spain,
       Occupy London UK,
       Grenoble France,
       Bielefeld Germany,
       Istanbul, Turkey
       Tblisi, Georgia,
       Vancouver Canada
       Florida San Francisco USA
       Czech Republic
       Vienna, Austria
       Lecce, Italy
       Rome, Italy
       You can find the minutes and the working document coming out of the
       forum in the attachment.
       Besides, in this collaborative pad we are collectively collecting a
       calendar with action calls: http://titanpad.com/internationalcallXactions
       Feel free to add what's missed and propose a different way of building
       a collective map where we could easily upload different calls
       And this pad was formed: http://titanpad.com/stoprepression to build a
       call against repression, please collaborate.
       The date of the next Forum according to the Doodle we called for is
       Tuesday 16 July 2013, at 18.00 GMT+01 (London time).
       There will soon be the call for this second forum circulated.
       In solidarity!
    Thread Outline:
  • Re: [WSF-Discuss] Rerport / Minutes of the Transnational Online Forum - How can we connect now our struggles and squares to create a global change? 27 June 2013

    from CACIM on Jul 04, 2013 10:53 AM
    Thursday, July 4, 2013
    Quite aside from the content, Örsan you guys are amazing in that you got this report out so fast even as you planned and organised the call for this weekend’s actions…
                Hats off to all of you !  I’m impressed…. and excited, yes ! More, maybe, separately, on the content.
    On Jul 3 2013, at 3:26 PM, Orsan Senalp wrote:
    > Around 75-80 activists participated to the online forum held on 27 June 2013. Participants were from:
    > 15M Madrid, Barcelona, Spain, 
    > Occupy London UK, 
    > Grenoble France, 
    > Bielefeld Germany, 
    > Netherlands
    > Finland
    > Australia
    > Quebec
    > Istanbul, Turkey
    > Tblisi, Georgia, 
    > France
    > Italy
    > Vancouver Canada
    > Brasil 
    > Germany
    > Florida San Francisco USA
    > Czech Republic 
    > Iran 
    > Vienna, Austria
    > Lecce, Italy
    > Rome, Italy
    > Ireland
    > You can find the minutes and the working document coming out of the forum in the attachment. 
    > Besides, in this collaborative pad we are collectively collecting a calendar with action calls: http://titanpad.com/internationalcallXactions
    > Feel free to add what's missed and propose a different way of building a collective map where we could easily upload different calls 
    > And this pad was formed: http://titanpad.com/stoprepression to build a call against repression, please collaborate.
    > The date of the next Forum according to the Doodle we called for is Tuesday 16 July 2013, at 18.00 GMT+01 (London time). 
    > There will soon be the call for this second forum circulated. 
    > In solidarity! 
    > <Howcanweconnectnowourstrugglesandsquarestocreateaglobalchange.pdf>
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    Jai Sen
    www.cacim.net / http://www.openword.in
    Now based in Ottawa, Canada (+1-613-282 2900), and New Delhi, India (+91-98189 11325)
    JUST OUT ! : Jai Sen and Peter Waterman, eds, 2012 – World Social Forum : Critical Explorations. Volume 3 in the Challenging Empires series.  New Delhi : OpenWord. Available now as an ebook - internationally at http://www.into-ebooks.com/book/world_social_forum/ and in India at http://pothi.com/pothi/book/ebook-jai-sen-world-social-forum-critical-explorations
    Jai Sen, ed, 2012 - Imagining Alternatives, Book 3 in the Are Other Worlds Possible ? series.  New Delhi : OpenWord and Daanish Books
    Jai Sen and Peter Waterman, eds, forthcoming (2013a) – The Movements of Movements : Struggles for Other Worlds. Volume 4 in the Challenging Empires series.  New Delhi : OpenWord
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