• 2011movements-fsm discussion

  • Faciliation work meeting for the 2. Transnational Open Space

    from Orsan Senalp on Jul 07, 2013 10:18 PM
    As you might know at around 75-80 activists participated to the online
    forum held on 27 June 2013.
    You can find the minutes and the working document coming out of the forum
    here: Howcanweconnectnowourstrugglesandsquarestocreateaglobalchange<http://takethesquare.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/Howcanweconnectnowourstrugglesandsquarestocreateaglobalchange.pdf>
    and here:
    Tomorrow at 20 pm GMT (21:00 London, 22:00 Spain, 23:00 Turkey) some of us
    will be meeting on Mumble to start preparing the second transnational open
    space and we would appreciate if comrades from various networks like to
    involve in preparing and organising it.
    the open faciliation meeting will take place here:
    Location: MUMBLE: Occupytalk.org server
    Room: Assemblies & Round Tables > OPEN SPACE
    (How to join: http://www.global-square.net/how-to-join/<http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.global-square.net%2Fhow-to-join%2F&h=cAQHMKCb1&s=1>
    we are looking forward to meet and work together,
    in solidarity
    Thread Outline:
  • Re: [Intlnetwork] Faciliation work meeting for the 2. Transnational Open Space

    from Mark Barrett on Jul 09, 2013 05:35 PM
    I have posted info on these three major global comms / meeting organising
    platforms  at http://www.peoplesassemblies.org/2013/07/global-comms-forum/
    *(1) @hubmeeting2013 Barcelona **September 13-15, 2013*
    *(2)** Global Comms Platform 27.6.13 and on*
    ***How we connect our struggles and create global change (please can
    someone post about when the follow up is planned)*
    *(3) Agora99 -  Autumn Rome Meeting **)*
    On 7 July 2013 23:09, Orsan Senalp <orsan1234@...> wrote:
    > As you might know at around 75-80 activists participated to the online
    > forum held on 27 June 2013.
    > You can find the minutes and the working document coming out of the forum
    > here: Howcanweconnectnowourstrugglesandsquarestocreateaglobalchange<http://takethesquare.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/Howcanweconnectnowourstrugglesandsquarestocreateaglobalchange.pdf>
    > and here:
    > http://takethesquare.net/2013/07/05/rerport-minutes-of-the-transnational-online-forum-how-can-we-connect-now-our-struggles-and-squares-to-create-a-global-change-27-june-2013/
    > Tomorrow at 20 pm GMT (21:00 London, 22:00 Spain, 23:00 Turkey) some of us
    > will be meeting on Mumble to start preparing the second transnational open
    > space and we would appreciate if comrades from various networks like to
    > involve in preparing and organising it.
    > the open faciliation meeting will take place here:
    > Location: MUMBLE: Occupytalk.org server
    > Room: Assemblies & Round Tables > OPEN SPACE
    > (How to join: http://www.global-square.net/how-to-join/<http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.global-square.net%2Fhow-to-join%2F&h=cAQHMKCb1&s=1>
    > )
    > we are looking forward to meet and work together,
    > in solidarity
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