• 2011movements-fsm discussion

  • Second Transnational Mumble Forum - Buidling Open Spaces for World Revolutions

    from Orsan Senalp on Jul 12, 2013 10:37 PM
    Below is the call text for the next Open Space meeting. Please help us
    with the translations on this pad:
    and help us with the translations of the mumble guides on this pad:
    in solidairty, orsan
    Second Transnational Mumble Forum - Buidling Open Spaces for World Revolutions
    The peoples of the planet, all alive and not alive, had to confront an
    unprecedented assault by the capital, the states and economical
    Their offensive has been increasing its scope, depth and violence
    since the fatal crisis hit the system in 2008. By now, violence and
    injustice is spread virtually everywhere, turning into a usual part of
    the dailylife of billions of people.
    It does not matter where, we all have to stand up and fıght back or
    keep fighting in order to be able to determine our lives in dignity.
    Most of us however are pushed into the brink and stucked in a survival
    mode. Because of lack of livelyhods, murders and massacres caused by a
    powerfull minority, many of us can not make it and fall victims on the
    road to dignity.
    This is a call for the second transnational Open Space to be held on
    Mumble, with comrades participating from countries recently rose up
    like Turkey, Brazil, Egypt, Bulgaria, as well as countries in move,
    like Spain, Portugal, Greece, Italy, Ireland, Germany, UK, US, Quebec,
    Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Chile, Israel, Tunisia, and hopefully all over
    the world. This second Open Space invites comrades to reflect and
    exchange their opinions on the common grounds that we share in our
    different country contexts and experiences.
    We would like to think together how can we empower our local
    resurgences and connect them each other even stronger may be towards
    common visions of World Revolution.
    Around 75-80 activists participated to the first Online transnational
    forum held on 27 June 2013 (Minutes
    Let's make it bigger this time!
    Join us and invite others, and please spread the word!
    21st July 2013, Sunday
    UTC (GMT) 18:00
    London: 19:00
    Madrid: 20:00
    Istanbul: 21:00
    Rio de Janeiro: 15:00
    New York: 14:00
    Check your local time here: time zone converter
    Countdown clock
    MUMBLE Server: Occupytalk.org
    Room: Assemblies & Round Tables > OPEN SPACE
    Mumble is a voice chat Open Source software (works similar to skype
    but  is not a corporate tool). Please follow these instructions to get
     connected. If this is the first time you use Mumble, please try to
    log  in at least half an hour in advance, we will be there to help
    How to join Mumble: http://titanpad.com/mumbleguide
    Thread Outline:
  • Re: Second Transnational Mumble Forum - Buidling Open Spaces for World Revolutions

    from mix on Jul 13, 2013 07:04 PM
    On 12 July 2013 23:28, Orsan Senalp <orsan1234@...> wrote:
    > Below is the call text for the next Open Space meeting. Please help us
    > with the translations on this pad:
    > http://titanpad.com/openspace4worldrevolution
    > and help us with the translations of the mumble guides on this pad:
    > http://titanpad.com/mumbleguide
    > in solidairty, orsan
    > Second Transnational Mumble Forum - Buidling Open Spaces for World
    > Revolutions
    > WHAT
    > The peoples of the planet, all alive and not alive, had to confront an
    > unprecedented assault by the capital, the states and economical
    > elites.
    > Their offensive has been increasing its scope, depth and violence
    > since the fatal crisis hit the system in 2008. By now, violence and
    > injustice is spread virtually everywhere, turning into a usual part of
    > the dailylife of billions of people.
    > It does not matter where, we all have to stand up and fıght back or
    > keep fighting in order to be able to determine our lives in dignity.
    > Most of us however are pushed into the brink and stucked in a survival
    > mode. Because of lack of livelyhods, murders and massacres caused by a
    > powerfull minority, many of us can not make it and fall victims on the
    > road to dignity.
    > This is a call for the second transnational Open Space to be held on
    > Mumble, with comrades participating from countries recently rose up
    > like Turkey, Brazil, Egypt, Bulgaria, as well as countries in move,
    > like Spain, Portugal, Greece, Italy, Ireland, Germany, UK, US, Quebec,
    > Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Chile, Israel, Tunisia, and hopefully all over
    > the world. This second Open Space invites comrades to reflect and
    > exchange their opinions on the common grounds that we share in our
    > different country contexts and experiences.
    > We would like to think together how can we empower our local
    > resurgences and connect them each other even stronger may be towards
    > common visions of World Revolution.
    > Around 75-80 activists participated to the first Online transnational
    > forum held on 27 June 2013 (Minutes
    > http://takethesquare.net/2013/07/05/rerport-minutes-of-the-transnational-online-forum-how-can-we-connect-now-our-struggles-and-squares-to-create-a-global-change-27-june-2013/
    > .
    > Let's make it bigger this time!
    > Join us and invite others, and please spread the word!
    > WHEN
    > 21st July 2013, Sunday
    > UTC (GMT) 18:00
    > London: 19:00
    > Madrid: 20:00
    > Istanbul: 21:00
    > Rio de Janeiro: 15:00
    > New York: 14:00
    > Check your local time here: time zone converter
    > (http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html)
    > Countdown clock
    > http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20130721T19&p0=136&msg=Second+Online+Open+Space+for+World+Revolution
    > WHERE
    > MUMBLE Server: Occupytalk.org
    > Room: Assemblies & Round Tables > OPEN SPACE
    > Mumble is a voice chat Open Source software (works similar to skype
    > but  is not a corporate tool). Please follow these instructions to get
    >  connected. If this is the first time you use Mumble, please try to
    > log  in at least half an hour in advance, we will be there to help
    > you.
    > How to join Mumble: http://titanpad.com/mumbleguide
    > --
    > Archive:
    > http://openfsm.net/projects/2011movements-fsm-wsf/lists/2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion/archive/2013/07/1373668634153
    > To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to
    > 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@....  Please contact
    > 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@... for questions.
    • Re: Second Transnational Mumble Forum - Buidling Open Spaces for World Revolutions

      from Orsan Senalp on Jul 13, 2013 10:02 PM
      thanks all! Predrag is it possible to translation help, may be also to Russian?
      On 13 July 2013 20:54, Maria João Fonseca <mariafonseca1@...> wrote:
      > portuguese:done
      > On 12 July 2013 23:28, Orsan Senalp <orsan1234@...> wrote:
      >> Below is the call text for the next Open Space meeting. Please help us
      >> with the translations on this pad:
      >> http://titanpad.com/openspace4worldrevolution
      >> and help us with the translations of the mumble guides on this pad:
      >> http://titanpad.com/mumbleguide
      >> in solidairty, orsan
      >> Second Transnational Mumble Forum - Buidling Open Spaces for World
      >> Revolutions
      >> WHAT
      >> The peoples of the planet, all alive and not alive, had to confront an
      >> unprecedented assault by the capital, the states and economical
      >> elites.
      >> Their offensive has been increasing its scope, depth and violence
      >> since the fatal crisis hit the system in 2008. By now, violence and
      >> injustice is spread virtually everywhere, turning into a usual part of
      >> the dailylife of billions of people.
      >> It does not matter where, we all have to stand up and fıght back or
      >> keep fighting in order to be able to determine our lives in dignity.
      >> Most of us however are pushed into the brink and stucked in a survival
      >> mode. Because of lack of livelyhods, murders and massacres caused by a
      >> powerfull minority, many of us can not make it and fall victims on the
      >> road to dignity.
      >> This is a call for the second transnational Open Space to be held on
      >> Mumble, with comrades participating from countries recently rose up
      >> like Turkey, Brazil, Egypt, Bulgaria, as well as countries in move,
      >> like Spain, Portugal, Greece, Italy, Ireland, Germany, UK, US, Quebec,
      >> Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Chile, Israel, Tunisia, and hopefully all over
      >> the world. This second Open Space invites comrades to reflect and
      >> exchange their opinions on the common grounds that we share in our
      >> different country contexts and experiences.
      >> We would like to think together how can we empower our local
      >> resurgences and connect them each other even stronger may be towards
      >> common visions of World Revolution.
      >> Around 75-80 activists participated to the first Online transnational
      >> forum held on 27 June 2013 (Minutes
      >> http://takethesquare.net/2013/07/05/rerport-minutes-of-the-transnational-online-forum-how-can-we-connect-now-our-struggles-and-squares-to-create-a-global-change-27-june-2013/.
      >> Let's make it bigger this time!
      >> Join us and invite others, and please spread the word!
      >> WHEN
      >> 21st July 2013, Sunday
      >> UTC (GMT) 18:00
      >> London: 19:00
      >> Madrid: 20:00
      >> Istanbul: 21:00
      >> Rio de Janeiro: 15:00
      >> New York: 14:00
      >> Check your local time here: time zone converter
      >> (http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html)
      >> Countdown clock
      >> http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20130721T19&p0=136&msg=Second+Online+Open+Space+for+World+Revolution
      >> WHERE
      >> MUMBLE Server: Occupytalk.org
      >> Room: Assemblies & Round Tables > OPEN SPACE
      >> HOW TO JOIN
      >> Mumble is a voice chat Open Source software (works similar to skype
      >> but  is not a corporate tool). Please follow these instructions to get
      >>  connected. If this is the first time you use Mumble, please try to
      >> log  in at least half an hour in advance, we will be there to help
      >> you.
      >> How to join Mumble: http://titanpad.com/mumbleguide
      >> --
      >> Archive:
      >> http://openfsm.net/projects/2011movements-fsm-wsf/lists/2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion/archive/2013/07/1373668634153
      >> To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to
      >> 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@....  Please contact
      >> 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@... for questions.
      > --
      > Maria
      > --
      > Archive: http://openfsm.net/[…]/1373742244175
      > To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to
      > 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@.... Please contact
      > 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@... for questions.
      • RE: Second Transnational Mumble Forum - Buidling Open Spaces for World Revolutions

        from mariangela on Jul 14, 2013 11:40 AM
         is a call for the second transnational Open Space to be held on Mumble,
         with comrades participating from countries recently rose up like 
        Turkey, Brazil, Egypt, Bulgaria, as well as countries in move and 
        hopefully people from all over the world. This second Open Space invites
         comrades to reflect and exchange their opinions on the common grounds 
        that we share in our different country contexts and experiences and 
        build a possible path of common actions 
         This is a proposal in 
        order to change one part of the call taking off the list of countries in
         move (there are much more and are not in this list so itis better to 
        avoid the list complitly ) and adding the last part which is the 
        possibility of building something together 
         thanks for the attention
         See you on the 21stmariangela 
        > Date: Sat, 13 Jul 2013 23:53:59 +0200
        > Subject: Re: [2011movements-fsm discussion] Second Transnational Mumble Forum	- Buidling Open Spaces for World Revolutions
        > From: orsan1234@...
        > To: 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@...
        > thanks all! Predrag is it possible to translation help, may be also to Russian?
        > On 13 July 2013 20:54, Maria João Fonseca <mariafonseca1@...> wrote:
        > > portuguese:done
        > >
        > >
        > > On 12 July 2013 23:28, Orsan Senalp <orsan1234@...> wrote:
        > >>
        > >> Below is the call text for the next Open Space meeting. Please help us
        > >> with the translations on this pad:
        > >> http://titanpad.com/openspace4worldrevolution
        > >>
        > >> and help us with the translations of the mumble guides on this pad:
        > >> http://titanpad.com/mumbleguide
        > >>
        > >> in solidairty, orsan
        > >>
        > >> Second Transnational Mumble Forum - Buidling Open Spaces for World
        > >> Revolutions
        > >>
        > >> WHAT
        > >> The peoples of the planet, all alive and not alive, had to confront an
        > >> unprecedented assault by the capital, the states and economical
        > >> elites.
        > >>
        > >> Their offensive has been increasing its scope, depth and violence
        > >> since the fatal crisis hit the system in 2008. By now, violence and
        > >> injustice is spread virtually everywhere, turning into a usual part of
        > >> the dailylife of billions of people.
        > >>
        > >> It does not matter where, we all have to stand up and fıght back or
        > >> keep fighting in order to be able to determine our lives in dignity.
        > >> Most of us however are pushed into the brink and stucked in a survival
        > >> mode. Because of lack of livelyhods, murders and massacres caused by a
        > >> powerfull minority, many of us can not make it and fall victims on the
        > >> road to dignity.
        > >>
        > >> This is a call for the second transnational Open Space to be held on
        > >> Mumble, with comrades participating from countries recently rose up
        > >> like Turkey, Brazil, Egypt, Bulgaria, as well as countries in move,
        > >> like Spain, Portugal, Greece, Italy, Ireland, Germany, UK, US, Quebec,
        > >> Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Chile, Israel, Tunisia, and hopefully all over
        > >> the world. This second Open Space invites comrades to reflect and
        > >> exchange their opinions on the common grounds that we share in our
        > >> different country contexts and experiences.
        > >>
        > >> We would like to think together how can we empower our local
        > >> resurgences and connect them each other even stronger may be towards
        > >> common visions of World Revolution.
        > >>
        > >> Around 75-80 activists participated to the first Online transnational
        > >> forum held on 27 June 2013 (Minutes
        > >>
        > >> http://takethesquare.net/2013/07/05/rerport-minutes-of-the-transnational-online-forum-how-can-we-connect-now-our-struggles-and-squares-to-create-a-global-change-27-june-2013/.
        > >> Let's make it bigger this time!
        > >>
        > >> Join us and invite others, and please spread the word!
        > >>
        > >> WHEN
        > >> 21st July 2013, Sunday
        > >> UTC (GMT) 18:00
        > >> London: 19:00
        > >> Madrid: 20:00
        > >> Istanbul: 21:00
        > >> Rio de Janeiro: 15:00
        > >> New York: 14:00
        > >>
        > >> Check your local time here: time zone converter
        > >> (http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html)
        > >>
        > >> Countdown clock
        > >>
        > >> http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20130721T19&p0=136&msg=Second+Online+Open+Space+for+World+Revolution
        > >>
        > >> WHERE
        > >> MUMBLE Server: Occupytalk.org
        > >> Room: Assemblies & Round Tables > OPEN SPACE
        > >>
        > >> HOW TO JOIN
        > >> Mumble is a voice chat Open Source software (works similar to skype
        > >> but  is not a corporate tool). Please follow these instructions to get
        > >>  connected. If this is the first time you use Mumble, please try to
        > >> log  in at least half an hour in advance, we will be there to help
        > >> you.
        > >>
        > >> How to join Mumble: http://titanpad.com/mumbleguide
        > >>
        > >>
        > >> --
        > >> Archive:
        > >> http://openfsm.net/projects/2011movements-fsm-wsf/lists/2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion/archive/2013/07/1373668634153
        > >> To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to
        > >> 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@....  Please contact
        > >> 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@... for questions.
        > >
        > >
        > >
        > >
        > > --
        > >
        > > Maria
        > >
        > >
        > >
        > > --
        > > Archive: http://openfsm.net/[…]/1373742244175
        > > To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to
        > > 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@.... Please contact
        > > 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@... for questions.
        > --
        > Archive: http://openfsm.net/projects/2011movements-fsm-wsf/lists/2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion/archive/2013/07/1373752970432
        > To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@....  Please contact 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@... for questions.
        • Re: Second Transnational Mumble Forum - Buidling Open Spaces for World Revolutions

          from Orsan Senalp on Jul 14, 2013 01:59 PM
          thanks marita, it is a very valid point, like Bahrain, Syria, even
          China as well as others. Yet the call is out and being translated at
          the momemnt, You may try to make the changes you propose on the pad
          still and try to invite others to make the changes on the spanish and
          PT text? Or may be we could add the other countries on the time line.
          What is core is to reach out links from those countries to invite to
          mumble meeting.
          Any way if this wouldnt work definitely for the next call! text all
          active countries needs to be be inccluded, It is very important to
          build strong ties among all countries rising to build towards real
          global revolutionary changes.
          On 14 July 2013 13:31, marita cassan <maciacia50@...> wrote:
          > This is a call for the second transnational Open Space to be held on Mumble,
          > with comrades participating from countries recently rose up like Turkey,
          > Brazil, Egypt, Bulgaria, as well as countries in move and hopefully people
          > from all over the world. This second Open Space invites comrades to reflect
          > and exchange their opinions on the common grounds that we share in our
          > different country contexts and experiences and build a possible path of
          > common actions
          > This is a proposal in order to change one part of the call taking off the
          > list of countries in move (there are much more and are not in this list so
          > itis better to avoid the list complitly ) and adding the last part which is
          > the possibility of building something together
          > thanks for the attention
          > See you on the 21st
          > mariangela
          >> Date: Sat, 13 Jul 2013 23:53:59 +0200
          >> Subject: Re: [2011movements-fsm discussion] Second Transnational Mumble
          >> Forum - Buidling Open Spaces for World Revolutions
          >> From: orsan1234@...
          >> To: 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@...
          >> thanks all! Predrag is it possible to translation help, may be also to
          >> Russian?
          >> On 13 July 2013 20:54, Maria João Fonseca <mariafonseca1@...> wrote:
          >> > portuguese:done
          >> >
          >> >
          >> > On 12 July 2013 23:28, Orsan Senalp <orsan1234@...> wrote:
          >> >>
          >> >> Below is the call text for the next Open Space meeting. Please help us
          >> >> with the translations on this pad:
          >> >> http://titanpad.com/openspace4worldrevolution
          >> >>
          >> >> and help us with the translations of the mumble guides on this pad:
          >> >> http://titanpad.com/mumbleguide
          >> >>
          >> >> in solidairty, orsan
          >> >>
          >> >> Second Transnational Mumble Forum - Buidling Open Spaces for World
          >> >> Revolutions
          >> >>
          >> >> WHAT
          >> >> The peoples of the planet, all alive and not alive, had to confront an
          >> >> unprecedented assault by the capital, the states and economical
          >> >> elites.
          >> >>
          >> >> Their offensive has been increasing its scope, depth and violence
          >> >> since the fatal crisis hit the system in 2008. By now, violence and
          >> >> injustice is spread virtually everywhere, turning into a usual part of
          >> >> the dailylife of billions of people.
          >> >>
          >> >> It does not matter where, we all have to stand up and fıght back or
          >> >> keep fighting in order to be able to determine our lives in dignity.
          >> >> Most of us however are pushed into the brink and stucked in a survival
          >> >> mode. Because of lack of livelyhods, murders and massacres caused by a
          >> >> powerfull minority, many of us can not make it and fall victims on the
          >> >> road to dignity.
          >> >>
          >> >> This is a call for the second transnational Open Space to be held on
          >> >> Mumble, with comrades participating from countries recently rose up
          >> >> like Turkey, Brazil, Egypt, Bulgaria, as well as countries in move,
          >> >> like Spain, Portugal, Greece, Italy, Ireland, Germany, UK, US, Quebec,
          >> >> Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Chile, Israel, Tunisia, and hopefully all over
          >> >> the world. This second Open Space invites comrades to reflect and
          >> >> exchange their opinions on the common grounds that we share in our
          >> >> different country contexts and experiences.
          >> >>
          >> >> We would like to think together how can we empower our local
          >> >> resurgences and connect them each other even stronger may be towards
          >> >> common visions of World Revolution.
          >> >>
          >> >> Around 75-80 activists participated to the first Online transnational
          >> >> forum held on 27 June 2013 (Minutes
          >> >>
          >> >>
          >> >> http://takethesquare.net/2013/07/05/rerport-minutes-of-the-transnational-online-forum-how-can-we-connect-now-our-struggles-and-squares-to-create-a-global-change-27-june-2013/.
          >> >> Let's make it bigger this time!
          >> >>
          >> >> Join us and invite others, and please spread the word!
          >> >>
          >> >> WHEN
          >> >> 21st July 2013, Sunday
          >> >> UTC (GMT) 18:00
          >> >> London: 19:00
          >> >> Madrid: 20:00
          >> >> Istanbul: 21:00
          >> >> Rio de Janeiro: 15:00
          >> >> New York: 14:00
          >> >>
          >> >> Check your local time here: time zone converter
          >> >> (http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html)
          >> >>
          >> >> Countdown clock
          >> >>
          >> >>
          >> >> http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20130721T19&p0=136&msg=Second+Online+Open+Space+for+World+Revolution
          >> >>
          >> >> WHERE
          >> >> MUMBLE Server: Occupytalk.org
          >> >> Room: Assemblies & Round Tables > OPEN SPACE
          >> >>
          >> >> HOW TO JOIN
          >> >> Mumble is a voice chat Open Source software (works similar to skype
          >> >> but is not a corporate tool). Please follow these instructions to get
          >> >> connected. If this is the first time you use Mumble, please try to
          >> >> log in at least half an hour in advance, we will be there to help
          >> >> you.
          >> >>
          >> >> How to join Mumble: http://titanpad.com/mumbleguide
          >> >>
          >> >>
          >> >> --
          >> >> Archive:
          >> >>
          >> >> http://openfsm.net/projects/2011movements-fsm-wsf/lists/2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion/archive/2013/07/1373668634153
          >> >> To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to
          >> >> 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@.... Please contact
          >> >> 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@... for
          >> >> questions.
          >> >
          >> >
          >> >
          >> >
          >> > --
          >> >
          >> > Maria
          >> >
          >> >
          >> >
          >> > --
          >> > Archive: http://openfsm.net/[…]/1373742244175
          >> > To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to
          >> > 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@.... Please contact
          >> > 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@... for
          >> > questions.
          >> --
          >> Archive:
          >> http://openfsm.net/projects/2011movements-fsm-wsf/lists/2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion/archive/2013/07/1373752970432
          >> To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to
          >> 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@.... Please contact
          >> 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@... for questions.
          > --
          > Archive: http://openfsm.net/[…]/1373802036550
          > To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to
          > 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@.... Please contact
          > 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@... for questions.
          • Second Transnational Mumble Forum - could it be a joint meeting

            from mariangela on Jul 14, 2013 02:21 PM
            Hi everybody
            few days ago I suggested a possible convergence between people in the Agora list with the people in the square list and in the global square list and also in other list I am not aware of 
            There is no point to carry on organizing a hubmeeting in september in barcelona, an agora meeting in Italy in october or November, different meetings in other places without trying to make an effort in order to build a common path in which these different meeting will be steps in the same common path 
            I resend this proposal
            Now there are two dates, one for the 16th (Agora list -transcolab) one for the 21st (trasnational Mumble forum) 
            Could we try to be in both meeting invite people from the 16th to be part also in the other one? 
            The experience of the last meeting with different rooms and one final joint meeting could give the chance of talk about different project feeling part of a real global exchange
            How do you see this proposal?
            • Re: Second Transnational Mumble Forum - could it be a joint meeting

              from Orsan Senalp on Jul 14, 2013 03:14 PM
              +1 Marita, agree that it would be really good to crossfertalise and
              join all the planned international talks at least once a month, invite
              everybody to join and collaborate with all plans. So we build a path
              for convergence.
              So networks would continue their regular meeting and be very good to
              have a large common open space in which all networks try to meet, once
              a month to exchange and inform one another.
              This has been done and promoted by Via 22 since long time. This up
              coming Open Space is scheduled on the 21st and we might continue doing
              it on the every 22st of each month to bring all networks in touch.
              On 14 July 2013 16:12, marita cassan <maciacia50@...> wrote:
              > Hi everybody
              > few days ago I suggested a possible convergence between people in the Agora
              > list with the people in the square list and in the global square list and
              > also in other list I am not aware of
              > There is no point to carry on organizing a hubmeeting in september in
              > barcelona, an agora meeting in Italy in october or November, different
              > meetings in other places without trying to make an effort in order to build
              > a common path in which these different meeting will be steps in the same
              > common path
              > I resend this proposal
              > Now there are two dates, one for the 16th (Agora list -transcolab) one for
              > the 21st (trasnational Mumble forum)
              > Could we try to be in both meeting invite people from the 16th to be part
              > also in the other one?
              > The experience of the last meeting with different rooms and one final joint
              > meeting could give the chance of talk about different project feeling part
              > of a real global exchange
              > How do you see this proposal?
              > Marita
              > --
              > Archive: http://openfsm.net/[…]/1373811660762
              > To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to
              > 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@.... Please contact
              > 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@... for questions.
              • Re: Second Transnational Mumble Forum - could it be a joint meeting

                from VIA22 on Jul 15, 2013 03:25 AM
                Thanks Marita and Orsan for your proposals! I totally agree that we need
                spaces in wich we can cross our networks internationally, inspire each
                other and share ressources.
                I like the idea of having one fix date (like the 22nd or any other date),
                as it takes away the trouble of having to choose a date each time. Also, it
                could allow different people to join in, as it comes up in different days
                of the week each time.
                Occupy NatGat is promoting a global conversation on August 22nd. Maybe we
                could start thinking about that one too... :)
                What do you think about a Mumble meeting at some point this week, to share
                thoughts on how we shall move forward ? Maybe on Tuesday?
                Seguimos! :)
                On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 11:05 AM, Orsan Senalp <orsan1234@...> wrote:
                > +1 Marita, agree that it would be really good to crossfertalise and
                > join all the planned international talks at least once a month, invite
                > everybody to join and collaborate with all plans. So we build a path
                > for convergence.
                > So networks would continue their regular meeting and be very good to
                > have a large common open space in which all networks try to meet, once
                > a month to exchange and inform one another.
                > This has been done and promoted by Via 22 since long time. This up
                > coming Open Space is scheduled on the 21st and we might continue doing
                > it on the every 22st of each month to bring all networks in touch.
                > On 14 July 2013 16:12, marita cassan <maciacia50@...> wrote:
                > > Hi everybody
                > > few days ago I suggested a possible convergence between people in the
                > Agora
                > > list with the people in the square list and in the global square list and
                > > also in other list I am not aware of
                > >
                > > There is no point to carry on organizing a hubmeeting in september in
                > > barcelona, an agora meeting in Italy in october or November, different
                > > meetings in other places without trying to make an effort in order to
                > build
                > > a common path in which these different meeting will be steps in the same
                > > common path
                > >
                > > I resend this proposal
                > >
                > > Now there are two dates, one for the 16th (Agora list -transcolab) one
                > for
                > > the 21st (trasnational Mumble forum)
                > > Could we try to be in both meeting invite people from the 16th to be part
                > > also in the other one?
                > >
                > > The experience of the last meeting with different rooms and one final
                > joint
                > > meeting could give the chance of talk about different project feeling
                > part
                > > of a real global exchange
                > >
                > > How do you see this proposal?
                > > Marita
                > >
                > >
                > > --
                > > Archive: http://openfsm.net/[…]/1373811660762
                > > To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to
                > > 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@.... Please contact
                > > 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@... for
                > questions.
                > --
                > Archive:
                > http://openfsm.net/projects/2011movements-fsm-wsf/lists/2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion/archive/2013/07/1373814885014
                > To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to
                > 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@....  Please contact
                > 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@... for questions.
                Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/VIA22GLOBAL
                Twitter : @VIA22GLOBAL #VIA22
                • Re: Second Transnational Mumble Forum - could it be a joint meeting

                  from jackiews on Jul 15, 2013 05:01 AM
                  Great idea.  Sorry I missed these efforts this week towards the next
                  meeting.  Getting out the Occupy National Gathering Press Release proved to
                  be all consuming for a few days.  Pieces are coming together.  We finally
                  have a venue for the gathering, a bowling alley with a big ballroom and
                  lots of grass and parking.  The folks in Kalamazoo are negotiating with a
                  nearby college to use their computer labs for the global conversation.
                   It's been a worry to know where all  the equipment would come from when
                  many Occupy organizers are too poor to have laptops, hot spots, etc.  We
                  still hope for a rush of movement tech ops and media folks to come on board
                  closer to the gathering.
                  I would love to talk this week and put in some time with whatever we need
                  help with for the next call.
                  I would also like to propose the next meeting for the 22nd, which is the
                  usual Via22 meeting and the day we aimed for the national gathering global
                  conversation day. There is interest from the Europie festival in Toulouse
                  23-25 August to do something collaborative. We want to invite other types
                  of online participation such as skill shares, teach-ins and livestreamed
                  events in local communities towards mutual aid in your community.  If we
                  can get enough participation, we talked of keeping a maestro call or mumble
                  open 24 hours to truly make it available globally, or at least 12 hours.
                  I will write something up to propose on the call and to temp check
                  interest.  The timing seems perfect!
                  On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 11:17 PM, Via Spring <via22global@...> wrote:
                  > Thanks Marita and Orsan for your proposals! I totally agree that we need
                  > spaces in wich we can cross our networks internationally, inspire each
                  > other and share ressources.
                  > I like the idea of having one fix date (like the 22nd or any other date),
                  > as it takes away the trouble of having to choose a date each time. Also, it
                  > could allow different people to join in, as it comes up in different days
                  > of the week each time.
                  > Occupy NatGat is promoting a global conversation on August 22nd. Maybe we
                  > could start thinking about that one too... :)
                  > What do you think about a Mumble meeting at some point this week, to share
                  > thoughts on how we shall move forward ? Maybe on Tuesday?
                  > Seguimos! :)
                  > Carminda
                  > On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 11:05 AM, Orsan Senalp <orsan1234@...>wrote:
                  >> +1 Marita, agree that it would be really good to crossfertalise and
                  >> join all the planned international talks at least once a month, invite
                  >> everybody to join and collaborate with all plans. So we build a path
                  >> for convergence.
                  >> So networks would continue their regular meeting and be very good to
                  >> have a large common open space in which all networks try to meet, once
                  >> a month to exchange and inform one another.
                  >> This has been done and promoted by Via 22 since long time. This up
                  >> coming Open Space is scheduled on the 21st and we might continue doing
                  >> it on the every 22st of each month to bring all networks in touch.
                  >> On 14 July 2013 16:12, marita cassan <maciacia50@...> wrote:
                  >> > Hi everybody
                  >> > few days ago I suggested a possible convergence between people in the
                  >> Agora
                  >> > list with the people in the square list and in the global square list
                  >> and
                  >> > also in other list I am not aware of
                  >> >
                  >> > There is no point to carry on organizing a hubmeeting in september in
                  >> > barcelona, an agora meeting in Italy in october or November, different
                  >> > meetings in other places without trying to make an effort in order to
                  >> build
                  >> > a common path in which these different meeting will be steps in the same
                  >> > common path
                  >> >
                  >> > I resend this proposal
                  >> >
                  >> > Now there are two dates, one for the 16th (Agora list -transcolab) one
                  >> for
                  >> > the 21st (trasnational Mumble forum)
                  >> > Could we try to be in both meeting invite people from the 16th to be
                  >> part
                  >> > also in the other one?
                  >> >
                  >> > The experience of the last meeting with different rooms and one final
                  >> joint
                  >> > meeting could give the chance of talk about different project feeling
                  >> part
                  >> > of a real global exchange
                  >> >
                  >> > How do you see this proposal?
                  >> > Marita
                  >> >
                  >> >
                  >> > --
                  >> > Archive: http://openfsm.net/[…]/1373811660762
                  >> > To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to
                  >> > 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@.... Please contact
                  >> > 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@... for
                  >> questions.
                  >> --
                  >> Archive:
                  >> http://openfsm.net/projects/2011movements-fsm-wsf/lists/2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion/archive/2013/07/1373814885014
                  >> To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to
                  >> 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@....  Please contact
                  >> 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@... for questions.
                  > --
                  > *VIA22Global*
                  > www.via22.org
                  > Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/VIA22GLOBAL
                  > Twitter : @VIA22GLOBAL #VIA22
                  > --
                  > Archive: http://openfsm.net/[…]/1373858754627<http://openfsm.net/projects/2011movements-fsm-wsf/lists/2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion/archive/2013/07/1373858754627>
                  > To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to
                  > 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@.... Please contact
                  > 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@... for questions.
                  • Re: Second Transnational Mumble Forum - could it be a joint meeting

                    from Mark Barrett on Jul 15, 2013 05:52 AM
                    This looks excellent.
                    Not sure I'll be able to make the 21st but following month looks good.
                    Please consider whether a global working group to take forward
                    www.peoplesassemblies.org could form out of the second and third
                    transnational meeting. The www.peoplesassemblies.org/newswire feature and
                    the whole site could be an even better resource for the movement - as
                    suggested by Bernardo and others - and it is there waiting for collective
                    global ownership to take it forward. For everyone's info I find it very
                    difficult to make time for everything at the moment as I have a baby son,
                    family and of course work and all the UK organising stuff that is ongoing..
                    this means i am not as proactive with the PAN stuff as I should be so
                    please feel free to step into the breach :)
                    On 15 July 2013 05:52, Jackie Splain <jsplain@...> wrote:
                    > Great idea.  Sorry I missed these efforts this week towards the next
                    > meeting.  Getting out the Occupy National Gathering Press Release proved to
                    > be all consuming for a few days.  Pieces are coming together.  We finally
                    > have a venue for the gathering, a bowling alley with a big ballroom and
                    > lots of grass and parking.  The folks in Kalamazoo are negotiating with a
                    > nearby college to use their computer labs for the global conversation.
                    >  It's been a worry to know where all  the equipment would come from when
                    > many Occupy organizers are too poor to have laptops, hot spots, etc.  We
                    > still hope for a rush of movement tech ops and media folks to come on board
                    > closer to the gathering.
                    > http://interoccupy.net/natgat2/2013/07/press-release-for-the-occupy-wall-street-inter-national-gathering-decolonize-the-99/
                    > I would love to talk this week and put in some time with whatever we need
                    > help with for the next call.
                    > I would also like to propose the next meeting for the 22nd, which is the
                    > usual Via22 meeting and the day we aimed for the national gathering global
                    > conversation day. There is interest from the Europie festival in Toulouse
                    > 23-25 August to do something collaborative. We want to invite other types
                    > of online participation such as skill shares, teach-ins and livestreamed
                    > events in local communities towards mutual aid in your community.  If we
                    > can get enough participation, we talked of keeping a maestro call or mumble
                    > open 24 hours to truly make it available globally, or at least 12 hours.
                    > I will write something up to propose on the call and to temp check
                    > interest.  The timing seems perfect!
                    > On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 11:17 PM, Via Spring <via22global@...>wrote:
                    >> Thanks Marita and Orsan for your proposals! I totally agree that we need
                    >> spaces in wich we can cross our networks internationally, inspire each
                    >> other and share ressources.
                    >> I like the idea of having one fix date (like the 22nd or any other date),
                    >> as it takes away the trouble of having to choose a date each time. Also, it
                    >> could allow different people to join in, as it comes up in different days
                    >> of the week each time.
                    >> Occupy NatGat is promoting a global conversation on August 22nd. Maybe we
                    >> could start thinking about that one too... :)
                    >> What do you think about a Mumble meeting at some point this week, to
                    >> share thoughts on how we shall move forward ? Maybe on Tuesday?
                    >> Seguimos! :)
                    >> Carminda
                    >> On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 11:05 AM, Orsan Senalp <orsan1234@...>wrote:
                    >>> +1 Marita, agree that it would be really good to crossfertalise and
                    >>> join all the planned international talks at least once a month, invite
                    >>> everybody to join and collaborate with all plans. So we build a path
                    >>> for convergence.
                    >>> So networks would continue their regular meeting and be very good to
                    >>> have a large common open space in which all networks try to meet, once
                    >>> a month to exchange and inform one another.
                    >>> This has been done and promoted by Via 22 since long time. This up
                    >>> coming Open Space is scheduled on the 21st and we might continue doing
                    >>> it on the every 22st of each month to bring all networks in touch.
                    >>> On 14 July 2013 16:12, marita cassan <maciacia50@...> wrote:
                    >>> > Hi everybody
                    >>> > few days ago I suggested a possible convergence between people in the
                    >>> Agora
                    >>> > list with the people in the square list and in the global square list
                    >>> and
                    >>> > also in other list I am not aware of
                    >>> >
                    >>> > There is no point to carry on organizing a hubmeeting in september in
                    >>> > barcelona, an agora meeting in Italy in october or November, different
                    >>> > meetings in other places without trying to make an effort in order to
                    >>> build
                    >>> > a common path in which these different meeting will be steps in the
                    >>> same
                    >>> > common path
                    >>> >
                    >>> > I resend this proposal
                    >>> >
                    >>> > Now there are two dates, one for the 16th (Agora list -transcolab) one
                    >>> for
                    >>> > the 21st (trasnational Mumble forum)
                    >>> > Could we try to be in both meeting invite people from the 16th to be
                    >>> part
                    >>> > also in the other one?
                    >>> >
                    >>> > The experience of the last meeting with different rooms and one final
                    >>> joint
                    >>> > meeting could give the chance of talk about different project feeling
                    >>> part
                    >>> > of a real global exchange
                    >>> >
                    >>> > How do you see this proposal?
                    >>> > Marita
                    >>> >
                    >>> >
                    >>> > --
                    >>> > Archive: http://openfsm.net/[…]/1373811660762
                    >>> > To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to
                    >>> > 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@.... Please contact
                    >>> > 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@... for
                    >>> questions.
                    >>> --
                    >>> Archive:
                    >>> http://openfsm.net/projects/2011movements-fsm-wsf/lists/2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion/archive/2013/07/1373814885014
                    >>> To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to
                    >>> 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@....  Please contact
                    >>> 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@... for
                    >>> questions.
                    >> --
                    >> *VIA22Global*
                    >> www.via22.org
                    >> Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/VIA22GLOBAL
                    >> Twitter : @VIA22GLOBAL #VIA22
                    >> --
                    >> Archive: http://openfsm.net/[…]/1373858754627<http://openfsm.net/projects/2011movements-fsm-wsf/lists/2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion/archive/2013/07/1373858754627>
                    >> To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to
                    >> 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@.... Please contact
                    >> 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@... for questions.
                    > --
                    > Archive: http://openfsm.net/[…]/1373864500065<http://openfsm.net/projects/2011movements-fsm-wsf/lists/2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion/archive/2013/07/1373864500065>
                    > To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to
                    > 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@.... Please contact
                    > 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@... for questions.
                    • Re: Second Transnational Mumble Forum - could it be a joint meeting

                      from Orsan Senalp on Jul 15, 2013 12:18 PM
                      Dario, Hang-up, friends from the trascolab, blockupy, agora 99 and
                      hub-meeting lists, could you please forward this thread to those lists
                      so we could line up and start preparing a massive p2p collaboration
                      towads the Autmn.
                      On 15 July 2013 07:43, Mark Barrett <marknbarrett@...> wrote:
                      > This looks excellent.
                      > Not sure I'll be able to make the 21st but following month looks good.
                      > Please consider whether a global working group to take forward
                      > www.peoplesassemblies.org could form out of the second and third
                      > transnational meeting. The www.peoplesassemblies.org/newswire feature and
                      > the whole site could be an even better resource for the movement - as
                      > suggested by Bernardo and others - and it is there waiting for collective
                      > global ownership to take it forward. For everyone's info I find it very
                      > difficult to make time for everything at the moment as I have a baby son,
                      > family and of course work and all the UK organising stuff that is ongoing..
                      > this means i am not as proactive with the PAN stuff as I should be so please
                      > feel free to step into the breach :)
                      > On 15 July 2013 05:52, Jackie Splain <jsplain@...> wrote:
                      >> Great idea.  Sorry I missed these efforts this week towards the next
                      >> meeting.  Getting out the Occupy National Gathering Press Release proved to
                      >> be all consuming for a few days.  Pieces are coming together.  We finally
                      >> have a venue for the gathering, a bowling alley with a big ballroom and lots
                      >> of grass and parking.  The folks in Kalamazoo are negotiating with a nearby
                      >> college to use their computer labs for the global conversation.  It's been a
                      >> worry to know where all  the equipment would come from when many Occupy
                      >> organizers are too poor to have laptops, hot spots, etc.  We still hope for
                      >> a rush of movement tech ops and media folks to come on board closer to the
                      >> gathering.
                      >> http://interoccupy.net/natgat2/2013/07/press-release-for-the-occupy-wall-street-inter-national-gathering-decolonize-the-99/
                      >> I would love to talk this week and put in some time with whatever we need
                      >> help with for the next call.
                      >> I would also like to propose the next meeting for the 22nd, which is the
                      >> usual Via22 meeting and the day we aimed for the national gathering global
                      >> conversation day. There is interest from the Europie festival in Toulouse
                      >> 23-25 August to do something collaborative. We want to invite other types of
                      >> online participation such as skill shares, teach-ins and livestreamed events
                      >> in local communities towards mutual aid in your community.  If we can get
                      >> enough participation, we talked of keeping a maestro call or mumble open 24
                      >> hours to truly make it available globally, or at least 12 hours.
                      >> I will write something up to propose on the call and to temp check
                      >> interest.  The timing seems perfect!
                      >> On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 11:17 PM, Via Spring <via22global@...>
                      >> wrote:
                      >>> Thanks Marita and Orsan for your proposals! I totally agree that we need
                      >>> spaces in wich we can cross our networks internationally, inspire each other
                      >>> and share ressources.
                      >>> I like the idea of having one fix date (like the 22nd or any other date),
                      >>> as it takes away the trouble of having to choose a date each time. Also, it
                      >>> could allow different people to join in, as it comes up in different days of
                      >>> the week each time.
                      >>> Occupy NatGat is promoting a global conversation on August 22nd. Maybe we
                      >>> could start thinking about that one too... :)
                      >>> What do you think about a Mumble meeting at some point this week, to
                      >>> share thoughts on how we shall move forward ? Maybe on Tuesday?
                      >>> Seguimos! :)
                      >>> Carminda
                      >>> On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 11:05 AM, Orsan Senalp <orsan1234@...>
                      >>> wrote:
                      >>>> +1 Marita, agree that it would be really good to crossfertalise and
                      >>>> join all the planned international talks at least once a month, invite
                      >>>> everybody to join and collaborate with all plans. So we build a path
                      >>>> for convergence.
                      >>>> So networks would continue their regular meeting and be very good to
                      >>>> have a large common open space in which all networks try to meet, once
                      >>>> a month to exchange and inform one another.
                      >>>> This has been done and promoted by Via 22 since long time. This up
                      >>>> coming Open Space is scheduled on the 21st and we might continue doing
                      >>>> it on the every 22st of each month to bring all networks in touch.
                      >>>> On 14 July 2013 16:12, marita cassan <maciacia50@...> wrote:
                      >>>> > Hi everybody
                      >>>> > few days ago I suggested a possible convergence between people in the
                      >>>> > Agora
                      >>>> > list with the people in the square list and in the global square list
                      >>>> > and
                      >>>> > also in other list I am not aware of
                      >>>> >
                      >>>> > There is no point to carry on organizing a hubmeeting in september in
                      >>>> > barcelona, an agora meeting in Italy in october or November, different
                      >>>> > meetings in other places without trying to make an effort in order to
                      >>>> > build
                      >>>> > a common path in which these different meeting will be steps in the
                      >>>> > same
                      >>>> > common path
                      >>>> >
                      >>>> > I resend this proposal
                      >>>> >
                      >>>> > Now there are two dates, one for the 16th (Agora list -transcolab) one
                      >>>> > for
                      >>>> > the 21st (trasnational Mumble forum)
                      >>>> > Could we try to be in both meeting invite people from the 16th to be
                      >>>> > part
                      >>>> > also in the other one?
                      >>>> >
                      >>>> > The experience of the last meeting with different rooms and one final
                      >>>> > joint
                      >>>> > meeting could give the chance of talk about different project feeling
                      >>>> > part
                      >>>> > of a real global exchange
                      >>>> >
                      >>>> > How do you see this proposal?
                      >>>> > Marita
                      >>>> >
                      >>>> >
                      >>>> > --
                      >>>> > Archive: http://openfsm.net/[…]/1373811660762
                      >>>> > To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to
                      >>>> > 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@.... Please contact
                      >>>> > 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@... for
                      >>>> > questions.
                      >>>> --
                      >>>> Archive:
                      >>>> http://openfsm.net/projects/2011movements-fsm-wsf/lists/2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion/archive/2013/07/1373814885014
                      >>>> To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to
                      >>>> 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@....  Please contact
                      >>>> 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@... for questions.
                      >>> --
                      >>> VIA22Global
                      >>> www.via22.org
                      >>> Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/VIA22GLOBAL
                      >>> Twitter : @VIA22GLOBAL #VIA22
                      >>> --
                      >>> Archive: http://openfsm.net/[…]/1373858754627
                      >>> To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to
                      >>> 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@.... Please contact
                      >>> 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@... for questions.
                      >> --
                      >> Archive: http://openfsm.net/[…]/1373864500065
                      >> To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to
                      >> 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@.... Please contact
                      >> 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@... for questions.
                      > http://occupylondon.org.uk/
                      > http://www.peoplesassemblies.org
                      > --
                      > Archive: http://openfsm.net/[…]/1373867521870
                      > To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to
                      > 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@.... Please contact
                      > 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@... for questions.
                      • Re: Second Transnational Mumble Forum - could it be a joint meeting

                        from Orsan Senalp on Jul 15, 2013 12:21 PM
                        +1 Carminda, tomorrow is OK for me, Jasper, Alp. David, Heather those
                        who joined last faciliation meeting and those who couldnt, Marita
                        others, whoever can make it, pls. join us to prepare this all
                        On 15 July 2013 14:09, Orsan Senalp <orsan1234@...> wrote:
                        > Dario, Hang-up, friends from the trascolab, blockupy, agora 99 and
                        > hub-meeting lists, could you please forward this thread to those lists
                        > so we could line up and start preparing a massive p2p collaboration
                        > towads the Autmn.
                        > solidarity
                        > On 15 July 2013 07:43, Mark Barrett <marknbarrett@...> wrote:
                        >> This looks excellent.
                        >> Not sure I'll be able to make the 21st but following month looks good.
                        >> Please consider whether a global working group to take forward
                        >> www.peoplesassemblies.org could form out of the second and third
                        >> transnational meeting. The www.peoplesassemblies.org/newswire feature and
                        >> the whole site could be an even better resource for the movement - as
                        >> suggested by Bernardo and others - and it is there waiting for collective
                        >> global ownership to take it forward. For everyone's info I find it very
                        >> difficult to make time for everything at the moment as I have a baby son,
                        >> family and of course work and all the UK organising stuff that is ongoing..
                        >> this means i am not as proactive with the PAN stuff as I should be so please
                        >> feel free to step into the breach :)
                        >> On 15 July 2013 05:52, Jackie Splain <jsplain@...> wrote:
                        >>> Great idea.  Sorry I missed these efforts this week towards the next
                        >>> meeting.  Getting out the Occupy National Gathering Press Release proved to
                        >>> be all consuming for a few days.  Pieces are coming together.  We finally
                        >>> have a venue for the gathering, a bowling alley with a big ballroom and lots
                        >>> of grass and parking.  The folks in Kalamazoo are negotiating with a nearby
                        >>> college to use their computer labs for the global conversation.  It's been a
                        >>> worry to know where all  the equipment would come from when many Occupy
                        >>> organizers are too poor to have laptops, hot spots, etc.  We still hope for
                        >>> a rush of movement tech ops and media folks to come on board closer to the
                        >>> gathering.
                        >>> http://interoccupy.net/natgat2/2013/07/press-release-for-the-occupy-wall-street-inter-national-gathering-decolonize-the-99/
                        >>> I would love to talk this week and put in some time with whatever we need
                        >>> help with for the next call.
                        >>> I would also like to propose the next meeting for the 22nd, which is the
                        >>> usual Via22 meeting and the day we aimed for the national gathering global
                        >>> conversation day. There is interest from the Europie festival in Toulouse
                        >>> 23-25 August to do something collaborative. We want to invite other types of
                        >>> online participation such as skill shares, teach-ins and livestreamed events
                        >>> in local communities towards mutual aid in your community.  If we can get
                        >>> enough participation, we talked of keeping a maestro call or mumble open 24
                        >>> hours to truly make it available globally, or at least 12 hours.
                        >>> I will write something up to propose on the call and to temp check
                        >>> interest.  The timing seems perfect!
                        >>> On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 11:17 PM, Via Spring <via22global@...>
                        >>> wrote:
                        >>>> Thanks Marita and Orsan for your proposals! I totally agree that we need
                        >>>> spaces in wich we can cross our networks internationally, inspire each other
                        >>>> and share ressources.
                        >>>> I like the idea of having one fix date (like the 22nd or any other date),
                        >>>> as it takes away the trouble of having to choose a date each time. Also, it
                        >>>> could allow different people to join in, as it comes up in different days of
                        >>>> the week each time.
                        >>>> Occupy NatGat is promoting a global conversation on August 22nd. Maybe we
                        >>>> could start thinking about that one too... :)
                        >>>> What do you think about a Mumble meeting at some point this week, to
                        >>>> share thoughts on how we shall move forward ? Maybe on Tuesday?
                        >>>> Seguimos! :)
                        >>>> Carminda
                        >>>> On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 11:05 AM, Orsan Senalp <orsan1234@...>
                        >>>> wrote:
                        >>>>> +1 Marita, agree that it would be really good to crossfertalise and
                        >>>>> join all the planned international talks at least once a month, invite
                        >>>>> everybody to join and collaborate with all plans. So we build a path
                        >>>>> for convergence.
                        >>>>> So networks would continue their regular meeting and be very good to
                        >>>>> have a large common open space in which all networks try to meet, once
                        >>>>> a month to exchange and inform one another.
                        >>>>> This has been done and promoted by Via 22 since long time. This up
                        >>>>> coming Open Space is scheduled on the 21st and we might continue doing
                        >>>>> it on the every 22st of each month to bring all networks in touch.
                        >>>>> On 14 July 2013 16:12, marita cassan <maciacia50@...> wrote:
                        >>>>> > Hi everybody
                        >>>>> > few days ago I suggested a possible convergence between people in the
                        >>>>> > Agora
                        >>>>> > list with the people in the square list and in the global square list
                        >>>>> > and
                        >>>>> > also in other list I am not aware of
                        >>>>> >
                        >>>>> > There is no point to carry on organizing a hubmeeting in september in
                        >>>>> > barcelona, an agora meeting in Italy in october or November, different
                        >>>>> > meetings in other places without trying to make an effort in order to
                        >>>>> > build
                        >>>>> > a common path in which these different meeting will be steps in the
                        >>>>> > same
                        >>>>> > common path
                        >>>>> >
                        >>>>> > I resend this proposal
                        >>>>> >
                        >>>>> > Now there are two dates, one for the 16th (Agora list -transcolab) one
                        >>>>> > for
                        >>>>> > the 21st (trasnational Mumble forum)
                        >>>>> > Could we try to be in both meeting invite people from the 16th to be
                        >>>>> > part
                        >>>>> > also in the other one?
                        >>>>> >
                        >>>>> > The experience of the last meeting with different rooms and one final
                        >>>>> > joint
                        >>>>> > meeting could give the chance of talk about different project feeling
                        >>>>> > part
                        >>>>> > of a real global exchange
                        >>>>> >
                        >>>>> > How do you see this proposal?
                        >>>>> > Marita
                        >>>>> >
                        >>>>> >
                        >>>>> > --
                        >>>>> > Archive: http://openfsm.net/[…]/1373811660762
                        >>>>> > To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to
                        >>>>> > 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@.... Please contact
                        >>>>> > 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@... for
                        >>>>> > questions.
                        >>>>> --
                        >>>>> Archive:
                        >>>>> http://openfsm.net/projects/2011movements-fsm-wsf/lists/2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion/archive/2013/07/1373814885014
                        >>>>> To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to
                        >>>>> 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@....  Please contact
                        >>>>> 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@... for questions.
                        >>>> --
                        >>>> VIA22Global
                        >>>> www.via22.org
                        >>>> Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/VIA22GLOBAL
                        >>>> Twitter : @VIA22GLOBAL #VIA22
                        >>>> --
                        >>>> Archive: http://openfsm.net/[…]/1373858754627
                        >>>> To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to
                        >>>> 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@.... Please contact
                        >>>> 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@... for questions.
                        >>> --
                        >>> Archive: http://openfsm.net/[…]/1373864500065
                        >>> To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to
                        >>> 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@.... Please contact
                        >>> 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@... for questions.
                        >> http://occupylondon.org.uk/
                        >> http://www.peoplesassemblies.org
                        >> --
                        >> Archive: http://openfsm.net/[…]/1373867521870
                        >> To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to
                        >> 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@.... Please contact
                        >> 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@... for questions.
                        • Re: [Squares] Second Transnational Mumble Forum - could it be a joint meeting

                          from VIA22 on Jul 16, 2013 11:34 PM
                          I guess the meeting to share thoughts about the Transnational Open Space of
                          this Sunday 21st did not happen today. What about if we try again tomorrow
                          Wednesday at 8pm GMT, Mumble, Sever Occupytalk, Open Space room?
                          The Facebook event was created, let's share it widely :
                          On Tue, Jul 16, 2013 at 4:14 PM, Via Spring <via22global@...> wrote:
                          > Are we meeting today? I am on Mumble now... I hope I didn't miss the
                          > meeting...
                          > Carm.
                          > On Tue, Jul 16, 2013 at 12:36 AM, Jackie Splain <jsplain@...>wrote:
                          >> are we meeting today then?
                          >> hopelessly behind...
                          >> On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 8:12 AM, Orsan Senalp <orsan1234@...>wrote:
                          >>> +1 Carminda, tomorrow is OK for me, Jasper, Alp. David, Heather those
                          >>> who joined last faciliation meeting and those who couldnt, Marita
                          >>> others, whoever can make it, pls. join us to prepare this all
                          >>> together.
                          >>> On 15 July 2013 14:09, Orsan Senalp <orsan1234@...> wrote:
                          >>> > Dario, Hang-up, friends from the trascolab, blockupy, agora 99 and
                          >>> > hub-meeting lists, could you please forward this thread to those lists
                          >>> > so we could line up and start preparing a massive p2p collaboration
                          >>> > towads the Autmn.
                          >>> > solidarity
                          >>> >
                          >>> > On 15 July 2013 07:43, Mark Barrett <marknbarrett@...>
                          >>> wrote:
                          >>> >> This looks excellent.
                          >>> >> Not sure I'll be able to make the 21st but following month looks good.
                          >>> >> Please consider whether a global working group to take forward
                          >>> >> www.peoplesassemblies.org could form out of the second and third
                          >>> >> transnational meeting. The www.peoplesassemblies.org/newswirefeature and
                          >>> >> the whole site could be an even better resource for the movement - as
                          >>> >> suggested by Bernardo and others - and it is there waiting for
                          >>> collective
                          >>> >> global ownership to take it forward. For everyone's info I find it
                          >>> very
                          >>> >> difficult to make time for everything at the moment as I have a baby
                          >>> son,
                          >>> >> family and of course work and all the UK organising stuff that is
                          >>> ongoing..
                          >>> >> this means i am not as proactive with the PAN stuff as I should be so
                          >>> please
                          >>> >> feel free to step into the breach :)
                          >>> >>
                          >>> >>
                          >>> >>
                          >>> >>
                          >>> >> On 15 July 2013 05:52, Jackie Splain <jsplain@...> wrote:
                          >>> >>>
                          >>> >>> Great idea.  Sorry I missed these efforts this week towards the next
                          >>> >>> meeting.  Getting out the Occupy National Gathering Press Release
                          >>> proved to
                          >>> >>> be all consuming for a few days.  Pieces are coming together.  We
                          >>> finally
                          >>> >>> have a venue for the gathering, a bowling alley with a big ballroom
                          >>> and lots
                          >>> >>> of grass and parking.  The folks in Kalamazoo are negotiating with a
                          >>> nearby
                          >>> >>> college to use their computer labs for the global conversation.
                          >>>  It's been a
                          >>> >>> worry to know where all  the equipment would come from when many
                          >>> Occupy
                          >>> >>> organizers are too poor to have laptops, hot spots, etc.  We still
                          >>> hope for
                          >>> >>> a rush of movement tech ops and media folks to come on board closer
                          >>> to the
                          >>> >>> gathering.
                          >>> >>>
                          >>> >>>
                          >>> >>>
                          >>> http://interoccupy.net/natgat2/2013/07/press-release-for-the-occupy-wall-street-inter-national-gathering-decolonize-the-99/
                          >>> >>>
                          >>> >>> I would love to talk this week and put in some time with whatever we
                          >>> need
                          >>> >>> help with for the next call.
                          >>> >>>
                          >>> >>> I would also like to propose the next meeting for the 22nd, which is
                          >>> the
                          >>> >>> usual Via22 meeting and the day we aimed for the national gathering
                          >>> global
                          >>> >>> conversation day. There is interest from the Europie festival in
                          >>> Toulouse
                          >>> >>> 23-25 August to do something collaborative. We want to invite other
                          >>> types of
                          >>> >>> online participation such as skill shares, teach-ins and
                          >>> livestreamed events
                          >>> >>> in local communities towards mutual aid in your community.  If we
                          >>> can get
                          >>> >>> enough participation, we talked of keeping a maestro call or mumble
                          >>> open 24
                          >>> >>> hours to truly make it available globally, or at least 12 hours.
                          >>> >>>
                          >>> >>> I will write something up to propose on the call and to temp check
                          >>> >>> interest.  The timing seems perfect!
                          >>> >>>
                          >>> >>>
                          >>> >>>
                          >>> >>>
                          >>> >>> On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 11:17 PM, Via Spring <via22global@...>
                          >>> >>> wrote:
                          >>> >>>>
                          >>> >>>> Thanks Marita and Orsan for your proposals! I totally agree that we
                          >>> need
                          >>> >>>> spaces in wich we can cross our networks internationally, inspire
                          >>> each other
                          >>> >>>> and share ressources.
                          >>> >>>>
                          >>> >>>> I like the idea of having one fix date (like the 22nd or any other
                          >>> date),
                          >>> >>>> as it takes away the trouble of having to choose a date each time.
                          >>> Also, it
                          >>> >>>> could allow different people to join in, as it comes up in
                          >>> different days of
                          >>> >>>> the week each time.
                          >>> >>>>
                          >>> >>>> Occupy NatGat is promoting a global conversation on August 22nd.
                          >>> Maybe we
                          >>> >>>> could start thinking about that one too... :)
                          >>> >>>>
                          >>> >>>> What do you think about a Mumble meeting at some point this week, to
                          >>> >>>> share thoughts on how we shall move forward ? Maybe on Tuesday?
                          >>> >>>>
                          >>> >>>> Seguimos! :)
                          >>> >>>>
                          >>> >>>> Carminda
                          >>> >>>>
                          >>> >>>>
                          >>> >>>> On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 11:05 AM, Orsan Senalp <orsan1234@...
                          >>> >
                          >>> >>>> wrote:
                          >>> >>>>>
                          >>> >>>>> +1 Marita, agree that it would be really good to crossfertalise and
                          >>> >>>>> join all the planned international talks at least once a month,
                          >>> invite
                          >>> >>>>> everybody to join and collaborate with all plans. So we build a
                          >>> path
                          >>> >>>>> for convergence.
                          >>> >>>>> So networks would continue their regular meeting and be very good
                          >>> to
                          >>> >>>>> have a large common open space in which all networks try to meet,
                          >>> once
                          >>> >>>>> a month to exchange and inform one another.
                          >>> >>>>> This has been done and promoted by Via 22 since long time. This up
                          >>> >>>>> coming Open Space is scheduled on the 21st and we might continue
                          >>> doing
                          >>> >>>>> it on the every 22st of each month to bring all networks in touch.
                          >>> >>>>>
                          >>> >>>>>
                          >>> >>>>> On 14 July 2013 16:12, marita cassan <maciacia50@...>
                          >>> wrote:
                          >>> >>>>> > Hi everybody
                          >>> >>>>> > few days ago I suggested a possible convergence between people
                          >>> in the
                          >>> >>>>> > Agora
                          >>> >>>>> > list with the people in the square list and in the global square
                          >>> list
                          >>> >>>>> > and
                          >>> >>>>> > also in other list I am not aware of
                          >>> >>>>> >
                          >>> >>>>> > There is no point to carry on organizing a hubmeeting in
                          >>> september in
                          >>> >>>>> > barcelona, an agora meeting in Italy in october or November,
                          >>> different
                          >>> >>>>> > meetings in other places without trying to make an effort in
                          >>> order to
                          >>> >>>>> > build
                          >>> >>>>> > a common path in which these different meeting will be steps in
                          >>> the
                          >>> >>>>> > same
                          >>> >>>>> > common path
                          >>> >>>>> >
                          >>> >>>>> > I resend this proposal
                          >>> >>>>> >
                          >>> >>>>> > Now there are two dates, one for the 16th (Agora list
                          >>> -transcolab) one
                          >>> >>>>> > for
                          >>> >>>>> > the 21st (trasnational Mumble forum)
                          >>> >>>>> > Could we try to be in both meeting invite people from the 16th
                          >>> to be
                          >>> >>>>> > part
                          >>> >>>>> > also in the other one?
                          >>> >>>>> >
                          >>> >>>>> > The experience of the last meeting with different rooms and one
                          >>> final
                          >>> >>>>> > joint
                          >>> >>>>> > meeting could give the chance of talk about different project
                          >>> feeling
                          >>> >>>>> > part
                          >>> >>>>> > of a real global exchange
                          >>> >>>>> >
                          >>> >>>>> > How do you see this proposal?
                          >>> >>>>> > Marita
                          >>> >>>>> >
                          >>> >>>>> >
                          >>> >>>>> > --
                          >>> >>>>> > Archive: http://openfsm.net/[…]/1373811660762
                          >>> >>>>> > To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to
                          >>> >>>>> > 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@.... Please
                          >>> contact
                          >>> >>>>> > 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@... for
                          >>> >>>>> > questions.
                          >>> >>>>>
                          >>> >>>>>
                          >>> >>>>> --
                          >>> >>>>> Archive:
                          >>> >>>>>
                          >>> http://openfsm.net/projects/2011movements-fsm-wsf/lists/2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion/archive/2013/07/1373814885014
                          >>> >>>>>
                          >>> >>>>> To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to
                          >>> >>>>> 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@....  Please
                          >>> contact
                          >>> >>>>> 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@... for
                          >>> questions.
                          >>> >>>>
                          >>> >>>>
                          >>> >>>>
                          >>> >>>>
                          >>> >>>> --
                          >>> >>>> VIA22Global
                          >>> >>>> www.via22.org
                          >>> >>>> Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/VIA22GLOBAL
                          >>> >>>> Twitter : @VIA22GLOBAL #VIA22
                          >>> >>>>
                          >>> >>>>
                          >>> >>>> --
                          >>> >>>> Archive: http://openfsm.net/[…]/1373858754627
                          >>> >>>>
                          >>> >>>> To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to
                          >>> >>>> 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@.... Please contact
                          >>> >>>> 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@... for
                          >>> questions.
                          >>> >>>
                          >>> >>>
                          >>> >>>
                          >>> >>>
                          >>> >>> --
                          >>> >>> Archive: http://openfsm.net/[…]/1373864500065
                          >>> >>>
                          >>> >>> To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to
                          >>> >>> 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@.... Please contact
                          >>> >>> 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@... for
                          >>> questions.
                          >>> >>
                          >>> >>
                          >>> >>
                          >>> >>
                          >>> >>
                          >>> >> http://occupylondon.org.uk/
                          >>> >> http://www.peoplesassemblies.org
                          >>> >>
                          >>> >>
                          >>> >> --
                          >>> >> Archive: http://openfsm.net/[…]/1373867521870
                          >>> >>
                          >>> >> To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to
                          >>> >> 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@.... Please contact
                          >>> >> 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@... for
                          >>> questions.
                          >>> --
                          >>> Archive:
                          >>> http://openfsm.net/projects/2011movements-fsm-wsf/lists/2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion/archive/2013/07/1373890863089
                          >>> To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to
                          >>> 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@....  Please contact
                          >>> 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@... for
                          >>> questions.
                          >> _______________________________________________
                          >> n-1 working group:
                          >> https://n-1.cc/pg/groups/104127/take-the-square-international/
                          >> Squares mailing list
                          >> Squares@...
                          >> for unsubscribe/etc:
                          >> https://lists.takethesquare.net/mailman/listinfo/squares or
                          >> Squares-owner@...
                          > --
                          > *VIA22Global*
                          > www.via22.org
                          > Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/VIA22GLOBAL
                          > Twitter : @VIA22GLOBAL #VIA22
                          Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/VIA22GLOBAL
                          Twitter : @VIA22GLOBAL #VIA22
                          • Re: [Squares] Second Transnational Mumble Forum - could it be a joint meeting

                            from jackiews on Jul 17, 2013 01:57 AM
                            I can do tomorrow.
                            posted on IO:
                            fb, twitter
                            is there a pad where translations are being entered?  I will add them as
                            they come in.
                            On Tue, Jul 16, 2013 at 7:25 PM, Via Spring <via22global@...> wrote:
                            > Hi,
                            > I guess the meeting to share thoughts about the Transnational Open Space
                            > of this Sunday 21st did not happen today. What about if we try again
                            > tomorrow Wednesday at 8pm GMT, Mumble, Sever Occupytalk, Open Space room?
                            > The Facebook event was created, let's share it widely :
                            > https://www.facebook.com/events/216359545181091/?notif_t=plan_user_joined <https://www.facebook.com/events/216359545181091/?notif_t=plan_user_joined>
                            > :)
                            > Carminda
                            > On Tue, Jul 16, 2013 at 4:14 PM, Via Spring <via22global@...> wrote:
                            >> Are we meeting today? I am on Mumble now... I hope I didn't miss the
                            >> meeting...
                            >> Carm.
                            >> On Tue, Jul 16, 2013 at 12:36 AM, Jackie Splain <jsplain@...>wrote:
                            >>> are we meeting today then?
                            >>> hopelessly behind...
                            >>> On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 8:12 AM, Orsan Senalp <orsan1234@...>wrote:
                            >>>> +1 Carminda, tomorrow is OK for me, Jasper, Alp. David, Heather those
                            >>>> who joined last faciliation meeting and those who couldnt, Marita
                            >>>> others, whoever can make it, pls. join us to prepare this all
                            >>>> together.
                            >>>> On 15 July 2013 14:09, Orsan Senalp <orsan1234@...> wrote:
                            >>>> > Dario, Hang-up, friends from the trascolab, blockupy, agora 99 and
                            >>>> > hub-meeting lists, could you please forward this thread to those lists
                            >>>> > so we could line up and start preparing a massive p2p collaboration
                            >>>> > towads the Autmn.
                            >>>> > solidarity
                            >>>> >
                            >>>> > On 15 July 2013 07:43, Mark Barrett <marknbarrett@...>
                            >>>> wrote:
                            >>>> >> This looks excellent.
                            >>>> >> Not sure I'll be able to make the 21st but following month looks
                            >>>> good.
                            >>>> >> Please consider whether a global working group to take forward
                            >>>> >> www.peoplesassemblies.org could form out of the second and third
                            >>>> >> transnational meeting. The www.peoplesassemblies.org/newswirefeature and
                            >>>> >> the whole site could be an even better resource for the movement - as
                            >>>> >> suggested by Bernardo and others - and it is there waiting for
                            >>>> collective
                            >>>> >> global ownership to take it forward. For everyone's info I find it
                            >>>> very
                            >>>> >> difficult to make time for everything at the moment as I have a baby
                            >>>> son,
                            >>>> >> family and of course work and all the UK organising stuff that is
                            >>>> ongoing..
                            >>>> >> this means i am not as proactive with the PAN stuff as I should be
                            >>>> so please
                            >>>> >> feel free to step into the breach :)
                            >>>> >>
                            >>>> >>
                            >>>> >>
                            >>>> >>
                            >>>> >> On 15 July 2013 05:52, Jackie Splain <jsplain@...>
                            >>>> wrote:
                            >>>> >>>
                            >>>> >>> Great idea.  Sorry I missed these efforts this week towards the next
                            >>>> >>> meeting.  Getting out the Occupy National Gathering Press Release
                            >>>> proved to
                            >>>> >>> be all consuming for a few days.  Pieces are coming together.  We
                            >>>> finally
                            >>>> >>> have a venue for the gathering, a bowling alley with a big ballroom
                            >>>> and lots
                            >>>> >>> of grass and parking.  The folks in Kalamazoo are negotiating with
                            >>>> a nearby
                            >>>> >>> college to use their computer labs for the global conversation.
                            >>>>  It's been a
                            >>>> >>> worry to know where all  the equipment would come from when many
                            >>>> Occupy
                            >>>> >>> organizers are too poor to have laptops, hot spots, etc.  We still
                            >>>> hope for
                            >>>> >>> a rush of movement tech ops and media folks to come on board closer
                            >>>> to the
                            >>>> >>> gathering.
                            >>>> >>>
                            >>>> >>>
                            >>>> >>>
                            >>>> http://interoccupy.net/natgat2/2013/07/press-release-for-the-occupy-wall-street-inter-national-gathering-decolonize-the-99/
                            >>>> >>>
                            >>>> >>> I would love to talk this week and put in some time with whatever
                            >>>> we need
                            >>>> >>> help with for the next call.
                            >>>> >>>
                            >>>> >>> I would also like to propose the next meeting for the 22nd, which
                            >>>> is the
                            >>>> >>> usual Via22 meeting and the day we aimed for the national gathering
                            >>>> global
                            >>>> >>> conversation day. There is interest from the Europie festival in
                            >>>> Toulouse
                            >>>> >>> 23-25 August to do something collaborative. We want to invite other
                            >>>> types of
                            >>>> >>> online participation such as skill shares, teach-ins and
                            >>>> livestreamed events
                            >>>> >>> in local communities towards mutual aid in your community.  If we
                            >>>> can get
                            >>>> >>> enough participation, we talked of keeping a maestro call or mumble
                            >>>> open 24
                            >>>> >>> hours to truly make it available globally, or at least 12 hours.
                            >>>> >>>
                            >>>> >>> I will write something up to propose on the call and to temp check
                            >>>> >>> interest.  The timing seems perfect!
                            >>>> >>>
                            >>>> >>>
                            >>>> >>>
                            >>>> >>>
                            >>>> >>> On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 11:17 PM, Via Spring <via22global@...
                            >>>> >
                            >>>> >>> wrote:
                            >>>> >>>>
                            >>>> >>>> Thanks Marita and Orsan for your proposals! I totally agree that
                            >>>> we need
                            >>>> >>>> spaces in wich we can cross our networks internationally, inspire
                            >>>> each other
                            >>>> >>>> and share ressources.
                            >>>> >>>>
                            >>>> >>>> I like the idea of having one fix date (like the 22nd or any other
                            >>>> date),
                            >>>> >>>> as it takes away the trouble of having to choose a date each time.
                            >>>> Also, it
                            >>>> >>>> could allow different people to join in, as it comes up in
                            >>>> different days of
                            >>>> >>>> the week each time.
                            >>>> >>>>
                            >>>> >>>> Occupy NatGat is promoting a global conversation on August 22nd.
                            >>>> Maybe we
                            >>>> >>>> could start thinking about that one too... :)
                            >>>> >>>>
                            >>>> >>>> What do you think about a Mumble meeting at some point this week,
                            >>>> to
                            >>>> >>>> share thoughts on how we shall move forward ? Maybe on Tuesday?
                            >>>> >>>>
                            >>>> >>>> Seguimos! :)
                            >>>> >>>>
                            >>>> >>>> Carminda
                            >>>> >>>>
                            >>>> >>>>
                            >>>> >>>> On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 11:05 AM, Orsan Senalp <
                            >>>> orsan1234@...>
                            >>>> >>>> wrote:
                            >>>> >>>>>
                            >>>> >>>>> +1 Marita, agree that it would be really good to crossfertalise
                            >>>> and
                            >>>> >>>>> join all the planned international talks at least once a month,
                            >>>> invite
                            >>>> >>>>> everybody to join and collaborate with all plans. So we build a
                            >>>> path
                            >>>> >>>>> for convergence.
                            >>>> >>>>> So networks would continue their regular meeting and be very good
                            >>>> to
                            >>>> >>>>> have a large common open space in which all networks try to meet,
                            >>>> once
                            >>>> >>>>> a month to exchange and inform one another.
                            >>>> >>>>> This has been done and promoted by Via 22 since long time. This up
                            >>>> >>>>> coming Open Space is scheduled on the 21st and we might continue
                            >>>> doing
                            >>>> >>>>> it on the every 22st of each month to bring all networks in touch.
                            >>>> >>>>>
                            >>>> >>>>>
                            >>>> >>>>> On 14 July 2013 16:12, marita cassan <maciacia50@...>
                            >>>> wrote:
                            >>>> >>>>> > Hi everybody
                            >>>> >>>>> > few days ago I suggested a possible convergence between people
                            >>>> in the
                            >>>> >>>>> > Agora
                            >>>> >>>>> > list with the people in the square list and in the global
                            >>>> square list
                            >>>> >>>>> > and
                            >>>> >>>>> > also in other list I am not aware of
                            >>>> >>>>> >
                            >>>> >>>>> > There is no point to carry on organizing a hubmeeting in
                            >>>> september in
                            >>>> >>>>> > barcelona, an agora meeting in Italy in october or November,
                            >>>> different
                            >>>> >>>>> > meetings in other places without trying to make an effort in
                            >>>> order to
                            >>>> >>>>> > build
                            >>>> >>>>> > a common path in which these different meeting will be steps in
                            >>>> the
                            >>>> >>>>> > same
                            >>>> >>>>> > common path
                            >>>> >>>>> >
                            >>>> >>>>> > I resend this proposal
                            >>>> >>>>> >
                            >>>> >>>>> > Now there are two dates, one for the 16th (Agora list
                            >>>> -transcolab) one
                            >>>> >>>>> > for
                            >>>> >>>>> > the 21st (trasnational Mumble forum)
                            >>>> >>>>> > Could we try to be in both meeting invite people from the 16th
                            >>>> to be
                            >>>> >>>>> > part
                            >>>> >>>>> > also in the other one?
                            >>>> >>>>> >
                            >>>> >>>>> > The experience of the last meeting with different rooms and one
                            >>>> final
                            >>>> >>>>> > joint
                            >>>> >>>>> > meeting could give the chance of talk about different project
                            >>>> feeling
                            >>>> >>>>> > part
                            >>>> >>>>> > of a real global exchange
                            >>>> >>>>> >
                            >>>> >>>>> > How do you see this proposal?
                            >>>> >>>>> > Marita
                            >>>> >>>>> >
                            >>>> >>>>> >
                            >>>> >>>>> > --
                            >>>> >>>>> > Archive: http://openfsm.net/[…]/1373811660762
                            >>>> >>>>> > To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to
                            >>>> >>>>> > 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@.... Please
                            >>>> contact
                            >>>> >>>>> > 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@... for
                            >>>> >>>>> > questions.
                            >>>> >>>>>
                            >>>> >>>>>
                            >>>> >>>>> --
                            >>>> >>>>> Archive:
                            >>>> >>>>>
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                            • Re: [Squares] Second Transnational Mumble Forum - could it be a joint meeting

                              from David Leal Garcia on Jul 20, 2013 05:53 PM
                              ready... steady.... go! countdown for 15-O is on
                              Tomorrow the trigger brainstorming at Mumble´s occupytalk.org , 18h GMT
                              (14h NY, 15h Rio, 19h London, 20h Madrid, 21h istambul)
                              Please feel free to share the call at will and be prepared to be surprised
                              tomorrow :-)
                              2013/7/17 Jackie Splain <jsplain@...>
                              > I can do tomorrow.
                              > posted on IO:
                              > http://interoccupy.net/blog/2-transnational-mumble-forum-building-open-spaces-for-world-revolutions-15o/
                              > fb, twitter
                              > is there a pad where translations are being entered?  I will add them as
                              > they come in.
                              > On Tue, Jul 16, 2013 at 7:25 PM, Via Spring <via22global@...> wrote:
                              >> Hi,
                              >> I guess the meeting to share thoughts about the Transnational Open Space
                              >> of this Sunday 21st did not happen today. What about if we try again
                              >> tomorrow Wednesday at 8pm GMT, Mumble, Sever Occupytalk, Open Space room?
                              >> The Facebook event was created, let's share it widely :
                              >> https://www.facebook.com/events/216359545181091/?notif_t=plan_user_joined <https://www.facebook.com/events/216359545181091/?notif_t=plan_user_joined>
                              >> :)
                              >> Carminda
                              >> On Tue, Jul 16, 2013 at 4:14 PM, Via Spring <via22global@...>wrote:
                              >>> Are we meeting today? I am on Mumble now... I hope I didn't miss the
                              >>> meeting...
                              >>> Carm.
                              >>> On Tue, Jul 16, 2013 at 12:36 AM, Jackie Splain <jsplain@...
                              >>> > wrote:
                              >>>> are we meeting today then?
                              >>>> hopelessly behind...
                              >>>> On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 8:12 AM, Orsan Senalp <orsan1234@...>wrote:
                              >>>>> +1 Carminda, tomorrow is OK for me, Jasper, Alp. David, Heather those
                              >>>>> who joined last faciliation meeting and those who couldnt, Marita
                              >>>>> others, whoever can make it, pls. join us to prepare this all
                              >>>>> together.
                              >>>>> On 15 July 2013 14:09, Orsan Senalp <orsan1234@...> wrote:
                              >>>>> > Dario, Hang-up, friends from the trascolab, blockupy, agora 99 and
                              >>>>> > hub-meeting lists, could you please forward this thread to those
                              >>>>> lists
                              >>>>> > so we could line up and start preparing a massive p2p collaboration
                              >>>>> > towads the Autmn.
                              >>>>> > solidarity
                              >>>>> >
                              >>>>> > On 15 July 2013 07:43, Mark Barrett <marknbarrett@...>
                              >>>>> wrote:
                              >>>>> >> This looks excellent.
                              >>>>> >> Not sure I'll be able to make the 21st but following month looks
                              >>>>> good.
                              >>>>> >> Please consider whether a global working group to take forward
                              >>>>> >> www.peoplesassemblies.org could form out of the second and third
                              >>>>> >> transnational meeting. The www.peoplesassemblies.org/newswirefeature and
                              >>>>> >> the whole site could be an even better resource for the movement -
                              >>>>> as
                              >>>>> >> suggested by Bernardo and others - and it is there waiting for
                              >>>>> collective
                              >>>>> >> global ownership to take it forward. For everyone's info I find it
                              >>>>> very
                              >>>>> >> difficult to make time for everything at the moment as I have a
                              >>>>> baby son,
                              >>>>> >> family and of course work and all the UK organising stuff that is
                              >>>>> ongoing..
                              >>>>> >> this means i am not as proactive with the PAN stuff as I should be
                              >>>>> so please
                              >>>>> >> feel free to step into the breach :)
                              >>>>> >>
                              >>>>> >>
                              >>>>> >>
                              >>>>> >>
                              >>>>> >> On 15 July 2013 05:52, Jackie Splain <jsplain@...>
                              >>>>> wrote:
                              >>>>> >>>
                              >>>>> >>> Great idea.  Sorry I missed these efforts this week towards the
                              >>>>> next
                              >>>>> >>> meeting.  Getting out the Occupy National Gathering Press Release
                              >>>>> proved to
                              >>>>> >>> be all consuming for a few days.  Pieces are coming together.  We
                              >>>>> finally
                              >>>>> >>> have a venue for the gathering, a bowling alley with a big
                              >>>>> ballroom and lots
                              >>>>> >>> of grass and parking.  The folks in Kalamazoo are negotiating with
                              >>>>> a nearby
                              >>>>> >>> college to use their computer labs for the global conversation.
                              >>>>>  It's been a
                              >>>>> >>> worry to know where all  the equipment would come from when many
                              >>>>> Occupy
                              >>>>> >>> organizers are too poor to have laptops, hot spots, etc.  We still
                              >>>>> hope for
                              >>>>> >>> a rush of movement tech ops and media folks to come on board
                              >>>>> closer to the
                              >>>>> >>> gathering.
                              >>>>> >>>
                              >>>>> >>>
                              >>>>> >>>
                              >>>>> http://interoccupy.net/natgat2/2013/07/press-release-for-the-occupy-wall-street-inter-national-gathering-decolonize-the-99/
                              >>>>> >>>
                              >>>>> >>> I would love to talk this week and put in some time with whatever
                              >>>>> we need
                              >>>>> >>> help with for the next call.
                              >>>>> >>>
                              >>>>> >>> I would also like to propose the next meeting for the 22nd, which
                              >>>>> is the
                              >>>>> >>> usual Via22 meeting and the day we aimed for the national
                              >>>>> gathering global
                              >>>>> >>> conversation day. There is interest from the Europie festival in
                              >>>>> Toulouse
                              >>>>> >>> 23-25 August to do something collaborative. We want to invite
                              >>>>> other types of
                              >>>>> >>> online participation such as skill shares, teach-ins and
                              >>>>> livestreamed events
                              >>>>> >>> in local communities towards mutual aid in your community.  If we
                              >>>>> can get
                              >>>>> >>> enough participation, we talked of keeping a maestro call or
                              >>>>> mumble open 24
                              >>>>> >>> hours to truly make it available globally, or at least 12 hours.
                              >>>>> >>>
                              >>>>> >>> I will write something up to propose on the call and to temp check
                              >>>>> >>> interest.  The timing seems perfect!
                              >>>>> >>>
                              >>>>> >>>
                              >>>>> >>>
                              >>>>> >>>
                              >>>>> >>> On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 11:17 PM, Via Spring <
                              >>>>> via22global@...>
                              >>>>> >>> wrote:
                              >>>>> >>>>
                              >>>>> >>>> Thanks Marita and Orsan for your proposals! I totally agree that
                              >>>>> we need
                              >>>>> >>>> spaces in wich we can cross our networks internationally, inspire
                              >>>>> each other
                              >>>>> >>>> and share ressources.
                              >>>>> >>>>
                              >>>>> >>>> I like the idea of having one fix date (like the 22nd or any
                              >>>>> other date),
                              >>>>> >>>> as it takes away the trouble of having to choose a date each
                              >>>>> time. Also, it
                              >>>>> >>>> could allow different people to join in, as it comes up in
                              >>>>> different days of
                              >>>>> >>>> the week each time.
                              >>>>> >>>>
                              >>>>> >>>> Occupy NatGat is promoting a global conversation on August 22nd.
                              >>>>> Maybe we
                              >>>>> >>>> could start thinking about that one too... :)
                              >>>>> >>>>
                              >>>>> >>>> What do you think about a Mumble meeting at some point this week,
                              >>>>> to
                              >>>>> >>>> share thoughts on how we shall move forward ? Maybe on Tuesday?
                              >>>>> >>>>
                              >>>>> >>>> Seguimos! :)
                              >>>>> >>>>
                              >>>>> >>>> Carminda
                              >>>>> >>>>
                              >>>>> >>>>
                              >>>>> >>>> On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 11:05 AM, Orsan Senalp <
                              >>>>> orsan1234@...>
                              >>>>> >>>> wrote:
                              >>>>> >>>>>
                              >>>>> >>>>> +1 Marita, agree that it would be really good to crossfertalise
                              >>>>> and
                              >>>>> >>>>> join all the planned international talks at least once a month,
                              >>>>> invite
                              >>>>> >>>>> everybody to join and collaborate with all plans. So we build a
                              >>>>> path
                              >>>>> >>>>> for convergence.
                              >>>>> >>>>> So networks would continue their regular meeting and be very
                              >>>>> good to
                              >>>>> >>>>> have a large common open space in which all networks try to
                              >>>>> meet, once
                              >>>>> >>>>> a month to exchange and inform one another.
                              >>>>> >>>>> This has been done and promoted by Via 22 since long time. This
                              >>>>> up
                              >>>>> >>>>> coming Open Space is scheduled on the 21st and we might continue
                              >>>>> doing
                              >>>>> >>>>> it on the every 22st of each month to bring all networks in
                              >>>>> touch.
                              >>>>> >>>>>
                              >>>>> >>>>>
                              >>>>> >>>>> On 14 July 2013 16:12, marita cassan <maciacia50@...>
                              >>>>> wrote:
                              >>>>> >>>>> > Hi everybody
                              >>>>> >>>>> > few days ago I suggested a possible convergence between people
                              >>>>> in the
                              >>>>> >>>>> > Agora
                              >>>>> >>>>> > list with the people in the square list and in the global
                              >>>>> square list
                              >>>>> >>>>> > and
                              >>>>> >>>>> > also in other list I am not aware of
                              >>>>> >>>>> >
                              >>>>> >>>>> > There is no point to carry on organizing a hubmeeting in
                              >>>>> september in
                              >>>>> >>>>> > barcelona, an agora meeting in Italy in october or November,
                              >>>>> different
                              >>>>> >>>>> > meetings in other places without trying to make an effort in
                              >>>>> order to
                              >>>>> >>>>> > build
                              >>>>> >>>>> > a common path in which these different meeting will be steps
                              >>>>> in the
                              >>>>> >>>>> > same
                              >>>>> >>>>> > common path
                              >>>>> >>>>> >
                              >>>>> >>>>> > I resend this proposal
                              >>>>> >>>>> >
                              >>>>> >>>>> > Now there are two dates, one for the 16th (Agora list
                              >>>>> -transcolab) one
                              >>>>> >>>>> > for
                              >>>>> >>>>> > the 21st (trasnational Mumble forum)
                              >>>>> >>>>> > Could we try to be in both meeting invite people from the 16th
                              >>>>> to be
                              >>>>> >>>>> > part
                              >>>>> >>>>> > also in the other one?
                              >>>>> >>>>> >
                              >>>>> >>>>> > The experience of the last meeting with different rooms and
                              >>>>> one final
                              >>>>> >>>>> > joint
                              >>>>> >>>>> > meeting could give the chance of talk about different project
                              >>>>> feeling
                              >>>>> >>>>> > part
                              >>>>> >>>>> > of a real global exchange
                              >>>>> >>>>> >
                              >>>>> >>>>> > How do you see this proposal?
                              >>>>> >>>>> > Marita
                              >>>>> >>>>> >
                              >>>>> >>>>> >
                              >>>>> >>>>> > --
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