• 2011movements-fsm discussion

more powers to you

de parte de alex kanyi en 22/07/2013 17:30
hi, we (avante garde) in kenya are in solidarity make a difference.we are together even though we have been on a low key slate.watch our camp event 'twas successful in many accounts. viva99%
Reclaiming ngong hills
 On Mon, Jul 22, 2013 04:49 PDT Ludovica Rogers wrote:
 >Dear Friends, 
 >We are writing to invite you to Reclaim The Power, a direct action camp being held near West Burton in Nottinghamshire from Fri 16 - Tues 20 August. 
 >It's a step towards something very exciting; a coalition of non-violent direct action groups from across the spectrum of environmental, economic and social justice campaigns. Occupy has been involved in its planning, alongside members of UKUncut, Disabled People Against the Cuts, Fuel Poverty Action, Pensioners Action Groups, Climate Camp, Frack Off and Black Activists Against The Cuts. 
 >Camp life
 >We are striving to create a beautiful space that will be empowering to all who want to seek solutions and take action on the social, economic, and climate crises. All should feel able to participate regardless of age, disability, or previous activist experience. Once there, it will be up to everyone who attends to get stuck in and help sustain the camp; you don’t need to bring any skills, just bring your energy and enthusiasm!
 >The camp will be organised into four villages; these will be mini-communities where you can pitch your tents, eat, and socialise. Villages will hold daily morning meetings where important information will be shared and any necessary decisions taken. All camp meetings will run through an open, inclusive, and participatory process known as consensus decision making; this seeks to ensure all voices are heard and everyone is happy with meeting outcomes.
 >Things to bring: tent, sleeping bag, warm clothes, toothbrush/paste, loo roll, sunblock, waterproofs, a torch, and a desire to change the world.
 >Things not to bring: food (no need), dogs (except from support dogs which are more than welcome), knives (unwise), and belief that nothing can change.
 >Popular education
 >One of the most exciting things about Reclaim the Power is the diverse range of groups and individuals we know to be coming. This provides a fantastic opportunity for the sharing of experience to enable us to join to dots between social, environmental, and economic injustice. Workshops will cover a full range of interrelated subjects: Extreme Energy, The Cuts, Privilege, and Just Transition are just a small sample from our programme.
 >In addition to issue-based workshops, there will also be a range of practical workshops. These will include consensus decision making, digital campaigning, media messaging, building a protest camp, and direct action.
 >Of course, it’s not all super serious; the evenings (except the night before the action) will see broad range of music, comedy, and opportunities to let your hair down and dance! 
 >Mass action
 >Sunday 18th August will see the Camp prepare for mass action on the Monday; a full range of legal and practical support will be on hand to help people make decisions, find buddies, and train for whichever role they decide to take.
 >There will be a part to play for everyone, whether you wish to take direct action or take on one of many supporting responsibilities.
 >For more details and to get in touch with the main RTP organisation: 
 >Do help us spread this invitation widely both nationally and internationally.
 >We hope you will join us!
 >Archive: http://openfsm.net/projects/2011movements-fsm-wsf/lists/2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion/archive/2013/07/1374494311318
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