• 2011movements-fsm discussion

Exchange Roms for Europie, Occupy the Power, #IDP. Hub Meeting Bcn 2013, Blockupy conf, Agora99, AlterSummit, Nov5th.. tomorrow

de la part de Orsan Senalp on 21/08/2013 18:32
Tomorrow we will be holding the 3rd transnational open space, in
parallel to NatGat in the US. The updated call circuited and posted


It would be really important and strategic to have comrades tomorrow
who involved in the preparation of spaces and actions like Europie,
Occupy the Power, #IDP. Hub Meeting Bcn 2013, Blockupy conf, Eureopan
Governance strategy meeting, Agora99, AlterSummit, Nov5th..civil
disobedience day,... to tell about things being planned and share
information and vision with the people on the ground in Kalamzoo
joining Occupy (Inter)NatGat as well as others wlll be joining online
from Brazil, Turkey and other countries like Canada, Mexico, hopefully
Tunisia, Egypt and so on. So they could hear and share opinions
,excitements, visions and ideas about these spaces of convergences.

Anyone can create topics and rooms for discussion and exchange.So
please do so and contribute linking various initiatives and spaces in
an interactive way, during this important and symbolic gathering
taking place in the US.

we hope to see you all tomorrow,
in solidarity

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