• 2011movements-fsm discussion

Re: [17s] Mediterranean Solidarity Camp (6-8 Sep., Turkey)

de la part de Ludovica Rogers on 30/08/2013 10:13
To add to the list (I have added it to the pad)

Here in London we are preparing a for Occupy vs The arms fair 

8 September: Occupy vs The Arms Fair

I will write up a more complete text to send to the international lists in the next days.


P.s. Wish I had known before about the camp in Turkey…would have loved to come…just too short notice!

On Aug 30, 2013, at 9:41 AM, Orsan Senalp <orsan1234@...> wrote:

> tyr to put this toether:
> The Peoples’ Real Intervention for Peace, in Peace! From #1S and #15O
> to #5N and beyond:
> The International Road to Dignity Reloaded
> The real ‘International Community’, we, the one composed of real
> peoples not corporations and the tiny minority of an mechanical
> heartless elite, considers this time to intervene in first the US, UK,
> France, Canada, Japan, Mexico, The Netherlands, Israel, Turkey,
> Russia, China, Syria, Egypt, Bahrain, Spain, Greece, Portugal,
> Italy,…. and everywhere for peace, and in peace!
> Call from Turkey to stand against the War on September 1st, World Peace Day:
> Call for peace within Turkey, Syria, Egypt and all countries and
> between countries, in the region and in the World:
> .......
> Here are the long lists of marching convergence events, spaces and
> global mobilisations for freedom, justice, equality, real democracy
> and emancipation from the opression, racism, discrimination, injustice
> and facism -on the international road to dignity!
> List of planned actions, meetings and events being prepared by various
> social movements http://titanpad.com/internationalcallXactions
> WSF 2013 Calendar: http://openfsm.net/projects/wsf2012-support/wsf2013-calendar
> AND the Anonymous Call to Action: #Nov5th 2013 — the Lion Sleeps No More
> #5N Map: http://www.millionmaskmarch.ws/
> On 30 August 2013 10:28, Orsan Senalp <orsan1234@...> wrote:
>> List of planned actions, meetings and events being prepared by various
>> social movements http://titanpad.com/internationalcallXactions
>> WSF 2013 Calendar: http://openfsm.net/projects/wsf2012-support/wsf2013-calendar
>> we need a good design for these envets and spaces on the road to dignity!
>> for the 4th I will be on the way to turkey. lets discus on the lists
>> and try to realise the links by linking people and groups around the
>> design. I remember Jasper started a website, it would be really good
>> to reactivate it, and if there comes a new design put it there?
>> I might try to connect on mumble when I am in turkey with some of the
>> people on the ground to give updates and report to those who are
>> interested to hear?
>> On 30 August 2013 10:04, marita <maciacia50@...> wrote:
>>> please let's have a meeting just before you go to Turkey
>>> I propose september 4th of September concentrating our attention in the next
>>> international meetings (from the turkish camp to Agora99)
>>> -how to connect in a net all these events -
>>> and October actions
>>> mariangela
>>> El 30/08/2013, a las 09:23, Örsan escribió:
>>> thanks comrades and Olcay, would be good to get Olcay and others on the tts
>>> list! I ll be goin to the solidarity camp and another chapulcu event near
>>> izmir next week and wondering if others will be going from europe north
>>> africa or americas?
>>> because of the visa issue it is more difficult to get chapulcus  fron turkey
>>> and rebellions from north africa to spaces like hub meeting and agora99 in
>>> europe so anyone could go foca or others spaces built in turkey, tunis, or
>>> egypt might try to invite people to tts. besides it can be an idea to meet
>>> on mumble on september the 16th right after the hub meeting and a day before
>>> the 17s OWS assembly in NYC to meet exchange and get linked.
>>> The other very important update is there will be a large mob this sunday for
>>> peace -within turkey., in the region and worldwide. September 1st is the
>>> world peace day and the imperialists are about to trigger a world war.by
>>> attacking at Syria. #1S needs to go international and it can still happen if
>>> we have a collective call coming from Chapulcus rebellions indignados
>>> Occupy.
>>> Lets create a common pad and in ite activists from all the countries to
>>> write down the global call for peace protest on 1S?
>>> solidarity
>>> On 30 aug. 2013, at 01:14, Comision Informacion
>>> <informacion.acampadasol@...> wrote:
>>> Here is an e-mail from Occupy Gezi, Istanbul. If anyone's interested I can
>>> send you her contact, her name is Olcay.
>>> Here it goes:
>>> Hello dear friends,
>>> (...)
>>> I hope all is fine with you and not suffering so much from the heat as we do
>>> here in Istanbul.
>>> I am writing all of you together, even most of you do not know eachother,
>>> yet hopefully this mail will be the first step for a solidarity web.
>>> There is no need to talk about Gezi here, as you all know what happened
>>> there. After Gezi, these months we are trying to build a solidarity network
>>> in between the struggles and movements. There are many different initiations
>>> for that focusing on activism and/or political side of the movement.
>>> There is going to be a camp on September from 6th to 8th in Foça, İzmir. We
>>> as Mustereklerimiz (mustereklerimiz.org) is one of the organisers of the
>>> event. And we would like to be together with the other movements from
>>> especially Mediterranean base, as 15M, Halkidiki anti-gold mine movement,
>>> No-TAV, No Ponte, Notre Dame de Landes,....
>>> We are inviting yet we can offer nothing.. There is almost no budget to pay
>>> the expenses, so we are just making a call and say that if it is possible we
>>> would be so glad to be with our Mediterranean comrades and learn from each
>>> other, be in solidarity and continue the struggle together.
>>> Below is a short text in English on the camp.
>>> I am always available for the questions. You may give my mobile number to
>>> the ones who would like to join us.
>>> We are going to rent busses to go to Foça from Istanbul.
>>> All my best wishes.
>>> In solidarity
>>> Olcay
>>> ------
>>> Mediterranean Soli-Camp is an invitation to a gathering where we can talk
>>> about solidarity and resistance; in the very days we say ‘Nothing will
>>> remain the same’.
>>> In the Camp, we will organize our forums on creating our solidarity
>>> webs/networks and/or decide what to do to strengthen the existing ones.
>>> Mediterranean Soli-Camp is an event adopting and celebrating ecologist,
>>> anti-authoritarian, anti-hierarchical, anti-fascist, anti-racist,
>>> anti-sexist, anti-speciesist, anti-homophobic, anti-transphobic and
>>> anti-militarist political thoughts of people.
>>> 6-7-8th of September 2013 Foça - Izmir
>>> For all details: http://akdenizdayanisma.org/index.php/english-2/
>>> Facebook Event Page : https://www.facebook.com/events/341692485965671/
>>> (end of forwarded e-mail)
>>> --
>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> PuntoSol (Punto de Información de AcampadaSol)
>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> E-MAIL: informacion.acampadasol@...
>>> TWITTER: @PuntoSol
>>> FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/punto.sol
>>> TELÉFONO: 668889015
>>> ASAMBLEAS: Primer lunes de mes a las 20:00 en Sol (junto al Caballo)
>>> ---
>>> Colaboramos con la 15Mpedia recopilando información de contacto de
>>> asambleas, plataformas e iniciativas de autogestión :) ¿Participas con
>>> nosotras? http://15mpedia.org
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