• 2011movements-fsm discussion

Fwd: 5th Nov white symbol suggestion

de parte de Mark Barrett on 2013-09-18 06:54
As it is a global day, to get beyond just V for Vendetta masks one idea for
5th November is to link it to a colour white, as a uniting emblem  eg
the suggestion
for white as a global symbol of peace anti-war. Turkish solidarity protests
recently used white and of course it is good for anti-war / imperialism.

White armbands could become a potent symbol of the movement - see eg

Two thousand years ago, a Roman Senator suggested that all slaves
wear white armbands to better identify them.
"No," said a wiser Senator.
"If they see how many of them there are, they may revolt."

See also http://www.whiteflag.info which is a web-site written by a member
of the Spanish indignados

Also white is the symbol of the Nigerian people's movement against Shell
and other corporates plundering in the Niger Delta and also it signifies
the Russian democracy movement.

Anyway just a thought

Nov 5th actions planned worldwide

IN Solidarity


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