• 2011movements-fsm discussion

Common international Statement

de la part de marita on 22/09/2013 15:09
Hi everybody 
in a facebook event this international call was published 
As I participated to all the mumble meeting we had during the summer and also in the hubmeeting in Bn where a different statement was consensuated, I would like to know 

when this statement was consensuated 
why there is no reference to the date of 12th October which has been called in Italy as a day against old and new colonization and to retake commons and environment (monte amiata camp with lots of different organizations and movements), in Madrid by Plaza de los pueblos against the "hispanic day", against Monsanto, TLC, and to support struggle of resistance of people against occupation, all over the world by "no nos vamos, nos echan a network of spanish people living abroad. 

I might have lost some steps

"On October 15, 2011 people from around the world took the streets and squares. Since then, the revolution not only to grow, Egypt, Turkey, Brazil... people is rising to claim their rights and ask for genuine democracy. Now is the time to unite all in a nonviolent protest at a global scale.
The established powers Act for the benefit of a few, ignoring the will of the vast majority.
We must stop this!
United in one voice, we will let know to the political and financial elites that serve that, that now that now that is the people who will decide their future. We are not merchandise in the hands of politicians and bankers who do not represent us anymore.

-15 October #BloqueaLaCiudad #HuelgaSocial. Day of actions decentralized in multiple countries.

-19 October #tomalacalle Global manifestation. We will meet us in the streets to launch global change we want. We manifest and will arrange us to achieve this. It is time to listen to us.

Under the pressure of the financial power, our leaders work for the benefit of a few, disregarding them the social, human and environmental cost that this can generate. Promoting economic purposes wars and bringing misery to entire villages, the governant classes do not allowed us to the right to a free and just society.
We invite you to join this fight by spreading the message that together we are able to change this intolerable situation. Take the streets on the 15 and 19 to October . Together we will make our voices to be heard!"

in the hubmeeting common statement there is a reference to the week before the 15th when it says

"People and groups attending the Hub Meeting have agreed on a common strategy, starting a week before the 15th of October and identifying this date as a general test to present the #SocialStrike process and spread information about it. 

We have also developed a strike practices catalogue that can be used to simultaneously implement actions on different spaces, according with the singularity of each location and its resources.

The strength of the actions is not going to be based on their size, but on how distributed and coordinated they will be. Therefore, their force will rely on our capacity of coordinating and synchronize them. 

We see the #19O global demonstration against financial capitalism and austerity as an important further step to enforce our independent coordination network towards further actions.

I do think we have to give value to all the international calls we have and in all the Mumble meeting it was said that the idea was a call for a week of action which would include all different actions more than one day" 


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