• 2011movements-fsm discussion

we are in the meeting now if you would like to join

de parte de marita en 28/09/2013 14:36
>> Responding to the call for international participation of the Iraqi Social Forum that will happen from September 26th-28th, this is a proposal of an online extended space, in which people from all around the world can share their thoughts, questions, information, and ideas about the next World Social Forum. The WSF is a process that goes beyond the biennial events. Let's get together and reinforce our common dreams !
>> This is addressed to all those who are already thinking about WSF 2015, and specially to those who are preparing to nominate their countries for the next WSF. 
>> This could also be an occasion for people involved in different grassroots initiatives such as InterOccupy, Global Square, 15M, etc, to express their point of view about the potential of the WSF for their struggles, and eventually, their interest in collaborating in the development tools that could facilitate and amplify the links throughout the WSF process and the actual mobilizations.
>> WHEN : Saturday September 28th, at 14:00GMT (7am Vancouver, 9am Mexico, DF, 10am New York/Montreal, 19:30 New Dehli, 12am Sydney), 
>> WHERE : Mumble (open source voice communication software) , MUMBLE, room Open Space. Full step by step instructions here :http://occupytalk.org/article/howconnect-our-server
>> Configuration of Mumble
>> Label : Occupii
>> Server : occupytalk.org (doit être écrit sans erreurs)
>> Port: 64738
>> Nickname: please add also your country
>> Room : Open Space
>> Please contact us if you have questions or problems to connect : fsm2015.quebec@...
>> Hope to hear you soon!

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