• 2011movements-fsm discussion

Re: [#globalNOISE] Fwd: 5th Nov white symbol suggestion

de parte de Justicia Libertad on 2013-11-02 23:06
[image: Imágenes integradas 1]

2013/9/18 Mark Barrett <marknbarrett@...>

> As it is a global day, to get beyond just V for Vendetta masks one idea
> for 5th November is to link it to a colour white, as a uniting emblem  eg
> the suggestion for white as a global symbol of peace anti-war. Turkish
> solidarity protests recently used white and of course it is good for
> anti-war / imperialism.
> White armbands could become a potent symbol of the movement - see eg
> Two thousand years ago, a Roman Senator suggested that all slaves
> wear white armbands to better identify them.
> "No," said a wiser Senator.
> "If they see how many of them there are, they may revolt."
> See also http://www.whiteflag.info which is a web-site written by a
> member of the Spanish indignados
> Also white is the symbol of the Nigerian people's movement against Shell
> and other corporates plundering in the Niger Delta and also it signifies
> the Russian democracy movement.
> Anyway just a thought
> Nov 5th actions planned worldwide
> http://millionmaskmarch.org/locations
> http://occupylondon.org.uk/events/opvendetta-millionmaskmarch-nov5th-2013/
> IN Solidarity
> Mark
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