• 2011movements-fsm discussion

Re: [Squares] Re: World Revolutionary Forums: Towards WorldWideWave of Actions 2014 (#www) 22/01/2014 - 13:00PM GMT

de la part de Chapullers OrsanS on 22/01/2014 00:06
With the same respect  and comradeship David, it is of course about
uniting around globally connected (in terms of
time-gender-generation-issues and geograpies) wave of actions, and of
course around concrete and existing poltics, planned actions agaist
coporations like monsanto, against agreements like tafta, agaist
state-capital partnerships like prism, agaist the state -nsa, troika,
austerity, survelliece and facism; and of course to catalize and
comlete the planetary transition to the other worlds.. so for the
world revolution.. what else we would be trying to unite around in
these days?
Of course by uniting we do not mean seeing or pushing many segments of
societal classes with their rich variaties into one unified force, or
a hierarchically ordered forces, but instead think of how and by which
means we could connect dispossed middle class/precaria/ to hackers,
and makers, to industrial workers and the slums from India and
Bangladesh, to Wall Street, to Chipas and Apple-city in China, to
Greek streets and dutch dorp in egaleterian forms of relationships
both methodologically and interm of talking of the politics...
so this is not only about protest or methodology! Would be useful to
hear why do you see it as ambigious and only about protest and

On 22 January 2014 00:23, David Leal Garcia <davidleal.garcia@...> wrote:
> Guys, we have to unite, yes, but to unite around what exactly? Around
> protesting for protesting itself? Around slogans, hashtags and symbols of
> ambiguous meaning? I fear that we fall out of touch with the people and with
> reality.
> We might need to talk more about politics and not only about methodology.
> About the whats, not only about the hows.
> Anyhow, I say this with upmost respect and comradeship,
> David
> 2014/1/21 Chapullers OrsanS <orsan1234@...>
>> Many Forums, Many Struggles Shared Hastags! Unite, not Unify for Free,
>> Libre and Open Source Global Revolution Op:#WWW
>> http://youtu.be/wZ7OXt7yUfw
>> We have made a small update on the invitation text of the first
>> #wref in order to have more clarity and focus. We have now proposed
>> a draft program that is open to modifications and suggestions, here on
>> the collaborative pad: http://titanpad.com/WorldrEvolutionForum
>> We are going to be using a semi-workshop / semi-forum methodology in
>> facilitating the forum. The forum will take 2 hours 30 min. and be
>> composed of two rounds besides the opening and closing sessions. We
>> hope to reach at concrete ideas and plans at the end of the forum,
>> regarding how to self-organize a global social network strike and
>> labourleaks, and continue linking other existing and new initiatives
>> by utilizing #wref and #www tags.
>> On 16 January 2014 11:02, Chapullers OrsanS <orsan1234@...> wrote:
>> > Global uprisings hit Eastern Europe, Anatolia and the Amazon region
>> > hard during the spring and summer of 2013. Towards the end of the
>> > year, uprisings have reached at the heart of Europe and Asia; Germany,
>> > India and Thailand is moving right now. And 2014 has begun with
>> > increased resistence in Gamonal, Spain and Hamburg, Germany.
>> >
>> > Below call is based on a simple idea of linking all the autonomous
>> > local, national, regional and global spaces of preparations and
>> > planned actions towards the spring and autumn 2014 by using only two
>> > hashtags.
>> >
>> > Proposed idea is to use only one hastag (#wrefs) for the assemblies,
>> > forums, events, conferences, meetings, workshops taking place towards
>> > spring and autumn: this will create a distributed network between all
>> > the autonomous spaces of preparations.
>> >
>> > And then again using only one hashtag (#www) for all actions and mobs
>> > planned at all levels in order to create a worldwideweb of actions.
>> >
>> > Then, the lists and maps of these spaces and actions can be harvested
>> > from twitter, put together, translated, and embedded on blogs,
>> > websites and facebook pages, this would spread all connected
>> > information in a fasted and widest way.
>> >
>> > Looking forward to meet on Mumble, on Occupytalk.org server next week,
>> > on the day %1 will meet at Davos, to build up and move forward.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > World Revolutionary Forums: Towards WorldWideWave of Actions in 2014
>> > (#www)
>> >
>> > HashTags: #WWW, #WREF
>> > #WWW call: http://gnunion.wordpress.com/www/
>> > #WREF: http://gnunion.wordpress.com/worl-revolutionary-forum/
>> > GNUnion: http://gnunion.wordpress.com/
>> >
>> > Hosted by GNUnion - One Big Meshwork for All the Working People
>> >
>> > Again, 2014 will be full of struggles, actions and mobilisations for a
>> > real global change. This Mumble call will be about starting a new
>> > series of forums and assemblies that are open to all individuals who
>> > will able to make independent efforts from any corporate, state and
>> > NGO funded agenda and; who could be exactly themselves when changing
>> > the world, when getting together, discussing and collaborating with
>> > others; either as a part of a collective, group, network or
>> > individually, and by using either online, or face to face means, or
>> > both.
>> >
>> > We want to put forwards and link our plans, activities and actions to
>> > each other while making new ones collectively in order to create
>> > globally connected action waves and human ties in 2014. Believing that
>> > horizontal and grassroot assemblies and forums have the power to do
>> > so; we ultimately would like to create and realize positive, creative,
>> > constructive, joyful and clear visions and practices that can stop the
>> > disastrous and elitist political and economic system and go beyond it.
>> > Before it spoils the entire life and turn the planet into a global
>> > tyranny!
>> >
>> > This first mumble call has the above perspective but no any set agenda
>> > or competed plan. If participants would like to make it, it would be a
>> > kick off for open ended series of distributed revolutionary
>> > forums/assemblies, to be held regularly throughout the year, or
>> > otherwise for occasionally held strategic gatherings.
>> >
>> > This first call is going to symbolically challenge the elitist World
>> > Economic Forum (WEF) to be held in Davos between 22-25 January 2014.
>> > More than a decade ago, the same challenge was posed by WSF and has
>> > created strong meme. Anyone feel like to repose the challenge at the
>> > 1% is welcome, please feel free to join us and spread the word!
>> >
>> > When?
>> > First call: 22 January 2014Time: 13:00-15:00 PM (UK time)
>> > Every month on the 3rd Sunday at the same time - and space
>> >
>> > Where?
>> > Mumble Server: Occupy Talk
>> > Label: Occupii
>> > Server: occupytalk.org (has to be written exactly as it is)
>> > Port: 64738
>> > Channel: #WREF - World Revolution Forum
>> > Nickname: Your name/nick
>> >
>> > How to join in a Mumble call?
>> > http://www.global-square.net/how-to-join/
>> >
>> > If need help about using Mumble please ask beforehand by using one of
>> > the channels here: http://gnunion.wordpress.com/mesh-network/
>> --
>> Archive:
>> http://openfsm.net/projects/2011movements-fsm-wsf/lists/2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion/archive/2014/01/1390345433483
>> To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to
>> 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@....  Please contact
>> 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@... for questions.
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