• 2011movements-fsm discussion

  • MayFirst Meta-Stirke preperation assembly call, on BigBlueButton (USi), 16 March 2014, 13.00 GMT

    from ÖrsanŞenalp on Mar 14, 2014 02:01 PM
    Assembly call and information on ON
    FB event: https://on.usilive.org/assembly/view/354
    GNUnion networks and organizes at the same time, in order to mesh
    networks of like-minded peers, linking them and their bases each other
    strategically. She strives to build dynamic, free, libre, and open
    source spaces, collective agendas and strategies to act upon in a
    harmonized way.
    GNUnion encourages her peers to collectivize their individual, social,
    productive and communicational power to swarm around dynamical,
    creative and positive actions and campaigns. In a way such collective
    efforts would create impacts at unpredicted magnitudes, regardless how
    large and powerful are the chosen targets.
    Combining peer to peer social relations and technologies and embedding
    them into all its internal and external processes and relationships,
    GNUnion ultimately aims at hyper-empowerment of all the nodes involved
    in her mesh network. Below are some of the spaces we have been
    building on N-1, and ON an online social network spaces developed as
    free nodes using Lorea code.
    Social Networked and Wiki-, MetaStrikes
    Priority objectives of the strikes will be forcing the state elite and
    capital to hand-off private and public data, and to stop abusing
    people and violating democratic rights, for their commercial and
    tyrannical gains. The action will reclaim what is 'social' and belong
    to people in societal communication and bring about mass awareness
    about using FLOSS!
    We will bring high-tech and industrial workers, hackers, system
    admins, digital artists and activists and their powers coming from
    production, consumption, communication and knowledge -so a being
    social individuals and society.
    Working Groups on ON and N-1
    Join in our other transnational networganizing efforts in progress...
    Work groups will initially scan and analyze the leaked documents that
    are released by Wikileaks, like the Global Intelligence Files as well
    as other groups like Anonymous, GlobalLeaks. What will we be looking
    for in such meta-data will be about violations against producer,
    designer, users and consumer rights; such as stolen data, planned
    obsolescence, illegal and dangerous material use, capture and misuse
    of user-costumer data including selling the data to companies,
    production related threats to workers and public health.
    Further more we will networgansie multi-lingual whistle-blowing
    activities, primarily targeting largest TNC networks.
    We will turn the information into secure campaign intelligence, either
    to use in global actions we will launch as GNUnion, or feed-in and
    support ongoing union actions. In cases where there is an already
    organized independent union active, weather in the main company or its
    subsidiary, we will support their actions by designing and forging
    global online viral campaigns.
    Working Groups on ON and N-1
    Using global chain mapping tools and mapeo method to create a network
    of user-worker-designer groups in order to recover the knowledge of
    entire production lines and supply chains incorporated from them by
    the management systems such as Taylorist, Kaizen, or Quality Chamber
    type of worker-society control mechanisms.
    Working group on ON
    GNUnion will help all other forms of unions at all organizational
    levels (base-membership-shop floor level-organization, management) in
    order to realize necessary organizational and networked
    transformations and to become hyperempowered organized networks
    strongly connected to the grassroots and society. We provide unions
    with cutting edge resources, links, ties, actions, exchanges, social
    media skill-sharing and self-education campaigns.
    Working Group on ON
    Transnational Solidarity with Occuppied Factories
    This group will strive to support transnational solidarity networks
    being formed between occupied factories around the world, with
    resources, actions, exchanges, social media skill-sharing and
    self-education campaigns.
    Working Group on ON
    *This is an open collaborative event, do not hessitate spreading the
    word in your networks, towards independant unions, labour organisers,
    social justice activists, Occupy, 15M, Gezi, and BRevolution
    assemblies and beyond!
    Thread Outline:
  • Re: MayFirst Meta-Stirke preperation assembly call, on BigBlueButton (USi), 16 March 2014, 13.00 GMT

    from ÖrsanŞenalp on Mar 16, 2014 11:37 AM
    Workers of the World standing together, fighting back, and building a
    better world in solidarity!
    Assembly call and information on ON work group:
    FB event: https://on.usilive.org/assembly/view/354
    Pad: http://titanpad.com/metastrike
    The target of the meeting is not to figure out or discuss overall
    organisational tactics or strategies but to create commons tools for
    the use of all autonomous groups, individuals, networks and unions
    which would like to take initiative and adopt into their
    self-determined strategies and tactics. Please consider inviting
    interested comrades to the preparatory meeting taking place today, on
    BigBlueButton(BBB) space provided by Union Solidarity International
    and hosted by May First-People Link. You do not need to download any
    software in order to join the meeting.
    How to Join:
    1. Browse to https://usilive.org/
    2. Login, register or connect via one of your social media accounts.
    3. Scroll-down and see on the right hand column 'BIGBLUBUTTON' window.
    4. Chose 'Union Meeting' in the 'Meeting:' bar and click join
    Proposed agenda
    0. Intro round and agenda formation
    The below are some initial tasks needs to be discusses and taken further.
    1. Collection and creation of pool for strike ideas
    2. Collection and creation of material, audio, video, posters, caps..
    3. Preparing basic multi-lingual networked-pads for twitter storm and
    facebook mob. teams
    4. List of large accounts, bloggers, media links
    5. Intelligence working group on PRISM contractors
    On 14 March 2014 14:55, Örsan Şenalp <orsan1234@...> wrote:
    > Assembly call and information on ON
    > workgroup:https://on.usilive.org/assembly/view/354
    > FB event: https://on.usilive.org/assembly/view/354
    > GNUnion networks and organizes at the same time, in order to mesh
    > networks of like-minded peers, linking them and their bases each other
    > strategically. She strives to build dynamic, free, libre, and open
    > source spaces, collective agendas and strategies to act upon in a
    > harmonized way.
    > GNUnion encourages her peers to collectivize their individual, social,
    > productive and communicational power to swarm around dynamical,
    > creative and positive actions and campaigns. In a way such collective
    > efforts would create impacts at unpredicted magnitudes, regardless how
    > large and powerful are the chosen targets.
    > Combining peer to peer social relations and technologies and embedding
    > them into all its internal and external processes and relationships,
    > GNUnion ultimately aims at hyper-empowerment of all the nodes involved
    > in her mesh network. Below are some of the spaces we have been
    > building on N-1, and ON an online social network spaces developed as
    > free nodes using Lorea code.
    > Social Networked and Wiki-, MetaStrikes
    > Priority objectives of the strikes will be forcing the state elite and
    > capital to hand-off private and public data, and to stop abusing
    > people and violating democratic rights, for their commercial and
    > tyrannical gains. The action will reclaim what is 'social' and belong
    > to people in societal communication and bring about mass awareness
    > about using FLOSS!
    > We will bring high-tech and industrial workers, hackers, system
    > admins, digital artists and activists and their powers coming from
    > production, consumption, communication and knowledge -so a being
    > social individuals and society.
    > Working Groups on ON and N-1
    > https://on.usilive.org/groups/profile/323/mayfirst-meta-strike,
    > https://n-1.cc/g/social_network_strike
    > Join in our other transnational networganizing efforts in progress...
    > LabourLeaks
    > Work groups will initially scan and analyze the leaked documents that
    > are released by Wikileaks, like the Global Intelligence Files as well
    > as other groups like Anonymous, GlobalLeaks. What will we be looking
    > for in such meta-data will be about violations against producer,
    > designer, users and consumer rights; such as stolen data, planned
    > obsolescence, illegal and dangerous material use, capture and misuse
    > of user-costumer data including selling the data to companies,
    > production related threats to workers and public health.
    > Further more we will networgansie multi-lingual whistle-blowing
    > activities, primarily targeting largest TNC networks.
    > We will turn the information into secure campaign intelligence, either
    > to use in global actions we will launch as GNUnion, or feed-in and
    > support ongoing union actions. In cases where there is an already
    > organized independent union active, weather in the main company or its
    > subsidiary, we will support their actions by designing and forging
    > global online viral campaigns.
    > Working Groups on ON and N-1
    > https://on.usilive.org/groups/profile/322/labourleaks,
    > https://n-1.cc/g/labourleaks
    > ProductionProcessHacking
    > Using global chain mapping tools and mapeo method to create a network
    > of user-worker-designer groups in order to recover the knowledge of
    > entire production lines and supply chains incorporated from them by
    > the management systems such as Taylorist, Kaizen, or Quality Chamber
    > type of worker-society control mechanisms.
    > Working group on ON
    > https://on.usilive.org/groups/profile/329/global-commodity-production-network-mapping
    > UnionUpgrading
    > GNUnion will help all other forms of unions at all organizational
    > levels (base-membership-shop floor level-organization, management) in
    > order to realize necessary organizational and networked
    > transformations and to become hyperempowered organized networks
    > strongly connected to the grassroots and society. We provide unions
    > with cutting edge resources, links, ties, actions, exchanges, social
    > media skill-sharing and self-education campaigns.
    > Working Group on ON
    > https://on.usilive.org/groups/profile/439/unionupgrading
    > Transnational Solidarity with Occuppied Factories
    > This group will strive to support transnational solidarity networks
    > being formed between occupied factories around the world, with
    > resources, actions, exchanges, social media skill-sharing and
    > self-education campaigns.
    > Working Group on ON
    > https://on.usilive.org/groups/profile/340/transnational-solidarity-with-occuppied-factories
    > *This is an open collaborative event, do not hessitate spreading the
    > word in your networks, towards independant unions, labour organisers,
    > social justice activists, Occupy, 15M, Gezi, and BRevolution
    > assemblies and beyond!