• 2011movements-fsm discussion

Fwd: Take part in six moth long global and systemic hackaton to take down the Prism, fascism, capitalism, imperialism, racism, sexism and war

de parte de ÖrsanŞenalp on 2014-04-19 22:33
Considering the total enclosure of the Internet, the enslavement of
mass free labor on it, and the rise of meta-data Orweillian society,
what should one make of celebration of the rise of the Internet of
Everything (IoE) or Industrial Internet and calling for the demise of
capitalism by people like Jeremy Rifkin! What would be Rifkin’s advise
to his ruling class clients, but more importantly why the
neoconservatives and Chinese state class elite pay him high

The ruling elite way of dealing with the problem of ‘near zero
marginal costs’ has been massive exploitation of zero labor cost (free
labor). Now they like to capture free labor in the physical world by
connecting devices and people “putting them at work on the move” -as
Cisco and GE founders of the Industrial Internet Consortium publicly
declare. While the translation of this ideal is the objectification of
entire living labor and commons (should be read as human) to a global
production process, why Rifkin celebrates this! If the plan is clearly
to giving IP addresses to 50 billion devices in coming 10 years to
form the IoE infrastructure, making it is possible a global scale
surveillance an most logical outcome would be the total exploitation
of artificially constructed happy playbouring produsers who would be
living in sterile smart cities. As for the masses, there shall not be
need for an hegemonic governance like bourgeois parliamentarian model
what so ever in this new digital world. It has become clear by now
that this ambitious capitalist project has the potential to replace
the ancient industrial capitalism. It is certain by now that the fall
of capitalism as we know it won’t be quite and painless. The attempt
towards realizing this transition has brought about imperialist
peripheral wars. If one look to the fierce clashes between Russian,
Westerns and Chinese rulers in Syria, Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Georgia,
Chechnya, Ukraine and other frontiers of the Empires, the naked truth
would appears in clear vision. The fact that crack between two giant
tectonic plates is about to break up to a truly global corrective war
between ruling classes. Titans are getting ready to clash, and
planning for the aftermath of the great cleansing, of billions of
un-exploitable and expensive to feed human.

Those who promote himself to neo-cons and Chinese state class, by
engaging the emerging architecture of meta-data surveillance and
authoritarian state apparatus for establishing the total exploitation
of humans and the commons. This will be nothing less then digital
global fascism. Not difficult to guess that the remaining useless and
disturbing species will be forced out of the clean and luxurious smart
cities, being labeled as terrorist or inhuman, or, worse, as ‘humans’.
The near future world would look exactly like the Hunger Games! This
direction is a serious option before the humanity, if one listen
people like Rifkin and overlook the points he dismiss with a quick
hocus pocus. Real question for ordinary people like us, billions of
us, is ‘how should we think of the end of capitalism so that its end
becomes a celebration instead of destruction leading to fictional
dictatorial futures?’.

While we must support the visions for evolutionary transitions, there
is a very urgent need to build and link globally visions of
non-violent emancipatory and revolutionary social change.

This argument forms the base for the calls we have been making for
worldwide and non-violent REvolutionary labor-social justice and
hacker organizing. This May Day will be the day we launch a global and
six months during process of #MetaStrike. A systemic-hackaton to stand
together assertively against all the ruling elite fractions, to hack
down all their sick projects and visions, and to start to peer
producing and mesh networking our worlds of commons for a just,
enjoyable, living and constructive civilisation, for each of us and
for our loved ones.

Another world, now!

Global Networked Labour Union - http://gnunion.wordpress.com/

FB: https://www.facebook.com/GlobalNetworkedLabourUnion

to watch:

Recording of secret meeting between Julian Assange and Google CEO Eric
Schmidt [http://archive.org/details/TranscriptOfSecretMeetingBetweenJulianAssangeAndGoogleCEOEricSchmidt%5D

Occupy Wall Street leader calls for Google’s Eric Schmidt to be made

Eric Schmidt in North Korea: Google chairman’s step into the unknown


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