• 2011movements-fsm discussion

Agora 99 Mumble Meeting Today on 15.00-17.00 CET (From Spain to Greece), 14.00-16.00 London, 16.00-18.00 Istanbul

de parte de ÖrsanŞenalp en 11/06/2014 09:59
This email is to remind us todays Mumble meeting

The meeting will take place at the usual location, on mumble:

Tomalaplaza server > International > occupyeverything

(How to join online meetings on Mumble:
http://www.global-square.net/how-to-join/ - Goksun and Bengu, in case
you need further help I'll be availabe this afternoon so skype
[orsan1234] or email me)

The timeslot for the meeting is 16.00-17.00 Istanbul time, 15.00-17.00
CET (From Spain to Greece), 14.00-16.00 London.

Here are the minutes from previous meetings:


and this one is the current pad, in case you like to make suggestions
and comments:
11.06.2014 [The current pad]

looking forward to talk soon,

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