• 2011movements-fsm discussion

  • Fwd: [fse-esf] Fw: Call World Social Forum (Tunisia, 2015) / Appel Forum Social Mondial (Tunisie 2015 ) / Llamado para el FSM (Tunisia 2015)

    from ÖrsanŞenalp on Jul 29, 2014 10:12 PM
    Call for Social Movements to mobilize for the upcoming World Social
    Forum (Tunisia, 2015)
    Dear friends,
    During its last meeting held in Casablanca in December 2014, the
    International Council decided to organize the upcoming World Social
    Forum 2015 once again in Tunisia.
    This decision was made based on an evaluation of the proceedings of
    the WSF 2013, and a common assessment of the situation of struggles
    marshalled by different social movements in the region, and the world,
    as well as the new geopolitical context and the evolving nature of the
    neoliberal crisis.
    Indeed, it is now imperative to realize that since 2011, and after
    Arab revolutions have represented a source of hope to uplift the
    region from its status-quo, and a source of inspiration for the entire
    world to change, the Arab region is currently undergoing deeply
    worrisome dynamics. Governments in power over the past three years
    have yet to put in place the necessary policies and programs which
    respond to the claims of young people seeking freedom and employment,
    women seeking equality, social movements seeking social justice. On
    the contrary, throughout the region the flows of weapons and violence
    abound, and religious extremism is deepening its reach, neo-liberal
    policies dictated by the World Bank and the IMF are presented as the
    only solution and the social movements and democratic movements are
    criminalized. External political and military interventions have
    become the rule, each time instrumentalizing internal instability to
    facilitate interventions by the United States, Europe, Turkey and the
    Gulf countries.
    Beyond the Maghreb and the Mashreq, the African continent has become
    the primary source of raw material, present as the “new economic
    frontier”, it too a frontier ravaged by violent extremism, the
    plundering of its resources, and the devastating violence inflicted by
    structural adjustment programs and the militarization of its
    Everywhere in the world, including in Europe, Asia, Latin America, and
    North America, social movements find themselves facing aggravating
    economic, social and environmental crisis, as well as a systemic
    attack on their rights. New tensions, directly related to hegemonic
    practices to appropriate resources and conquer markets, threaten to
    bring the worst in Europe, Asia and Africa.
    The World Social Forum remains, more than ever, a vital space for
    social movements which struggle to preserve people’s dignity, so that
    they remain masters of their own destiny, able to fight for and
    acquire new economic, social, cultural and environmental rights, and
    able to construct alternatives to the neoliberal world order.
    The social movements of Tunis, as well as of the Mashreq and Maghreb
    invite you to join their efforts in the construction of a more just
    world, where justice, equality and peace prevail, and where
    alternatives for the current world order, to which countless
    populations aspire, are discussed and debated.
    Together, we would like to work to put together an open, participatory
    and democratic mechanism for the organization of the World Economic
    Forum 2015.
    Another Maghreb Mashreq is possible
    Another Africa is possible
    Another world in possible
    Tunis, June 20, 2014
    The Organizing Committee of the World Social Forum 2015
    Opening of the website: June 25, 2014
    International Council of the World Social Form: Ottawa, August 2014
    1st international seminary and meeting of the International Council:
    end of October 2014
    2nd international seminary: February 2015
    Liste mailing
    Personnes à mobilité réduite
    Thread Outline:
  • Re: [WSF-Discuss] Fwd: [fse-esf] Fw: Call World Social Forum (Tunisia, 2015) / Appel Forum Social Mondial (Tunisie 2015 ) / Llamado para el FSM (Tunisia 2015)

    from Orsan Senalp on Jul 30, 2014 10:56 PM
    thanks William, well noticed! I did copy-paste the call from the PDF and didn't read it entirely! Yet this one is a tragic mistake indeed..hope that in passing years the Wsf and Wef executive didn't merge into one entity :) Best, orsan
    > On 30 Jul 2014, at 23:36, William Carroll <wcarroll@...> wrote:
    > I will try to attend.  Please note that there is a serious typo in the last paragraph, where ' World Economic Forum 2015' appears instead of WSF.
    > bill
    > William K. Carroll, Ph.D.
    > Professor 
    > Sociology Department
    > University of Victoria
    > Victoria BC  Canada
    > V8W 2Y2
    > Tel 1 250 721 7573
    > Fax 1 250 721 6217
    > Email wcarroll@... 
    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: WorldSocialForum-Discuss [mailto:worldsocialforum-discuss-bounces@...] On Behalf Of Örsan Senalp
    > Sent: July-29-14 3:03 PM
    > To: squares; 2011movements-fsm; transcollab@...; Discussion list about the WSF; commoning; DrY Internacional; hubmeeting@...; InterOccupy Info
    > Subject: [WSF-Discuss] Fwd: [fse-esf] Fw: Call World Social Forum (Tunisia, 2015) / Appel Forum Social Mondial (Tunisie 2015 ) / Llamado para el FSM (Tunisia 2015)
    > Call for Social Movements to mobilize for the upcoming World Social Forum (Tunisia, 2015)
    > Dear friends,
    > During its last meeting held in Casablanca in December 2014, the International Council decided to organize the upcoming World Social Forum 2015 once again in Tunisia.
    > This decision was made based on an evaluation of the proceedings of the WSF 2013, and a common assessment of the situation of struggles marshalled by different social movements in the region, and the world, as well as the new geopolitical context and the evolving nature of the neoliberal crisis.
    > Indeed, it is now imperative to realize that since 2011, and after Arab revolutions have represented a source of hope to uplift the region from its status-quo, and a source of inspiration for the entire world to change, the Arab region is currently undergoing deeply worrisome dynamics. Governments in power over the past three years have yet to put in place the necessary policies and programs which respond to the claims of young people seeking freedom and employment, women seeking equality, social movements seeking social justice. On the contrary, throughout the region the flows of weapons and violence abound, and religious extremism is deepening its reach, neo-liberal policies dictated by the World Bank and the IMF are presented as the only solution and the social movements and democratic movements are criminalized. External political and military interventions have become the rule, each time instrumentalizing internal instability to facilitate interventions by the United States, Europe, Turkey and the Gulf countries.
    > Beyond the Maghreb and the Mashreq, the African continent has become the primary source of raw material, present as the “new economic frontier”, it too a frontier ravaged by violent extremism, the plundering of its resources, and the devastating violence inflicted by structural adjustment programs and the militarization of its territories.
    > Everywhere in the world, including in Europe, Asia, Latin America, and North America, social movements find themselves facing aggravating economic, social and environmental crisis, as well as a systemic attack on their rights. New tensions, directly related to hegemonic practices to appropriate resources and conquer markets, threaten to bring the worst in Europe, Asia and Africa.
    > The World Social Forum remains, more than ever, a vital space for social movements which struggle to preserve people’s dignity, so that they remain masters of their own destiny, able to fight for and acquire new economic, social, cultural and environmental rights, and able to construct alternatives to the neoliberal world order.
    > The social movements of Tunis, as well as of the Mashreq and Maghreb invite you to join their efforts in the construction of a more just world, where justice, equality and peace prevail, and where alternatives for the current world order, to which countless populations aspire, are discussed and debated.
    > Together, we would like to work to put together an open, participatory and democratic mechanism for the organization of the World Economic Forum 2015.
    > Another Maghreb Mashreq is possible
    > Another Africa is possible
    > Another world in possible
    > Tunis, June 20, 2014
    > The Organizing Committee of the World Social Forum 2015
    > Opening of the website: June 25, 2014
    > International Council of the World Social Form: Ottawa, August 2014
    > 1st international seminary and meeting of the International Council:
    > end of October 2014
    > 2nd international seminary: February 2015
    > Commission
    > Email
    > Liste mailing
    > Communication
    > communication@...
    > communication.liste@...
    > Mobilisation
    > mobilisation@...
    > mobilisation.liste@...
    > Méthodologie
    > methodologie@...
    > methodologie.liste@...
    > Culture
    > culture@...
    > culture.liste@...
    > Jeunes
    > jeunes@...
    > jeunes.liste@...
    > Femmes
    > femmes@...
    > femmes.liste@...
    > Logistique
    > logistiques@...
    > logistiques.liste@...
    > Personnes à mobilité réduite
    > mobilitereduite@...
    > mobilitereduite.liste@...
    > Finance
    > finances@...
    > finances.liste@...
    > _______________________________________________
    > ** WSFDiscuss is an open and unmoderated forum for the exchange of information and views on the experience, practise, and theory of the World Social Forum at any level (local, national, regional, and global) and on related social and political movements and issues.  Join in !** _______________________________________________
    > WSFDiscuss mailing list
    > POST to LIST : Send email to WorldSocialForum-Discuss@...
    > SUBSCRIBE: Send empty email to worldsocialforum-discuss-subscribe@...
    > UNSUBSCRIBE: Send empty email to worldsocialforum-discuss-unsubscribe@...
    > LIST ARCHIVES: http://openspaceforum.net/pipermail/worldsocialforum-discuss_openspaceforum.net/
    > LIST INFORMATION: http://openspaceforum.net/mailman/listinfo/worldsocialforum-discuss_openspaceforum.net
    > _______________________________________________
    > ** WSFDiscuss is an open and unmoderated forum for the exchange of information and views on the experience, practise, and theory of the World Social Forum at any level (local, national, regional, and global) and on related social and political movements and issues.  Join in !**
    > _______________________________________________
    > WSFDiscuss mailing list
    > POST to LIST : Send email to WorldSocialForum-Discuss@...
    > SUBSCRIBE: Send empty email to worldsocialforum-discuss-subscribe@...
    > UNSUBSCRIBE: Send empty email to worldsocialforum-discuss-unsubscribe@...
    > LIST ARCHIVES: http://openspaceforum.net/pipermail/worldsocialforum-discuss_openspaceforum.net/
    > LIST INFORMATION: http://openspaceforum.net/mailman/listinfo/worldsocialforum-discuss_openspaceforum.net
  • Re: [Squares] Fwd: [fse-esf] Fw: Call World Social Forum (Tunisia, 2015) / Appel Forum Social Mondial (Tunisie 2015 ) / Llamado para el FSM (Tunisia 2015)

    from Bunge La Mwananchi on Jul 31, 2014 05:54 AM
    Hi All,
    Arise Afrika must take inspiration from Tunisia and the uprising and the
    rising must not only be in North Africa it must sweep across the breaths of
    Arise Afrika!
    Mr. Kiptoo John
    +254 704 540 144
    On Wed, Jul 30, 2014 at 1:02 AM, Örsan Şenalp <orsan1234@...> wrote:
    > Call for Social Movements to mobilize for the upcoming World Social
    > Forum (Tunisia, 2015)
    > Dear friends,
    > During its last meeting held in Casablanca in December 2014, the
    > International Council decided to organize the upcoming World Social
    > Forum 2015 once again in Tunisia.
    > This decision was made based on an evaluation of the proceedings of
    > the WSF 2013, and a common assessment of the situation of struggles
    > marshalled by different social movements in the region, and the world,
    > as well as the new geopolitical context and the evolving nature of the
    > neoliberal crisis.
    > Indeed, it is now imperative to realize that since 2011, and after
    > Arab revolutions have represented a source of hope to uplift the
    > region from its status-quo, and a source of inspiration for the entire
    > world to change, the Arab region is currently undergoing deeply
    > worrisome dynamics. Governments in power over the past three years
    > have yet to put in place the necessary policies and programs which
    > respond to the claims of young people seeking freedom and employment,
    > women seeking equality, social movements seeking social justice. On
    > the contrary, throughout the region the flows of weapons and violence
    > abound, and religious extremism is deepening its reach, neo-liberal
    > policies dictated by the World Bank and the IMF are presented as the
    > only solution and the social movements and democratic movements are
    > criminalized. External political and military interventions have
    > become the rule, each time instrumentalizing internal instability to
    > facilitate interventions by the United States, Europe, Turkey and the
    > Gulf countries.
    > Beyond the Maghreb and the Mashreq, the African continent has become
    > the primary source of raw material, present as the “new economic
    > frontier”, it too a frontier ravaged by violent extremism, the
    > plundering of its resources, and the devastating violence inflicted by
    > structural adjustment programs and the militarization of its
    > territories.
    > Everywhere in the world, including in Europe, Asia, Latin America, and
    > North America, social movements find themselves facing aggravating
    > economic, social and environmental crisis, as well as a systemic
    > attack on their rights. New tensions, directly related to hegemonic
    > practices to appropriate resources and conquer markets, threaten to
    > bring the worst in Europe, Asia and Africa.
    > The World Social Forum remains, more than ever, a vital space for
    > social movements which struggle to preserve people’s dignity, so that
    > they remain masters of their own destiny, able to fight for and
    > acquire new economic, social, cultural and environmental rights, and
    > able to construct alternatives to the neoliberal world order.
    > The social movements of Tunis, as well as of the Mashreq and Maghreb
    > invite you to join their efforts in the construction of a more just
    > world, where justice, equality and peace prevail, and where
    > alternatives for the current world order, to which countless
    > populations aspire, are discussed and debated.
    > Together, we would like to work to put together an open, participatory
    > and democratic mechanism for the organization of the World Economic
    > Forum 2015.
    > Another Maghreb Mashreq is possible
    > Another Africa is possible
    > Another world in possible
    > Tunis, June 20, 2014
    > The Organizing Committee of the World Social Forum 2015
    > Opening of the website: June 25, 2014
    > International Council of the World Social Form: Ottawa, August 2014
    > 1st international seminary and meeting of the International Council:
    > end of October 2014
    > 2nd international seminary: February 2015
    > Commission
    > Email
    > Liste mailing
    > Communication
    > communication@...
    > communication.liste@...
    > Mobilisation
    > mobilisation@...
    > mobilisation.liste@...
    > Méthodologie
    > methodologie@...
    > methodologie.liste@...
    > Culture
    > culture@...
    > culture.liste@...
    > Jeunes
    > jeunes@...
    > jeunes.liste@...
    > Femmes
    > femmes@...
    > femmes.liste@...
    > Logistique
    > logistiques@...
    > logistiques.liste@...
    > Personnes à mobilité réduite
    > mobilitereduite@...
    > mobilitereduite.liste@...
    > Finance
    > finances@...
    > finances.liste@...
    > _______________________________________________
    > n-1 working group:
    > https://n-1.cc/pg/groups/104127/take-the-square-international/
    > Squares mailing list
    > Squares@...
    > for unsubscribe/etc:
    > https://lists.takethesquare.net/mailman/listinfo/squares or
    > Squares-owner@...
  • Re: [WSF-Discuss] Fwd: [fse-esf] Fw: Call World Social Forum (Tunisia, 2015) / Appel Forum Social Mondial (Tunisie 2015 ) / Llamado para el FSM (Tunisia 2015)

    from Val Mogha on Jul 31, 2014 12:00 PM
    This is excellent news. I attended the WSF in Tunis in 2013 and saw how such a huge gathering could make a difference in internal dynamics. This past May, while in Rabat for a conference, I met several young people who had been part of the 20 February movement. Could there be a way to put the spotlight on the Middle East and North Africa, in terms of both the dreadful conflicts (mostly, in my view, the result of past and ongoing Western foreign policies) and the more positive developments (the role of feminist and progressive youth movements, left-wing political parties, etc. in democratization)? 
    Val Moghadam
    Valentine M. Moghadam, Ph.D. 
    Professor of Sociology 
    Director, International Affairs Program
    210H Renaissance Park
    Northeastern University
    360 Huntington Ave.
    Boston, MA 02115
    Tel.: 617-373-5472
    Fax: 617-373-5367 
    On Wednesday, July 30, 2014 5:37 PM, William Carroll <wcarroll@...> wrote:
    I will try to attend.  Please note that there is a serious typo in the last paragraph, where ' World Economic Forum 2015' appears instead of WSF.
    William K. Carroll, Ph.D.
    Sociology Department
    University of Victoria
    Victoria BC  Canada
    V8W 2Y2
    Tel 1 250 721 7573
    Fax 1 250 721 6217
    Email wcarroll@... 
    -----Original Message-----
    From: WorldSocialForum-Discuss [mailto:worldsocialforum-discuss-bounces@...] On Behalf Of Örsan Senalp
    Sent: July-29-14 3:03 PM
    To: squares; 2011movements-fsm; transcollab@...; Discussion list about the WSF; commoning; DrY Internacional; hubmeeting@...; InterOccupy Info
    Subject: [WSF-Discuss] Fwd: [fse-esf] Fw: Call World Social Forum (Tunisia, 2015) / Appel Forum Social Mondial (Tunisie 2015 ) / Llamado para el FSM (Tunisia 2015)
    Call for Social Movements to mobilize for the upcoming World Social Forum (Tunisia, 2015)
    Dear friends,
    During its last meeting held in Casablanca in December 2014, the International Council decided to organize the upcoming World Social Forum 2015 once again in Tunisia.
    This decision was made based on an evaluation of the proceedings of the WSF 2013, and a common assessment of the situation of struggles marshalled by different social movements in the region, and the world, as well as the new geopolitical context and the evolving nature of the neoliberal crisis.
    Indeed, it is now imperative to realize that since 2011, and after Arab revolutions have represented a source of hope to uplift the region from its status-quo, and a source of inspiration for the entire world to change, the Arab region is currently undergoing deeply worrisome dynamics. Governments in power over the past three years have yet to put in place the necessary policies and programs which respond to the claims of young people seeking freedom and employment, women seeking equality, social movements seeking social justice. On the contrary, throughout the region the flows of weapons and violence abound, and religious extremism is deepening its reach, neo-liberal policies dictated by the World Bank and the IMF are presented as the only solution and the social movements and democratic movements are criminalized. External political and military interventions have become the rule, each time instrumentalizing internal instability to facilitate
     interventions by the United States, Europe, Turkey and the Gulf countries.
    Beyond the Maghreb and the Mashreq, the African continent has become the primary source of raw material, present as the “new economic frontier”, it too a frontier ravaged by violent extremism, the plundering of its resources, and the devastating violence inflicted by structural adjustment programs and the militarization of its territories.
    Everywhere in the world, including in Europe, Asia, Latin America, and North America, social movements find themselves facing aggravating economic, social and environmental crisis, as well as a systemic attack on their rights. New tensions, directly related to hegemonic practices to appropriate resources and conquer markets, threaten to bring the worst in Europe, Asia and Africa.
    The World Social Forum remains, more than ever, a vital space for social movements which struggle to preserve people’s dignity, so that they remain masters of their own destiny, able to fight for and acquire new economic, social, cultural and environmental rights, and able to construct alternatives to the neoliberal world order.
    The social movements of Tunis, as well as of the Mashreq and Maghreb invite you to join their efforts in the construction of a more just world, where justice, equality and peace prevail, and where alternatives for the current world order, to which countless populations aspire, are discussed and debated.
    Together, we would like to work to put together an open, participatory and democratic mechanism for the organization of the World Economic Forum 2015.
    Another Maghreb Mashreq is possible
    Another Africa is possible
    Another world in possible
    Tunis, June 20, 2014
    The Organizing Committee of the World Social Forum 2015
    Opening of the website: June 25, 2014
    International Council of the World Social Form: Ottawa, August 2014
    1st international seminary and meeting of the International Council:
    end of October 2014
    2nd international seminary: February 2015
    Liste mailing
    Personnes à mobilité réduite
    ** WSFDiscuss is an open and unmoderated forum for the exchange of information and views on the experience, practise, and theory of the World Social Forum at any level (local, national, regional, and global) and on related social and political movements and issues.  Join in !** _______________________________________________
    WSFDiscuss mailing list
    POST to LIST : Send email to WorldSocialForum-Discuss@...
    SUBSCRIBE: Send empty email to worldsocialforum-discuss-subscribe@...
    UNSUBSCRIBE: Send empty email to worldsocialforum-discuss-unsubscribe@...
    LIST ARCHIVES: http://openspaceforum.net/pipermail/worldsocialforum-discuss_openspaceforum.net/
    LIST INFORMATION: http://openspaceforum.net/mailman/listinfo/worldsocialforum-discuss_openspaceforum.net
    ** WSFDiscuss is an open and unmoderated forum for the exchange of information and views on the experience, practise, and theory of the World Social Forum at any level (local, national, regional, and global) and on related social and political movements and issues.  Join in !**
    WSFDiscuss mailing list
    POST to LIST : Send email to WorldSocialForum-Discuss@...
    SUBSCRIBE: Send empty email to worldsocialforum-discuss-subscribe@...
    UNSUBSCRIBE: Send empty email to worldsocialforum-discuss-unsubscribe@...
    LIST ARCHIVES: http://openspaceforum.net/pipermail/worldsocialforum-discuss_openspaceforum.net/
    LIST INFORMATION: http://openspaceforum.net/mailman/listinfo/worldsocialforum-discuss_openspaceforum.net