• 2011movements-fsm discussion

Fwd: [Blockupy International] 19/12: CALL TO BRUSSELS: No more free trade, no more austerity

from ÖrsanŞenalp on Oct 30, 2014 09:29 AM
received the below the day before

-------- Oorspronkelijke bericht --------
Onderwerp: [Blockupy International] 19/12: CALL TO BRUSSELS: No more
free trade, no more austerity
Datum: 2014-10-28 16:07
Afzender: Pascoe Sabido <pascoe@...>
Ontvanger: EU in Crisis <euincrisis@...>,
"Blockupy (International list) list)"
Antwoord-aan: international@...

Dear friends,

Please find below (and attached) the english translation of the call
from the D19-20 Alliance in Belgium and the Solidaires trade union in
France to mobilise in Brussels on 19th December 2014 against free
trade (TTIP/CETA/TISA) and ongoing austerity.

Please spread it within your networks, and if your group would like to
sign the call - or think you may be able to be in Brussels on the 19th
- send an email info@...



THE TRANSATLANTIC TREATY: more austerity, less democracy



Against austerity at every level

Everyone on the streets of Brussels during the European Council Summit,

Friday 19 December 2014!

Our national and European leaders continue to subject the people to
the will of shareholders and multinationals while austerity becomes
increasingly brutal. Most national austerity programmes are
implementing EU recommendations according to the Stability and Growth
Pact that our states have already signed-off. The measures are sending
us into a recessionary spiral, imposing social regression at
magnitude. The secret free trade negotiations also reflect their
desire to uphold the interests of multinationals and their profit
logic at the expense of a social, ecological and democratic Europe.

We call on all organisations and individuals to make December 19, 2014
a day of action and convergence of struggles. Take to the streets to
remind our leaders that the public interest is not that of
multinationals and lobbyists, and that democracy does not work without
us. Only a truly social and democratic Europe will meet the basic
social needs of the population and ensure a prosperous future for
everyone within the limits of nature. It is high time to stop these
butchers’ summits!

Occupy the streets of Brussels on Friday, December 19. The D19-20
Alliance will be there. We call on all movements, organisations,
platforms and groups to do the same, in order to build as large an
action as possible!

Their profits are the appropriation of our labour! We are the real Europe;

For an education, a job, food, public services,

a decent environment; stop the TTIP!

Against the budget cuts; we refuse to pay for their banking crisis!

Call signed by Alliance D19-20 (BE), Trade Union Solidaires (FR). ...

More information on the website: d19-20.be

Pascoe Sabido
Researcher and Campaigner

Corporate Europe Observatory
Mundo B
Rue d'Edimbourg 26
Brussels 1050
Tel: +32 (0) 2 893 0930
Mob: +32 (0) 4 86 85 74 16

Twitter: @PascoeSabido
Skype: PascoeSabido

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