• 2011movements-fsm discussion

Call for Global Square meeting

de parte de marita en 13/02/2015 09:04
This is an open invitation to participate in the 

Next Global Square open meeting 

It will be in Mumble 16th of February 2015 at 8 pm CET time 
Check your local time here: time zone converter

GLobal Square occupy the WSF 2015 in Tunis 

The meeting will be on Mumble
Mumble  is a voice chat Open Source software

How to join Mumble: http://www.global-square.net/how-to-join/
download Mumble and go to:

Label: tomalaplaza.net
Server:  tomalaplaza.net
Port: 64738
Channel: International/plaza de los pueblos
Nickname: Your name/nick

Signs we use in the text chat during our mumble meetings:
WWWW or +1  = agree
MMMMM or -1 = disagree
****turn**** = ask for turn
+++++  = direct response
TTTTT  = technical point
##### = please kindly try to conclude your intervention, I understood you :)

event in facebook  https://www.facebook.com/events/947942368563397/?source=1

check also minutes of the previous meeting  https://titanpad.com/globalsquare17

GLobal Square in the WSF 2015 in Tunis   (to be translated) 

Our  squares and streets are homes to our ideas and aspirations, in them we  struggle, in them we shout out at injustices, in them we share  alternatives and build dreams. 

Global  Square is an open idea and action to create collaborative and inspiring  common spaces, in, around and beyond the World Social Forums. 

During  the World Social Forum 2015 in Tunisia, the ''Global Square '' will be  open to all those, around the world, who are  building the necessary  change and alternatives.

This is a collective space to share with different individuals/groups/organizations/assemblies  to encourage dialogue, networking, cross learning, creativity. In it  there could be permanent spaces or specific activies, and the people  involved in the facilitation team would help out to give them  visibility.

This space will also encourage spontaneous meetings, music and creativity...

The  program (clearly indicated on a board during the WSF) will be  permanently open to the organization  of assemblies, workshops, creative  activities, sharing of knowledge and  methodologies, etc. 

Anyone who would like to join and collaborate with others in changing the world at any level is more then welcome. 

Please spread to your contact 

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