• 2011movements-fsm discussion

WSF, Resources, & Bambuser Acct set up for dwatchnews to coordinate with Tunis events

from Dean Edwards on Mar 23, 2015 11:18 PM
I did not send this from the correct e-mail for the 2011 list, so am resending it.

Apologies, but this also enables you to have the icmedia@... e-mail for the media alliance.

On Mar 23, 2015, at 3:55 PM, IC Media-Alliance <icmedia@...> wrote:

> Bambuser Acct set up for dwatchnews to coordinate with Tunis events
> What follows is in addition to the other IT tools and services we will use to cover and report live from Tunis and the WSF.
> Hello everyone from Oregon and various places in US & Canada, from Democracy wAtch News and Salembard,
> We have set up an account so we can include video within the teleconference. We may also be able to offer a Mumble video-capible server with high bandwidth and high throughput. But, standby on that until I coordinate with our server manager, Phil Andrews in Washington state. He was and still maintains files for Occupy Seattle.
> We will be able two switch back and forth from taking audio from Occupy Toronto on livestream.com into the teleconferences, to enabling Dee to pick up the LS from our social-media page on the international teleconferences, to Carminda and others in Tunis or even those in Madrid calling into the teleconferences directly.
> We will also be receiving reports from Orsin in Amsterdam about Amsterdam’s events and University occupation; and, from Rami, Carminda, Marita, Jasper, and others in Tunis written e-mail reports about events in Tunis. When we are live, but they are not inputing into the teleconferences, then we will report based on updates received.
> Michael Buell will work with the Bambuser account set up for dwatchnews to coordinate with Tunis events and elsewhere.
> So, with a bit of careful and very real-time attention to detail, we can adapt to conditions and move between technologies.
> I do recommend someone also have a silentcircle.com Silent Phone account, so secure communications are possible. See  my previous posts on security to 2011 list.
> I am often in various services as salembard, including Skype. We use a Skype HD Recorder to record our teleconferences. We also take some information and produce Democracycast podcasts for iTunes and others via our Libsyn account.
> enough for now, Great to be working with you all to get the stories out and properly archived.
> I will CC this to Sanjay Goel
> Reminder. Registration for the teleconferences is available at inter occupy.net from Full Calendar. CLICK on Full Calendar, Find a WSF event, and provide an e-mail and a name. Remember to set it for your local time zone. This provides links for the social-media functions, for the support documents, and up-to-date notices—rare, but important.
> I have already sent links for instructions for call ing into the teleconferences from computers, even without a phone using MCDialer, from Skype using a calling plan, from Skype using a Maestro Conference contact account, or dialing in directly, etc.
> Finally, on Thu, separate from the special WSF events, we have our regular Democracy Movements Weekly International Press Briefing, 3 p.m. EDT (USA & Canada time), 8 p.m. in Madrid, Amsterdam, and Tunis on CET. This requires its own registration an dPIN numbers assigned for this will not work for other WSF special events. The briefing lasts for at least two hours.
> We are  featuring Jeffrey Smith, Africa advocate and HRD, with the RFK Center in Washington, DC. Also planning on a presentation about EMF Harm, is Sandy Fields of Occupy EMF Harm teleconferences with a special guest. And, we will have or should have live reports from WSF itself on this press briefing.
> I encourage people to look up Democracycast in iTunes and from other podcast providers. We have interviews with Oximity, from The Maldives, from a spokesperson from MQM in Pakistan, and about EMF issues, as well as a special on the convergence of Livestreaming and podcasting with Dee Shanger of Occupy Toronto Live and Dave Jackson of The School of Podcasting.
> Time to go to press, light up the mice, and report the news as you provide it to us.
> Solidarity and collaboration,
> Dean Edwards
> coordinating editor, no managers here :)
> Democracy Watch news
> Salem, Oregon, USA
> salembard on Skype
> https://www.twitter.com/dwatchnews

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