• 2011movements-fsm discussion

'2 Various Campaigns.'

de parte de Robert Piller en 04/06/2015 09:47
Dear Sir/Madam,                                                                                                                                                             

                                              More articles, letters and campaign details.                                             
                                              Mayhem in Iraq.                                             
                                              Our own take on events; please see the attached.                                             
                                              Japanese Whaling, News Channel and others.                                             
                                              An example of how we might get a message over to them; please see the attached.                                             
                                              Please open the following links and sign any petitions.                                             
                                              Remember, if your zip/post-code doesn't work, type in five ones instead.                                             
                                              Yours sincerely.                                             
                                                Robert Piller.
 Campaign Against the Trade in Endangered Species...
                                                To unsubscribe contact:  cates1980@...                                                





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