• 2011movements-fsm discussion

Fwd: [Blockupy International] Padua, July 4th: Invitation to the Blockupy International Coordination Meeting

de la part de marita on 11/06/2015 19:22
Hello to everyone,

here below you can find the text - and an attached pdf version - for the invitation of the next Blockupy International Coordination meeting in Padua (Italy) on the 4th of July. The meeting will be hosted by and within the spaces of the Sherwood Festival organised by North-East of Italy Social Centers. We are pleased to have the chance to host such an important political transnational platform as Blockupy and to see all of you coming into our Festival. 

You are therefore invited with this message since you were part of the Blockupy International process and the construction of the 18th of March: we hope that the "delegates" of these networks and groups can join the meeting in order to have a large, inclusive, powerful debate on our next steps in Europe. 

Feel free to spread the invitation in your organisations and to share it with those who could be interested in participating to this meeting. For further informations, please send an e-mail to international@.... A detailed agenda of the meeting will follow in the next days. 

We kindly ask you to let us know as soon as possible whether you will attend in order to optimize the accommodations; in this text you can find the references to relate to in order to communicate all those informations. 

On behalf of Blockupy International and hoping to see you very soon,

Fabio (Global Project/North-East Social Centers)


Meeting of the Blockupy International Coordinating Group

Taking a new step and making it concrete

Saturday, July 4th, 10:00 a.m. – 18.00 p.m.

in Padua, Italy, [Sherwood Festival, Stadio Euganeo, Viale Nereo Rocco 60, 35135 PD]



Dear comrades of the Blockupy coordinating group,

dear interested networks, groups and organizations, 

On May 9th we met in Berlin, evaluating #18M as an Europe-wide mobilization, a day of protest and resistance against the crisis regime. We discussed the Blockupy process of the last years, our steps to build a broad transnational platform against austerity and it's deadly consequences, for solidarity beyond borders. We decided to develop Blockupy further and to see it as a necessary, ongoing process, starting with our contribution to the Week of Solidarity in the end of June:http://blockupy.org/en/6057/athens-blockupy-and-europe-democracy-and-solidarity-are-borderless/. And we deliberated on different proposals for Blockupy beyond #18M and June: which new steps are to be taken, which next political projects to be developed? Please find the report on https://blockupy.org/en

We think of a broad transnational assembly in the end of September/early October (possibly in Athens), furthermore we started to think about a Blockupy “event” in late autumn. To prepare both in a successful manner, we think that the various proposals for the next steps to be taken need to be discussed seriously and as concrete as possible. For that we decided for a next meeting - the coordination meeting in Padua, during the Sherwood Festival – and to ask for thought through. Proposals have to include strategic questions such as the motivation for the time-space from autumn to spring as well as question about realistic resources, e.g. who will take responsibility to realize it?  

And there we are: this is the cordial invitation to do that. We invite you for a next meeting and a serious discussion about the next steps to be taken by our network in the upcoming months. If we want to go on as a network, have political impact and grow further as that particular space within Europe and against the EU confines we invite everybody to join this discussion with your ideas and proposals. 

It would be really helpful to refer in the proposals/ideas to the following questions:

1. How Blockupy could reformulate its messages towards an autumn of struggles? Which are the actors or the institutions we should address, since the changing situation in Greece and Spain, but as well in other countries?

2. How do we want to build a Blockupy event in late autumn? Do we need more a centralised day in autumn or something else? Which resources do we have to organise it?

3. How can a transnational organisation be kept without losing the local differences? How can we enforce our daily struggles through a transnational organisation?

5. Which groups and networks we should invite to join these Blockupy activities to broaden our coalition?

To facilitate the discussion, if you have more concrete proposals, we ask all Blockupy networks, groups and organizations to send them until June 25th over our working list: wg-international@....  Of course those texts are just proposals whose aim is to make the other networks and groups aware of ideas and suggestions. All the decisions will be made during the discussion and after a mutual debate between all the participants.  

We are sure we'll find a strong transnational Blockupy choreography and perspective intertwining different levels of activism and deciding on common initiatives – worked out of the various proposals, setting them in relation to each other and deciding on the next concrete common steps. We see our responsibility to act within the dynamics of crisis and resistance and we see a chance to address the subjects of transnational and regional struggles against the consequences of austerity to join.  

We want to keep the Blockupy platform as large as possible, so please feel free to take part to the discussion and broaden the coalition.

Some important logistic points to meet in Padua:

·         Please let us know whether you want to participate, and perhaps who else to invite. Please write tointernational@...

·         There are very limited options to support travel costs. We want to have all networks of the Blockupy coalition represented. If one is not able to participate without help, please write to the address above.

·         Some information about the arrival to Padua and the Sherwood Festival:  http://www.sherwood.it .   From Padua's train-station you can take the bus n.11 till the corner Via Montà and Via Benussi, wich is at 500mt from the Euganeo Stadium where takes place the Sherwood Festival; by car check the road Viale Nereo Rocco 60, 35135 PD

          -         Accommodation: We will provide overnight accommodation and homemade meals, therefore please let us know as soon as possible number of participants from each network. We will provide vegetarian meals as well but we would like to be informed in advance on particular needs . Please contact chiarabi@... 
A detailed agenda will follow. We are looking forward to a productive political meeting with concrete, inspiring results and we are looking forward to an exciting, dynamic summer, fall, and winter of resistance and new initiatives.


In solidarity and with best wishes,

the Blockupy international coordinating group

June 10th 2015 


Information: https://blockupy.org/en

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