• 2011movements-fsm discussion

Fwd: Minutes from our first Skype Call Aug 18th

de la part de Orsan Senalp on 19/08/2015 06:09
First online prep. meeting for commons -p2p event towards montreal wsf 2016:

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Kevin Flanagan <kev.flanagan@...>
> Date: 18 Aug 2015 22:07:30 GMT+2
> To: wsf2016@...
> Subject: Minutes from our first Skype Call Aug 18th
> Reply-To: Kevin Flanagan <kev.flanagan@...>
> Hello Everyone,
> Here are the minutes from our first skype call. I am excited to say it went really well and was a great start for our discussion. I'm looking forward to bringing more of the group here together for the next call which will be sometime after September 3rd. Vanessa Reid will post a Doodle soon.
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rC6u3yCqkaIGFdIyBDXaC5vei0BGQXAMaJAJE8p0ZmQ/edit#
> Comments and responses are welcome
> Best
> Kevin 
> -- 
> https://twitter.com/flgnk
> Skype: kev.flanagan
> Phone: +353 87 743 5660

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