• 2011movements-fsm discussion

Fwd: [commoning] Commons' liberation at the WSF

de parte de Orsan Senalp on 2016-06-22 14:44

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Örsan Şenalp <orsan1234@...>
> Date: 22 Jun 2016 13:15:13 GMT+2
> To: Wolfgang Hoeschele <whoeschele@...>
> Cc: Ellen Friedman <ellen@...>, Commoning <commoning@...>
> Subject: Re: Re: [commoning] Land liberation at the WSF
> Thanks a lot for the offer Wolfgang. I think to have a broader discussion wiki would be great. So would appreciate if you could arrange it; would be much better if there is an indipendant and neutral domain name. If not possible I would suggest to have one since it is very crucial to open a neutral space for such work I believe. 
> Otherwise for the time being, I think collective pad is a great tool to start; easy to use; possible to trace contributions and contributors; would be great if participants would add their names and bios and messages at the most bottom part of the text. 
> Below text is a kick off I worked out needs an edit from a native though, and it is open to modification and collective work here: https://globalcommonscharter.titanpad.com/1
> password: globalcommons
> "Global Commons Charter  
> I. Description and invitation
> The 'common elements' of life on which the lives of all other humans and species depend can not be owned, in any means, by specific individuals, groups, or social classes nor can they be rented out temporarily, to be managed or runned for one's’ own benefit, thus for-proft. 
> The commons listed in this charter are respected as common elements of live and they can only be governed collectively by the direct democratic participation of those whose lives depend on those commons. 
> No body, or no one exclude any other's access, either by direct closure (by force) or by creating 'consent' of those who is 'dependant' on a commons.   
> A childish approach, of "I found it, it is mine", has been dominating social relations and destroying the life in our planet, at least for the last 5000 years. It is time to grow up as humanity, as a global and planetary civilization and alter our collective 'id'. It is time to tame this underdeveloped part of us, under a healthy guidance of our collective social ego; while balancing the narcissism of our collective ego -that cries like "I will be the most powerful and everyone will respect/ fear from me"- with the pureness of our collective childishness. 
> Inbalance in humanity's collective character and personality has been forming social structures that were in return driving endless profit and power accumulation seeking activities -mainly by the elite of the world, the in famous 1% but confirmed by middle classes too- for long enough. It is time to give an end to this immature behavior of our spicie, all together.  
> Global Commons Charter, to be written in a peer to peer way and as a commons, in broader terms, aims to achieve this goal, and free all commons from the capture of 1%, through market rules, under the protection of the states. 
> This is aimed to be the people's voice in broadest sense; as multilingual as possible and open to as many people's contribution as possible; individually and collectively. 
> Please invite all your friends, collectives, groups, organisations to make a contribution to the writing of the first genuinely global and collective charter for the emancipation of the commons. "
> love, 
> Orsan
>> On 22 June 2016 at 08:18, Wolfgang Hoeschele <whoeschele@...> wrote:
>> Hi Ellen and Orsan,
>> We could provide a wikispace at the Commons Abundance Network if you wish to use it:
>> http://commonsabundance.net/
>> Note that the NORA database already provides (in incipient form that hasn't been updated substantially since 2014) something along the lines you are talking about.
>> Best,
>> Wolfgang
>> --------- Original Message ---------
>> Subject: Re: [commoning] Land liberation at the WSF
>> From: "Orsan" <orsan1234@...>
>> Date: 6/21/16 2:26 pm
>> To: "Ellen Friedman" <ellen@...>
>> Cc: "Commoning" <commoning@...>
>> Let us start with baby steps here: https://titanpad.com/HWFa0R0YvP
>> We could move it to a wiki space as soon as we have one! 
>> With love, Orsan
>> On 21 jun. 2016, at 23:20, Orsan <orsan1234@...> wrote:
>> Thanks a lot for return Ellen, as far as i am aware there there were charter and declarations written using collaborative tools (knowledge commons) like wikis and open pads. In Spain, and during the occupations of squares. It is technically feasible and fun to join in. The result can be outstanding. I would include land, water, forest, beaches, money, knowledge, human-animal-plant genom, labour... (And all fictitious commodities) as chapters. That would be concrete, catalyzing and worthy effort. If you are interested we could start a sort of open work group and start with drafting a text, and invite others to work on it. Taking initiative is half way to finish :) we could do regular online meetings through the way, up till WsF session and present the current state of work, and invite more people to process in Montreal and go on working until it satisfy all Peer producers of the charter. I would say let's start the work! 
>> Hugs, Orsan
>> On 21 jun. 2016, at 21:20, Ellen Friedman <ellen@...> wrote:
>> I found the recent conversations about interfering with capitalist accumulation stimulating and necessary. I get hopeful hearing so many speak about the task’s necessity and the variety of ideas how to make it happen.
>> Orsan, your suggestion to create a wiki for a charter and to discuss it at the WSF stuck with me. I’d love to see a conversation in Montreal centered around creating strategies to liberate nature through a bioregional approach with a responsibility to the whole. We could discuss the merits of the various ideas raised here and lots more that we haven’t yet touched on and identify pathways to make it happen. 
>> Is there any interest in this idea? Is anything like this already in the works? 
>> I’m willing to collaborate off-list to make it happen. Is anyone else interested in organizing the session(s)?
>> Cheers, 
>> Ellen in Austin
>> Ellen C. Friedman
>> ellen@...
>> Skype: EllenCFriedman
>> 512.775.3611
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