• 2011movements-fsm discussion

Peer to peer self-evaluating the 2011-2015 golobal uprising

de la part de Orsan on 02/11/2016 13:07
Was thinking that it would be very nice and useful to put all the google  documents, titan-pirate pads, meeting notes and minutes, call text etc., posters and videos, websites and so on / from all the efforts we had put together between january 2011 until 2016.

 With this feeling I did start to bring such decomnetation, as much as I could remember and find on the net, together. 

This might, I hoped also serve to self re-evaluate and digest what the hell happened in last years :) 

As a bonus we would have a tidy public record of global revolution for future generations.

 In case there would be anyone like to help please email me directly. 

[ps. of course there is no intention to make anything public, at least before eleminating names or other information that would put peoples identities under threat]  
In solidarity, 
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