• 2011movements-fsm discussion

Re: [NetworkedLabour] Cybernetics, social systems engineering, 'world forums' in balance, and the Club of Rome

de parte de Orsan on 2016-11-22 13:12
> Orsan:
> This statement puts you in the same general camp as that of the imperialism-fixated James Petras and What'sHisName from Global Research:

You mean Chulskydulsky :) I don't think I am putting myself in that camp. 

> 'In the first report they were calling for formation of a World Forum (on economic, political, and social issues). Some thirty years later we got all these forums sat in motion as World Economic Forum, World Social Forum, and World Political Forum. As it was appeared sort of an alternative tripartite model for the Good Governance of Globalization. 
> As similar to the New World Order conspiracies... those who were in the kitchen of these three forums were linked to Club of Rome.'
> Oh! 
> So the WSF is part of a Club of Rome Conspiracy? I don't think, actually, that either JP or GR would say this of the WSF, even if they condemn it or criticise it. I think that - imperialism-fixated as they are - they produce evidence and theory.

It is not a conspiracy, as in conspiracy theories, so that they have to do this to destroy or damage societies; but it is clear to me that Forums idea formed and executed from top down manner and, as a result of a transnational class (fraction) act following guidelines written according to a 'reflexive' strategy; as it is mentioned in the Club of Rome report. As they say it they might really believe in doing good, for the world. If This is true or not, is irrelevant. 

In any cybernetic / system design, what is key is to setting the initial conditions for the kick off the processes, and then the control of the course of interactions through which feed backs flow. Information via communications, funding etc. The Club of Rome report that I shared offers a social complexity management design for the globe; and its key feed-back mechanism is a 'World Forum(s)', to provide source for the self-reflexivity of the system, so any train crash is avoided. It does not only target social actors, of opposition of any kind, but also capital fractions, and political elite. So if change is required in capitalism, in its nature, that can identified and promoted as an agenda to many key influential agency through such forums. Does this sound like a conspiracy? To me it is a sound plan. Yet it is a top down and elite plan.

The WEF is known as initiative of Dr. strangelove Scwab, and WPF of Mikael Gorbachev, both linked or member to the Club of Rome. And It is known. Who did launch the idea of WSF and what do they think of the club. How the WSF get its funding from the largest philanthropies like Rockefeller, Ford, so on so forth. My point and all argument is not about if did they do this for good or bad, as conspiracy or as a sincerely plan to save the world... although these did / could not change any thing, not the participants to WSF, nor WEF, Nor WPF, they could not change the course of what Susan George uses it 'the train crash'.. 

> Seems anything you disagree with becomes part of this global capitalist conspiracy. 

This is not my own concern directly. But watch this: http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2016/11/richard-spencer-speech-npi/508379/?utm_source=atlfb
The forces unleashed by the crisis arguing and conspiring that globalist New World Order plans are left and communist... they divide people from only viable option to crisis like this easily. Ok left had its other problems in general to be judged as unsuccessful before the ultra-right, but such interlocking with liberal globalist elite was the biggest mistake. This the core of my argument.

> As a long-standing critic, from both inside and outside the WSF, 'I have no need for this hypothesis'. But this should surely lead to you considering me a) blind, b) stupid, c) a 'fellow traveller' or d) a useful idiot manipulated by the Global Capitalist Conspiracy.

:) not at all.. I think we all have nice feelings and we should towards the nice feelings of liberals, and keep our liberal friends in daily micro life.. but for the sake of emancipation, we had to, and have to say away from ruling class liberals at the political and daily life levels. 

> Do let me know what you think about this.

So this is how I see it.


>> On Mon, Nov 21, 2016 at 11:40 AM, Orsan <orsan1234@...> wrote:
>> Here is the first ever report published by the Club of Rome, written. by a Turkish cybernetist Hasan Ozbekhan, who was also asked (not clear know by who) to organize the initial Rome meeting of the club:
>> http://quergeist.net/Christakis/predicament.pdf
>> See then 40 year preview of this private club: https://www.laetusinpraesens.org/links/clubrome.php#repo
>> What is striking is Ozbekhan called in three other consultants, experts in complex system managers and cyberneticists, to set the thing up.
>> These consultants "included Alexander Christakis, Erich Jantsch, and Aurelio Peccei. The "prospectus" in the form of a "report to the Club of Rome" was entitled: The Predicament for Mankind: Quest for Structured Responses to Growing World-wide Complexities and Uncertainties  (1970).
>> The Institutional and funding support was provided by Institute Batalle based in Geneva in Switzerland. [Interesting what links Rome and Switzerland is Vatican and its Switz guards (as a juicy conspiracy element)]. 
>> In the first report they were calling for formation of a World Forum (on economic, political, and social issues). Some thirty years later we got all these forums sat in motion as World Economic Forum, World Social Forum, and World Political Forum. As it was appeared sort of an alternative tripartite model for the Good Governance of Globalization. 
>> As similar to the New World Order conspiracies... those who were in the kitchen of these three forums were linked to Club of Rome. 
>> In the absence of clear left analysis, critique, and action against such an elitist ruling - class project, or involvement, the emancipatory aspects of such projects did not thrive yet in opposition pave way to growing assaults fro radicalizing nationalist capital and ruling class fractions. Left and 'liberals' (in the US), had been seen puppets of the globalist power elite. 
>> This story was given conspiracy tone and made easy accessible and chewable for the white Anglo Saxon male protestant middle classes that are losing ground. 
>> In short we all have a stake and role in coming to today, we are at the brink of the third imperialist capitalist corrective intra-class war.. with nukes.
>> There were many things we could have done but we didn't, and we have watched the things to unfold in to this irreversible point. Like we all were paralyzed. 
>> Now at least we need a real story to tell our children, ones that had been, murdered, still alive, and yet to be born...
>> Shall the force be with you..
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