• 2011movements-fsm discussion

Feb 17 CATES Report.

de parte de Robert Piller en 22/01/2019 12:03
Dear Sir/Madam,

It's been a long time no see but it's more to give you an update as to what's happening.

From now on we'll be sending out these reports only as and when there's anything important we want to get out there.  At the moment we're involved with the annual Rattlesnake Roundups as well as producing our own CATES State Of UK Birds Report 2017 which is an alternate report to the usual RSPB. stuff.

To keep everyone informed our Current Issues section has now been divided into two subsections.  Monthly Reports, where you'll find the newsletters, and added to this we now have a Notice Board onto which anything can be placed at any time.

Just keep this link safe http://cates1980.wixsite.com/cateswebsite/about_us and it can be viewed as and when.

This report includes the following articles.   Please click onto the link below.



Rattlesnake Roundups.

Time of the year to bring this campaign out again to oppose one of the cruelest events on the planet.  Do please get involved and let's do whatever we can to get it stopped once and for all.


CATES State Of UK Birds Report 2017. An Alternate Report To The RSPB's.

With the RSPB. ever overseeing our birds into terminal decline, for quite a few decades now, we thought it was time to hit things home some reality.  Here we have our own alternate coverage in order to balance things up a bit.


Snowy Owls.

Previous populations were estimated to be around 200,000 individuals but a recent count totals it more like 28,000.  The official line by the authorities is as ever global-warming, but we know Snowy Owls move south in the winter bringing them into contact with wind-farms.  It's also clear they will cite every danger known to science but will avoid these issue like the plague.


Whale Conservation In The Southern Oceans An Update.

Humiliating times to be sure but please do whatever you can do.


Additive-Free Pet Food Update.

And finally a list of foods to avoid if you want a long-lived pet and it's a campaign anyone can engage with.


Although we're sending out fewer newsletters these days, this doesn't mean we're winding down here, it simply frees us up for doing other things.  Keep hold of the top link and you'll be able to see what's happening at a moment's notice.  We will be in touch again but by doing it this way it makes life a lot easier for us.

Yours sincerely.

Robert Piller.
Campaign Against the Trade in Endangered Species...

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