• Canada & FSM/WSF discussion

About extension of PSF workshop proposal 319,/ 151 - IJVcanada

de parte de fsmwsfextension canada on 2014-08-03 13:56
Hello Maxine
Thanks for this " i d like to try ! "  in your message below
Here is your workshop apparently with number 151

*151    http://refusingtobeenemiesthebook.wordpress.com
<http://refusingtobeenemiesthebook.wordpress.com>    Refusing to be
Enemies: Palestinian and Israeli Nonviolent Resistance to the Israeli
Occupation: powerpoint followed by QA     Maxine, active member of
Vancouver, BC chapter of Independent Jewish Voices    I will introduce my
book, based on interviews with Palestinian and Israeli nonviolent activists
who persistently challenge the Israeli occupation, separately and
together.  You'll meet several, hear descriptions of their work and thought
and learn about nonviolent strategies that have been effective in this
struggle,  as well as actions we all can take to promote justice and peace
in Palestine-Israel.    10. International    English / Anglais    Power
point and QA   August 22ndAfternoon / Après-midi    90 *

   - *The Answer to your message  is basically the same as for Peter
   workshop60 *:

   - You are now second in the list of  announced extended workshops:

   - You seem to be organizing a workshop in the name of an organisation
   chapter of independent jewish voices, which maybe  active mabe throughout
   the country , and which has a consolidated website  http://ijvcanada.org/
   so You may be having friends and contacts active in ijvcanada.org living
   in ottawa, and they may know people able to help you as volunteers

   - Also,  in the worst case,  you can  learn how to make a video
      broadcast,( see info here :
      )  bring  a laptop and set it up at the beginning of your workshop,
      focusing on you ,  and let it run filming you, and some people
in the room
      may help you last minute,

      - We suggest that according to the number of participants in your
   workshop you allocate above 50% of time for Q&A ...and not 10%  so the
   discussion will be livelier

   - urgent "We suggest you create a public skype  " ijvcanada.extension"
   as of now ! (see technical info linnk above)  so we can put it in the page

*circulate an invitation in your networks
   - and also fill the form !

Looking forward to hear from you
Sylvie and Pierre

   1. *Vancouver* activists protest Israel advocacy lobby *...*
   cette page
   6 mai 2013 - The Centre for Israel and *Jewish* Affairs (CIJA) is the
   right wing, Conservative party ally that replaced the former Canadian
   *Jewish* Congress.
   2. *Independent Jewish Voices* (IJV) Canada <http://ijvcanada.org/>
   ijvcanada.org/Traduire cette page
   3 déc. 2012 - Paula Kirman from *Independent Jewish Voices* speaks at
   the ... Jewish Voices – Canada, a national organization with a *chapter*
   in Nova Scotia.
   3. *Independent Jewish Voices* -- *Vancouver* protest at CIJA *...*
   rebdavid.blogspot.com/2013_05_01_archive.htmlTraduire cette page
   5 mai 2013 - Don Grayston of Building Bridges *Vancouver* and a young
   fellow I don't ... *Independent Jewish Voices Vancouver chapter* will
   hold a protest at ...
   4. *Independent jewish voices* | rabble.ca
   rabble.ca/category/tags.../*independent*-*jewish*-*voices*Traduire cette
   15 juil. 2014 - *Independent Jewish Voices* aims to raise awareness
   about the work of the ... 10 ads went up in *Vancouver* transit stations
   showing loss of “Jewish land” in ... by the Victoria *Chapter of
   Independent Jewish Voices* (IJV) Canada, ...
   5. *Independent Jewish Voices* | rabble.ca
   rabble.ca/taxonomy/term/17978?page=1Traduire cette page
   *Independent Jewish Voices* condemns Jason Kenney's attack on free
   speech ... author Michael Reardon recently hosted by the Victoria *Chapter
   of Independent Jewish Voices* (IJV) Canada, is being censored by Shaw
   Cable in *Vancouver*.

---------- Message transféré ----------
Cc: "'Maxine
Date: Sat, 2 Aug 2014 21:16:01 -0700
Subject: RE: [Canada & FSM/WSF discussion]
I like the idea of opening one's workshop to viewers outside of Ottawa by
live-streaming, but I have no idea who will be attending, so I can't
provide volunteers to fulfil the functions you mention. Still, I'm
interested in principle, so if you can let me know how to procede, I'd like
to try.
Maxine Kaufman-Lacusta
Workshop 319 (Refusing to be Enemies: Palestinian and Israeli Nonviolent
Resistance to the Israeli Occupation: powerpoint followed by QA )

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