• Tunis Group 1 - CI futur Practicaltasks

FR ES AR(a) EN - Lettre / Carta FSM 2015 -BROUILLON

from Pierre George on Jul 11, 2013 01:07 AM
ES  abajo  AR below EN  below


Janaina, Jason , Chers amis dans le groupe G1

Cette lettre est une proposition visant à rompre le silence qui règne sur notre
liste en ce qui concerne la question du FSM 2015,

Lors de la réunion de Tunis IC le 1er Avril (*), il a été mentionné qu'il
serait réaliste de circuler en Juin une lettre adressée à des groupes
désireuses d'organiser un événement mondial du forum social en 2015

Cette lettre serait de les inviter à préparer une présentation à la
prochaine réunion du CI, qui se tiendrait en Octobre dans la région
(maintenant reporté un peu plus tard a ce que j'ai compris?) et
rappellerait certains
principes et un lien vers le document de référence du processus du FSM: sa
charte de principes et de ses principes directeurs pour l'organisation d'un
événement FS

Nous sommes maintenant fin de Juin et le niveau d'activité dans le
groupe G1 chargé
de cette tâche pratique est encore très faible

D’où  ce "projet" lettre visant à attiser des réactions au sein de notre
groupe G1.

Le projet est accessible ici:
http://openfsm.net/projects/cifutur/cifuturg1-decision2015  sous le lien
«2015 letter1  en 4 langues

Vous êtes invités à proposer un autre projet, ou de modifier celle-ci (modifier
la page ou télécharger le texte et. modifier dans un traitement de texte)

 l'objectif est d’avancer avec vos commentaires


 (*) voir les interventions 78 -81 dans la transcription et la synthèse -
Lien disponible ici en haut de la page



Janaina, Jason  Queridos amigos en el grupo G1

Esta carta es una propuesta para romper el silencio que prevalece en
nuestra lista
de correo sobre el tema de la FSM 2015

En reunión del CI Túnez el 01 de abril, (*) se mencionó que sería realista a
circular en junio una carta dirigida a grupos de organizaciones dispuestas a
celebrar un evento del Foro Social Mundial de 2015

Esta carta sería invitarlos a preparar una presentación para la próxima reunión
del CI, que se celebrará en octubre en la región del Magreb-Mashrek (ahora
pospuesto un poco más tarde por lo que yo entiendo?) y desea recordar ciertos
principios y que enlazan con el documento de referencia del proceso del FSM:
la carta de principios y sus principios rectores para la organización de un
evento FS

ahora son finales de junio y el nivel de actividad en el grupo G1 se
encomiende esta tarea práctica es siendo muy bajo

por lo tanto, este "proyecto" carta destinada a suscitar algunas reacciones
dentro de nuestro grupo-G1.

El proyecto es accesible aquí:
http://openfsm.net/projects/cifutur/cifuturg1-decision2015  bajo el link "2015
letter1 en 4 idiomas

Le invitamos a proponer otro proyecto o modificar éste (editar la
página o descargar
el texto y. modificar en un procesador de texto)

el objetivo es avanzar con sus comentarios


(*) ver las intervenciones 78 -81 en la transcripción y el resumen -
Enlace disponible
aquí http://openfsm.net/projects/cifutur/cifutur -práctico-tareas






Dear Friends in group G1 This letter is a proposal to break the silence
prevailing on our mailing list regarding the issue of WSF 2015

In Tunis IC meeting on April 1st,(*) it was mentioned it would be realistic
to circulate in June a letter directed to groups of organizations willing
to convene a world social forum event in 2015

This letter would invite them to prepare a presentation for next IC meeting
to be held in October in the Maghreb-Mashrek region (now postponed a bit
later as I understand? ), and it would recall certain principles and
linking to the reference document of WSF process: its charter of principles
and its guiding principles for organizing a SF event

We are now end of June and the level of activity in the G1 group entrusted
with this practical task is still very low Hence this “draft” letter aiming
at stirring up some reactions inside our group-G1.

The draft is accesible here  in 4 languages :
http://openfsm.net/projects/cifutur/cifuturg1-decision2015  under the link
" 2015 letter1 http://openfsm.net/projects/cifutur/cifuturg1-2015-letter1-en

You are welcome to propose another draft, or to amend this one. (edit the
page or download the text and amend it in a text processor)

The goal is to proceed with your comments

(*)see the interventions 78 -81 in the transcript and the summary - link
available here on toop of

2013/7/9 Jason Nardi <jason.nardi@...>

> Dear Pierre and all,
> I also.think this group should start working by now... there are also
> other tasks that we had agreed upon in Tunis.
> I am available to work on the web and communications part... after July
> 15th.
> As for Pierre's draft letter, it's fine with me.
> Cheers!
> jason
> Il giorno 05/lug/2013, alle ore 23:27, janaina@... scritto:
> Pierre,
> Thank you very much for drafting the letter, I found it to be very
> thorough, thogh not detailed in practicalities (such as information
> regarding the next IC meeting, I believe the Group still has to discuss and
> agree on those).
> You did great getting the discussions started for G1. Thank you again,
> kind regards, Janaina Uemura
> Em 04.07.2013 12:38, Pierre escreveu:
> Dear Friends in group G1 This letter is a proposal to break the silence
> prevailing on our mailing list regarding the issue of WSF 2015 In Tunis IC
> meeting on April 1st,(*) it was mentioned it would be realistic to
> circulate in June a letter directed to groups of organizations willing to
> convene a world social forum event in 2015 This letter would invite them to
> prepare a presentation for next IC meeting to be held in October in the
> Maghreb-Mashrek region (now postponed a bit later as I understand? ), and
> it would recall certain principles and linking to the reference document of
> WSF process: its charter of principles and its guiding principles for
> organizing a SF event We are now end of June and the level of activity in
> the G1 group entrusted with this practical task is still very low Hence
> this “draft” letter aiming at stirring up some reactions inside our
> group-G1. The draft is accesible here :
> http://openfsm.net/projects/cifutur/cifuturg1-decision2015 under the link
> " 2015 letter1 You are welcome to propose another draft, or to amend this
> one. (edit the page or download the text and amend it in a text processor)
> The goal is to proceed Looking forward to your comments Pierre (*)see the
> interventions 78 -81 in the transcript and the summary - link available
> here http://openfsm.net/projects/cifutur/cifutur-practical-tasks --
> Archive:
> http://openfsm.net/projects/cifutur/lists/cifutur-practicaltasks/archive/2013/07/1372952285232To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to
> cifutur-practicaltasks@.... Please contact
> cifutur-practicaltasks-manager@... for questions.
> --
> Archive: http://openfsm.net/[…]/1373060178662<http://openfsm.net/projects/cifutur/lists/cifutur-practicaltasks/archive/2013/07/1373060178662>
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