• com com shared evaluation Belem09

Wiki modificadas recientemente March 18, 2009 por admin


Evaluations (from meeting of the shared communication projects groups in Belem on Feb.2, 2009

(24 people present)

Rita - Ciranda
In the weeks leading up to the Forum, Ciranda worked with local groups (students, young people, local movements) in the Laboratorio de Comunicação Compartilhada at CEPEPO in Guamá, who produced audiovisual and textual coverage of the forum. This important work means that the projects will continue here in Belém.

There was some conflict within the projects between prioritising the internal process and producing content for external publication. For future forums, we should think about creating a shared communications group that deals exclusively with external media, to not mix the two projects.

There were serious problems with infrastructure. The projects counted on a donation of computers from Belgium, which arrived late. Everything we did counting on these computers was compromised. People from Laboratorio de Conhecimento Livre ended up having to work as technical volunteers, which meant many of the activities planned for the Laboratorio didn´t happen.
The infrastructural problems were not a question of local organisation, should have been dealt with at Forum level. 

Around 150 people participated in Ciranda, around 90% Brazilians.

Antonio - Forum TV
Work of Forum TV divided in to different parts. Before forum,  at CEPEPO base  was open an alternative media center and with the presence of many students and with the support and partecipation of CEPEPO, Ciranda, Forum de Radio, Focuspuller and many others.
In this media center CEPEPO coordinates the production of a collections of pre-forum videos.
During Forum, the focuspuller group produced content which was distributed via Eurovision and wsftv.net. and  the  CEPEPO team  produced 23 videos in total, uploaded on www.wsftv.net  . CEPEPO has contributed with  the videos produced for a making on of a  programme of EBC made with the indipendent production.

  The content that was distributed via Eurovision reached 50 public broadcasters in Europe. Was produced 50 minutes of highlights, and several clip and interviews for wsftv.net. The material it is avaible on the website.

we are waiting to know the total presence of south American tv in Belem, but partially we can say: TV Argentina, Tele Sur, Vivetv, Ebc, Globo, local brasilian tv , Record , Cuban Tv i think.

Work of Forum TV and main stream broadcaster needs some more attention in the future about the  whole process, more in the pre-production, because this time for some technical reason we produce partially, also if it is very difficult cover a so big social forum.

Also was a distribution with www.arcoiris.tv  and others sites.

There were problems with the internet  connection.

Over all was made a very good job and i hope that all that have partecipated in the process are satisfied.

many thanks to everybodies.


Maria Pia - Forum Radio
There was a campaign in 5 languages to promote the Forum Radio to radios in Latin America, Europe, Africa and Australia. In the Forum Radio particpated AMARC and various other radios, as well as local community radios. During the Forum, programming was organised around axes, with programmes every day in different languages (Portuguese, Spanish, French, German, Dutch, English).  There were daily meetings to discuss the agenda.

Before AMARC always worked alone, this time we worked with others. One of the best experiences was working with local radios.

Idea to have Radio Forum during global day of action 2010.

Internet connection for streaming was difficult.

Work of Radio Forum is not just about diffusion but about how you work. Sharing is important. AMARC already has network which makes work easier, others have different ways of working.

Belem Expanded - Pierre
Belex was a way to continue the intercommunication experience of the global day of action in 2008, when a series of videochats was organised.

Belex was organised through openfsm. 40 cities registered. In total we held 30 videochats from one hour to three hour duration participants liked very much, discovering intercommunication beyond distance. Belex had 5 rooms which were all used simultaneously on various occasion, 3 in the Ginasio and 2 inside FACOM. we Used Skype to connect which is a decentralized software in line with the decentralized scheme. we prepared this on line with on openfsm for lukewarm communication and started warm communication with skype chats one month before the forum. For the next events dates or forum in the calendar  this intercommunication scheme can grow bigger.videochatpanorama.JPG 

External press - Jason
Day of press conferences
Link to each project distributed
Various problems with local coordination, didn't have local representative, didn't manage to get local people involved in weekly ComCom chats.

Office communications - Thiago
Office in Sao Paulo only had 3 people, which made work difficult.
Produced bulletin, which was strictly informative
Belem office became responsible for most of event communication.
Very few people responsible for a lot of work.
Division of territory was problematic, little infrastructure at UFRA

3 different scopes of media: alternative, mass media and individual media
Need to think more about how to look after individual communicators (bloggers etc) so we don't lose them.

Discussion – key points

Would like work to be more shared, would like more commitment from the other projects. Ciranda spent the 6 months before the Forum thinking about the 5 projects as a whole, but when there were problems the other projects looked after their own issues. Need more understanding of what is shared action, and work to resolve problems together.

Problem getting understanding in Belem for what the projects were about. People here unable to have a bigger vision than the reality they live in. Belem office did not understand the political importance of the projects. Belem office ended up dealing only with local press, while Thiago, Monica, Marica et al became responsible for the international press.

It was an error to have journalists who work in mainstream media being responsible for communications in the Belem office. There was also a very strong influence from the Para government. At UFRA there was strong political content but no conditions for media to work. Our questions are both political and technical. Next time we need to have very clear project descriptions.

Proposal - creation of shared communications press agency (acessoria de imprensa) . There was no defined politics or strategy for dealing with mainstream press from Belem office; we need to have a group responsible for working out a political response to mainstream press.

Would have been good to have meetings between representatives from each project. Easier to distribute tasks and responsibilities when there are just a few people involved, in big meetings what tends to happen is that nobody takes responsibility.

Visibility of projects is a problem. We need more basic info for journalists. Material was prepared but not distributed. Important to remember also had other projects/initiatives at Forum - Terra Viva, Flame d'Afrique, Networked Politics, the network Bens Comuns de Saber.  Social networks and individual communicators are important instruments of multiplication. How to proceed – produce report, disseminate evaluation. Need guidelines for how to do communications of Forum (along similar lines as Vinod’s paper on how to organise forum). Database of individual participants an important resource, important to contact them. Language also a problem - operating just in four languages means very partial communication. Need to strengthen ComCom working groups. Need to intervene in IC tomorrow to get message across that communication is the strategy, it is not an extra.

[Missing: contributions from Pia and Norma in Spanish which I didn’t understand very well]