• Communication commission discussion

WEF Palestine - sharing records/news

de la part de ciranda@... on 30/10/2010 18:28
We'd like to share the first records from WEF-Palestine.

http://wsf.ciranda.net (WSF 2010)


http://www.ciranda.net/mot186 (WEF)

Some websites like Ciranda, Altermundo, Alternative Information  
Center,  Ejoussour, Stop the Wall, WSFTV, Foro Social de Radios,  
WEF-Palestine website, WSF Info, WSF Newsletter, Openfsm and  
communicators of Expanded Activities linking Mexico, Australia, Belem,  
Morocco and others join efforts to cover the WEF-Palestine related  

We'll also work together for the media marathon against the Wall - Nov  
12-13, with another alternative media and websites. You can find more  
info here:
http://www.ciranda.net/mot169  (BDS Marathon)

Join us!

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