• Communication commission discussion

IPS-TerraViva at Cancun COP 16

de la part de Claudia Diez de Medina on 02/12/2010 18:16

 From Nov. 29 to Dec. 10, the 16th Conference of 
Parties to the U.N. Framework Convention on 
Climate Change (UNFCC) convenes in Cancún, 
Mexico, to follow up on last year’s summit in 
Copenhagen, where world leaders failed to 
negotiate an international, legally-binding 
treaty to curb harmful emissions of greenhouse 
gases.<http://www.ips.org/>IPS Inter Press 
Service has an international contingent of 
journalists from Africa, South Asia and the 
Americas reporting from COP 16 in Cancun. The 
team is producing a daily 
<http://www.ips.org/TV/cop16/>IPS TerraViva 
online conference newspaper, and material in 
English, Spanish and French for the 
<http://ipsnews.net>IPS news service and the 
(<http://tierramerica.net/>http://tierramerica.net) communication platform.

Follow our coverage of the UN Climate Change 
Conference in Cancun on our special edition 
<http://www.ips.org/TV/cop16/>TerraViva COP 16 
site, on Facebook at 
<http://www.facebook.com/ipsenvironment>From the 
Frontline of Environment - IPS and on Twitter @ipsenvironment.

to access IPS reporting on climate change before, during and after COP 16.

IPS is also organizing a media workshop for 
journalists from G20 countries attending the 
international legislators forum in Mexico DF from 3rd to 5th December.

IPS thanks COM +, UNESCO, FANRPAN and CCMP for their support.

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