• Communication commission discussion

Re: Assembly Aplication

de la part de rita@... on 22/01/2011 13:41
Hi Mallory,
Could you send basic info on that meeting, specially on how to join it?


Citando Mallory Knodel <mallory@...>:

> Good suggestion, Rita.
> I hope that we can add this discussion to our agenda for tomorrow's
> (Sunday's) meeting. Can we get everyone there to discuss?
> -Mallory
> On 01/20/2011 05:03 PM, rita freire wrote:
>> Hi friends,
>> Could you invite Myriam and Erika, from Ritimo, for our mailing list?
>> Ritimo and some co-organizers of a communication seminar for Dacar are
>> talking about the Communication's Assembly too.
>> Let's to coordenate with them?
>> Rita
>> --
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> --
> Mallory Knodel
> May First/People Link Leadership
> ...Growing Networks to Build a Just World...
> mayfirst.org
> malloryknodel.net/blog
> --
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