• Communication commission discussion

Re: Suggested draft letter of support...

de la part de hitchman@... on 26/01/2012 15:53
I suggest you also send this to the organisers of FAME (Forum Alternatif Mondial de l'Eau), the alternative world Water Forum, to be held in March in Marseilles in France, and also to our friends from the SASF, as they were very concerned by water issues. Your best contact there would be Farah Kabir, the Director of Actionaid.  Her email is farah.kabir@...

In solidarity

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-----Original Message-----
From: Azril Bacal <bazril1@...>
Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2012 22:42:09 
To: <arrojo@...>
Reply-To: communication-commission-discussion@...
Cc: ICAE Secretariat<icae5@...>; i \"Stellan Vinthagen\"<stellan.vinthagen@...>; Terry Carlbom<terry@...>; Beatriz<bbissio@...>; Bo Nylund<bo.nylund@...>; mailbox@...<luis@...>; Chico Whitaker<intercom@...>; FRANCISCO SANCHEZ DIAZ DE RIVERA<pakito123@...>; Luana Rodrigues de camargo<luanaroteiro@...>; Sarah Di Nella - Carta<dinella@...>; Dr. Ilse Schimpf- Herken<Ilse.schimpf-herken@...>; Buuba Diop<buubadiop@...>; Dr. Ulrich Peter Ritter<ulrichp.ritter@...>; Lothar Brock<Brock@...>; <vmanzano@...>; Esteban Velázquez<evelazquez@...>; Hedvig Ekerwald<hedvig.ekerwald@...>; Eklund Karin<karin.eklund@...>; Eunice Macedo<eunicemacedo_58@...>; Gustavo Esteva<gustavoesteva@...>; Martin Ezpeleta<martin_ezpeleta@...>; Marianne Fors<farmor.fors@...>; Leonardo Fuks<cyclophonica@...>; Omar Fiz-Palacios<fizpal@...>; John Foran<foran@...>; rita freire<ritafreir@...>; Cecilia Fernández<icae@...>; Pierre George<pierregrg@...>; Oscar González<osgonce@...>; Sarah van Gelder<svangelder@...>; Miguel Ganzo<miguel.ganzo@...>; Gustavo Nazar<gustavo.nazar@...>; KG Hammar<kg.hammar@...>; Howard Richards<howardri00@...>; forosocialsevilla<forosocialsevilla@...>; <communication-commission-discussion@...>; <labmidialivre@...>; Jai Sen<jai.sen@...>; Jaime A. Preciado Coronado<japreco@...>; Joëlle Cordesse<joelle.cordesse@...>; Servicio Paz y Justicia (SERPAJ) - México<serpajc@...>; Jorge Osuna<alejanguerra@...>; Konrad Borst<konrad.borst@...>; Olle Kristenson<olle.kristenson@...>; Werner Kamppeter<werner.kamppeter@...>; <nigd-list@...>; Úrsula Oswald Spring<uoswald@...>; Angel G. QuinteroRivera<agquinterorivera@...>; José Eustáquio Romão<jer@...>; <rodostaven@...>; Roberto Savio<utopie@...>; Marco Antonio Serrano Téllez<marco@...>; jan-erik.nordlund@...<jan-erik.Nordlund@...>; <tamara_soneken@...>; mjv-uppsala<mjv-uppsala@...>; FREDSMUSEUM Uppsala<info@...>; <samirtg@...>; samir amin<samir.amin@...>; Josef el Mahdi<Josef.elMahdi@...>; <massiah@...>; Henning Melber<henning.melber@...>; Henley David<david.henley@...>; Anisur Rahman<anisbangla@...>; Cora Weiss<cweiss@...>
Subject: [Communication commission discussion] Suggested draft letter of

Professor Dr. Pedro Arrojo Agudo
Director, Program of Water, Rivers and Towns
University of Zaragoza, Spain

Place and date:
Ref: International Mission as Observer of Human Rights related to Water Issues
in Perú, 6-11 February 2012.

Dear Professor,

In agreement with the spirit and written letter from the “Fondation
France Libertés – Danielle Mitterand within the Human Rights Council
of the United Nations, we request from you to observe the national
march for water rights and related non-violent activities taking place
in Perú, 1-11 February 2012. This request is in response to the call
for support and solidarity from peruvian associations engaged in the
non-violent defense of the rights of peoples to have access to water
and also to defend the human right to life.

We wish as well to obtain from you in the field, all useful
information concerning the unfolding of the water- related activities
mentioned above and, moreover, all the relevant information about
access to water for all and, last but not least, on the potential
impact of  extractive industries - and particularly of mining
industries on the ecosystems and on the human and cultural rights of
indigenous peoples.

I (We) thank you for your kind cooperation with this extremely
important project with world-wide implications. And we trust and hope
that your mission, as indicated, will contribute to a heightened
respect for the Rule of Law and for a Culture of Peace, which remain
our main concern.

Respectfully yours

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