• Communication commission discussion

  • Re: [WSF-Discuss] Paul Craig Roberts and his White Supremacist Appeal

    from Azril Bacal on Aug 25, 2014 08:31 AM
    Dear Mikael,
    It appears to be a humble statement from your part, that you are "afraid
    not to know the precise answer(s)..."
    Name one name of someone on Earth and Heavens - who has the precise
    At any rate, you feel you had "enough" to not hesitate in your answer - to
    Sukla's message in our list, when writing that: Emma Rosenthal's attack on
    Craig Roberts ...is "a piece of slander and not worth much consideration."
    You know for a fact, that I always commended your wisdom in the past.
    Now it is my time to question it, as follows:
    So, yes! Roosevelt and Churchill tactically made a deal with Stalin.
    But weren't we at the WSF trying to build together "Another Possible World"
    - which required from us to avoid the pitfalls from the past? To avoid the
    old ways of "using all means premised on our lofty aims"? To avoid the old
    ways of regarding our enemy's eneases. my as our allies? Are we still
    trapped by old ways?
    Reading you now, Mikael, makes me sad and keenly aware that we are still
    overshadowed by our past conditioning and reductionism.
    My list of those condemned for "Crimes against Humanity" is much larger
    than yours - and not "fixed" exclusively on Israel, as you seem to be doing
    right now...I would include ISIS, the members of the "Insecurity Council"
    and the countries producing and selling weapons, the countries financing
    the rockets launched by Hamas/Jihad - instead of these funds being used for
    the sustainable development of the people in Gaza, Saudi Arabia, Ir¡an -
    and even Sweden and Brazil for producing/selling weapons. In facts, I would
    include most if not all contemporary national-states should be send to the
    Hague Tribunal for being class-ethnocratic and ethnicidal societies, that
    factually kill people through their policies of privatization and
    increasing socio-economic inequality.
    But that would make it difficult for the Hague Tribunal to handle this
    overwhelming number of c
    Even though I share the same horror againts this viscious and senless waste
    of human lifes due to the interlocked violent politics of Netanhayu's
    Israel and Hammas/Jihad's Gaza.
    On the grounds of the values I thought I was endorsing at the WSF and NIGD
    (or was I perhaps deluded from the beginning?) - I have endorsed Desmond
    Tutu's appeal to the israeli people - but have simultaneously kept distnace
    from that unilateral reductionism of the position that now leads you to
    join hands with Craig Roberts - like some "leftists" do with neo-Nazis do
    today in their shared antisemitism.
    So what about checking one's eye - and not just focusing exclusively on the
    one and only only cause of all evil on Earth?
    Your "humblest" friend :-)
    We have a long ways to go if the wisest of us, like yourself, walk on such
    muddy roads.
    Like your humble state at the end, I am afraid I do no know the precise
    On Mon, Aug 25, 2014 at 9:21 AM, Mikael Book <book@...> wrote:
    > Emma Rosenthal's attack on Paul Craig Roberts (the one that Sukla Sen
    > forwarded to our list) is a piece of slander and not worth much
    > consideration.
    > I read the articles of Paul Craig Roberts every now and then at
    > Counterpunch and PCR:s own website, and will continue to do so, because of
    > their qualities, and despite the somewhat choleric tone of this writer.
    > Does this imply an alliance?  No.
    > Would I be prepared to sign a statement that was also signed by PCR? Yes I
    > would, depending of course on the content and the situation.
    > Would it be possible that some day I would find myself fighting an enemy
    > side by side with Paul Craig Roberts? Yes, I believe that could happen.
    > Churchill and Roosevelt made an alliance with Stalin -- and viceversa. To
    > what extent does an alliance depend on principles, how much is it
    > determined by necessity (a question of life and death), how much due to
    > personal sympathies and antipathies?
    > I am afraid I do no know the precise answer(s).
    > Cheers,
    > Mikael
    > Mikael Böök * book@... * gsm +358(0)-44 5511 324 *
    > http://www.kaapeli.fi/book/  * http://blogi.kaapeli.fi/book/ *
    > http://blog.spinellisfootsteps.info/
    > On Sun, 24 Aug 2014, peter waterman wrote:
    >  Well, let's see, Jan,
    >> I just reposted an item about a network of lawyers' organisations that
    >> proposed bringing Israel to the International Criminal Court on the basis
    >> of multiple charges concerning its war in Gaza.
    >> One of the signators of this appeal was the International Association of
    >> Democratic Lawyers, which I remembered as a Soviet front organisation
    >> (along with two I worked for in the 1950s-60s). Checking this up online, I
    >> discovered that one of its affiliates is a lawyer's organisation in North
    >> Korea. Meanwhile it has no affiliate in South Korea.
    >> I posted the declaration because I agreed with it. But I also did a little
    >> introductory note pointing out this...*anomaly*? So, I think it is not so
    >> much a matter of being open to all possible allies but of precisely being
    >> selective and being open with them and about them.
    >> Actually, it seems to me that the signature of the IADL does the appeal
    >> damage. I would be surprised if it were not picked up by Zionists to
    >> discredit the appeal.
    >> Best,
    >> PeterW
    >> On Sun, Aug 24, 2014 at 6:22 PM, Jan Wiklund <jawi@...> wrote:
    >>  It is obviously so that a lot of conservative or libertarian Americans
    >>> oppose war, for different reasons - one of which probably is that war is
    >>> expensive. Roberts is not the only one.
    >>> This is not only valuable to know in itself, but it is also valuable
    >>> since
    >>> it gives one a hunch about that one sometimes may agree with peolpe about
    >>> some issues but not about others. Which is good to know since it gives
    >>> one
    >>> a hunch about the essentials in alliance building.
    >>> If our alliances was only built with pople we always agreed with, they
    >>> would be small indeed, and would never ever win a victory. Which is what
    >>> we
    >>> aim at - or am i wrong?
    >>> J
    >>> 24 aug 2014 kl. 09.31 skrev Sukla Sen:
    >>> [This is obviously a somewhat old article, but nevertheless relevant.]
    >>> http://cafeintifada.wordpress.com/2010/03/09/867/
    >>>  Paul Craig Roberts and his White Supremacist Appeal
    >>> <http://cafeintifada.wordpress.com/2010/03/09/867/> *By Emma Rosenthal*
    >>> March 9, 2010 by emmarosenthal
    >>> <http://cafeintifada.wordpress.com/author/emmarosenthal/>*ARENÿÿT THERE
    >>> Roberts is a right wing white supremacist who has written repeatedly
    >>> anti-disability, anti-jewish, anti-gay, anti-immigrant anti- people of
    >>> color, rants for years. (and while attempting to be ÿÿpro-Islam,
    >>> pro-Arabÿÿ,
    >>> his assertions are rife with orientalist assumptions of Amerikan/western
    >>> superiority.) His critique of U.S./Israeli policy is not part of a human
    >>> rights, social justice, anti-imperialist movement for self-determination
    >>> or
    >>> liberation, but rather is simply an extension of his white supremacist
    >>> fear
    >>> that white people and Amerika are losing ground.
    >>> Roberts has written for years for VDARE (a racist publication, named for
    >>> Virginia Dare, the first ÿÿwhiteÿÿ baby to be born in the ÿÿNew
    >>> Worldÿÿ), but
    >>> recently he has been published, without criticism or reference to his
    >>> racist, ableist, sexist anti-gay, anti-immigrant, anti-Jewish, anti-Arab
    >>> trajectory by Counterpunch, ifamericansknew, antiwar.com, Democracy Now,
    >>> Information Clearing House, Alternet and other ÿÿprogressiveÿÿ media.
    >>> In his article *ÿÿWhy Does Israel Want to Initiate War Between theU.S.
    >>>  and Iran?ÿÿ* (1) Roberts repeats what weÿÿve been hearing for years:
    >>> that
    >>> the U.S. government is a puppet regime of Israel. immediately
    >>> contradicting
    >>> himself with the refrain weÿÿve heard for 10 years, that Israel is trying
    >>>  to drag the U.S. into war with IRan, or that Israel will bomb Iran on
    >>> its
    >>> own. Weÿÿve heard this from the left, the right, and from two U.S. Vice
    >>> Presidents. (Cheney and Biden) and yetÿÿ no war. (Sanctions, defamations,
    >>> pressure, but no war!) Does this mean that the tail doesnÿÿt wag the
    >>> dog, as
    >>> has been suggested? After all, if Israel has really wanted the U.S. to go
    >>> to war, or if Israel really wants to bomb Iran, if Israel really did run
    >>> the show, wouldnÿÿt this have happened years ago?
    >>> On the other hand, is it possible that Israel is less influential than
    >>> weÿÿve been led to believe and that the threat of an Israeli caused war,
    >>> is
    >>> part of the illusion the U.S.  and Israel have been manufacturing for
    >>> some
    >>> timeÿÿ the idea that Israel is responsible for U.S. foreign policyÿÿ
    >>> taking
    >>> the focus off of the U.S. and its global empire, while simultaneously
    >>> making Israel seem much more powerful than it really is. ÿÿ a mutually
    >>> beneficial illusion.
    >>> In his article *ÿÿThe End of Free Speech? Criminalizing Criticism of
    >>> Israelÿÿ*, (2) Roberts attacks a hate crimes bill that extends violent
    >>> hate crimes protection to LGBT people and people with dis-abilities. He
    >>> asserts that this new bill would make any criticism of Israel and the
    >>> Holocaust, illegal, contrary to ANY reading of the bill, which says
    >>> absolutely nothing about Israel and has no impact at all on speech.
    >>> In his article *ÿÿ Muslims Are Their Own Worst Enemyÿÿ* (3) he repeats
    >>> tired orientalist stereotypes, blames the victims of U.S. (and British
    >>> and
    >>> Russian Imperialism) for their own condition ÿÿM*uslim disunity has made
    >>> it possible for Israel to dispossess the Palestinians, for the U.S. to
    >>> invade Iraq, and for the U.S. to rule much of the regionÿÿÿÿ*
    >>> In his memoriam to Milton Friedman, (4) the architect of some of the most
    >>> deadly economic policies of the Twentieth Century, he calls Friedman the
    >>> *ÿÿgreat
    >>> economist of our times.ÿÿ*
    >>> In his article *ÿÿThat Buchanan Bookÿÿ *(5) he repeats and embellishes
    >>> Buchanonÿÿs attacks on immigrants, multiculturalism, people of color
    >>> people
    >>> with dis-abilities and the left.
    >>> *ÿÿBuchanan has strong opinions, but his opinions are based in facts,
    >>> unlike his equally opinionated opponents, who have bought into the
    >>> multiculturalist dogma of the evils of western civilization or taken
    >>> refuge
    >>> in neoconservative wishful thinking.ÿÿ*
    >>> He states,* ÿÿWhites are shrinking into a minority even within their own
    >>> countries. massive uncontrolled legal and illegal immigration, together
    >>> with collapsing fertility rates of whites everywhere, foretell a
    >>> vanishing
    >>> race.ÿÿ* as if itÿÿs a bad thing.
    >>> (Seriously though,  the disappearance of any culture or group is NEVER  a
    >>> good thing, but the construct of whiteness ÿÿincluding his unstated
    >>> inference to race mixing as further diluting this vanishing breedÿÿ
    >>> isnÿÿt
    >>> about the preservation of a culture, but the total assimilation of
    >>> several
    >>> distinct and disparate languages, heritages, histories and legacies which
    >>> are swallowed up into a homogenized (White) identity in the interest of
    >>> empire and dominationÿÿfor those who qualify, whiteness is the price of
    >>> losing who you are.)
    >>> He goes on to assert that the situation may be worse than Buchanan would
    >>> have us think: *ÿÿIn the U.S., native-born whites already are
    >>> second-class
    >>> citizens in their own country. Unconstitutional group privileges have
    >>> arisen based on race, gender, and disability. White males no longer have
    >>> equal rights. ÿÿ*
    >>> He concludes this article; *ÿÿDemonization of whites is the weapon used
    >>> by
    >>> multiculturalists to breakup western civilizationÿÿ Demonization has
    >>> already
    >>> demoralized some whites, making them ashamed and fearful of their skin
    >>> color.ÿÿ*
    >>> *ÿÿBy the time whites become political minorities, decades of
    >>> demonization
    >>> will have prepared the ground for legislation prohibiting their
    >>> propagation
    >>> and, perhaps, assigning them to the gulag as a final solution ÿÿ none of
    >>> this is ordained. faculties could replace multicultural propagandists
    >>> with
    >>> real scholars, and legislation could halt or reduce immigration to
    >>> assimilable numbers. Is western civilization worth the effort? Does
    >>> anyone
    >>> any longer know what western civilization is? ÿÿ*
    >>> So how come roberts is getting so much play among progressives, including
    >>> the progressive press, given his history of bigotry and intolerance, as
    >>> well as having ÿÿservedÿÿ on Reaganÿÿs cabinet as Treasury Secretary
    >>> (making
    >>> his essay *ÿÿThe Rich Have Stolen the Economyÿÿ*, a bit absurd)?
    >>> Could it be that his white supremacist positions, including the assertion
    >>> of a Zionist occupied Amerikan government, run by foreign Israeli
    >>> interlopers, tricksters, puppeteers, as well as an entire ethnic group of
    >>> U.S. citizens with suspicious national allegiance, absolve (Christian)
    >>> white (and otherwise privileged) Amerikans of their (real and
    >>> mis-afilliated) guilt, allowing them to address injustices without ever
    >>> having to examine the root causes, raise their class consciousness, or
    >>> challenge their own nationalism, Amerikan hubris, entitlement and
    >>> arrogance.
    >>> When I ask why ÿÿweÿÿ are promoting Roberts, I am told that he has
    >>> important
    >>> points to make, that no one is all good or all bad, that his position in
    >>> the Reagan Administration lends credibility to those more legitimate
    >>> assertions ÿÿwe all agree onÿÿ. But even though a broken clock is right
    >>> twice
    >>> a day, and Mussolini  made the trains run on time, do we really want, in
    >>> giving credence to his ÿÿgood pointsÿÿ to legitimize his racist, sexist,
    >>> ableist bigotry and promote Roberts at the expense of other writers who,
    >>> though lesser known, might better articulate a vision of
    >>> anti-imperialism,
    >>> anti-colonialism, infused justice, inclusion, diversity and
    >>> self-determination?
    >>> 1. http://www.thecanadiancharger.com/page.php?id=5&a=133
    >>> 2. http://cafeintifada.wordpress.com/2009/05/08/654/
    >>> 3. http://www.vdare.com/roberts/100301_muslims.htm
    >>> 4. http://www.vdare.com/roberts/061116_friedman.htm
    >>> 5. http://vdare.com/roberts/west_future.htm
    >>> --
    >>> Peace Is Doable
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    >>   1. *EBook, November 2012: Recovering Internationalism
    >>   <http://www.into-ebooks.com/book/recovering_internationalism/>.  [A
    >>   compilation of papers from the new millenium. Now free in two download
    >>   formats] <http://www.into-ebooks.com/book/world_social_forum/>
    >>   <http://www.into-ebooks.com/book/world_social_forum/>*
    >>   2.
    >> *EBook (co-editor), February 2013: World Social Forum: Critical
    >>   Explorations http://www.into-ebooks.com/book/world_social_forum/
    >>   <http://www.into-ebooks.com/book/world_social_forum/> *
    >>   3. *Interface Journal Special (co-editor), November 2012: For the Global
    >>   Emancipation of Labour <http://www.interfacejournal.net/current/>*
    >>   4. *Blog: http://www.unionbook.org/profile/peterwaterman.
    >>   <http://www.unionbook.org/profile/peterwaterman.> *
    >>   5. *Interface Journal Special (Co-Editor) Social Movement
    >>   Internationalisms. See Call for Papers <http://www.interfacejournal.
    >> net/>,
    >>   (Deadline: May 1, 2014). *
    >>   6.
    >> *Needed: a Global Labour Charter Movement (2005-Now!)
    >>   <http://interfacejournal.nuim.ie/wordpress/wp-content/
    >> uploads/2010/11/Interface-1-2-pp255-262-Waterman.pdf>*
    >>   7. *Under, Against, Beyond: Labour and Social Movements Confront a
    >>   Globalised, Informatised Capitalism
    >>   <http://www.into-ebooks.com/book/under-against-beyond/>(2011) Almost
    >> 1,000
    >>   pages of Working Papers, free, from the 1980's-90's.*
    >>   8. *Google Scholar Citation Index:*
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    >>   -
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  • Re: [WSF-Discuss] Paul Craig Roberts and his White Supremacist Appeal

    from book on Aug 25, 2014 09:07 AM
    True, Azril, I cannot name anybody who has the precise answers to these 
    questions about alliances. Perhaps it was unwise from my side to bring up 
    the example of the so called grand alliance during WWII and those 
    well-known names? On the other hand, in a WSF-discussion we cannot avoid 
    speaking about "the world", can we?
    But Azril, I am not fixated on Israel and/or the war in Gaza. Maybe Emma 
    Rosenthal is, which might explain why she writes about Paul Craig Roberts 
    the way she does. I maintain that her article (the one that triggered this 
    discussion thread) is slanderous and of poor quality. If you happen to 
    know her, pls tell her to do better! 
    Kind regards,
    Mikael Böök * book@... * gsm +358(0)-44 5511 324 *
    http://www.kaapeli.fi/book/  * http://blogi.kaapeli.fi/book/ *
    On Mon, 25 Aug 2014, Azril Bacal wrote:
    > Dear Mikael,
    > It appears to be a humble statement from your part, that you are "afraid
    > not to know the precise answer(s)..."
    > Name one name of someone on Earth and Heavens - who has the precise
    > answer(s)?
    > At any rate, you feel you had "enough" to not hesitate in your answer - to
    > Sukla's message in our list, when writing that: Emma Rosenthal's attack on
    > Craig Roberts ...is "a piece of slander and not worth much consideration."
    > You know for a fact, that I always commended your wisdom in the past.
    > Now it is my time to question it, as follows:
    > So, yes! Roosevelt and Churchill tactically made a deal with Stalin.
    > But weren't we at the WSF trying to build together "Another Possible World"
    > - which required from us to avoid the pitfalls from the past? To avoid the
    > old ways of "using all means premised on our lofty aims"? To avoid the old
    > ways of regarding our enemy's eneases. my as our allies? Are we still
    > trapped by old ways?
    > Reading you now, Mikael, makes me sad and keenly aware that we are still
    > overshadowed by our past conditioning and reductionism.
    > My list of those condemned for "Crimes against Humanity" is much larger
    > than yours - and not "fixed" exclusively on Israel, as you seem to be doing
    > right now...I would include ISIS, the members of the "Insecurity Council"
    > and the countries producing and selling weapons, the countries financing
    > the rockets launched by Hamas/Jihad - instead of these funds being used for
    > the sustainable development of the people in Gaza, Saudi Arabia, Ir¡an -
    > and even Sweden and Brazil for producing/selling weapons. In facts, I would
    > include most if not all contemporary national-states should be send to the
    > Hague Tribunal for being class-ethnocratic and ethnicidal societies, that
    > factually kill people through their policies of privatization and
    > increasing socio-economic inequality.
    > But that would make it difficult for the Hague Tribunal to handle this
    > overwhelming number of c
    > Even though I share the same horror againts this viscious and senless waste
    > of human lifes due to the interlocked violent politics of Netanhayu's
    > Israel and Hammas/Jihad's Gaza.
    > On the grounds of the values I thought I was endorsing at the WSF and NIGD
    > (or was I perhaps deluded from the beginning?) - I have endorsed Desmond
    > Tutu's appeal to the israeli people - but have simultaneously kept distnace
    > from that unilateral reductionism of the position that now leads you to
    > join hands with Craig Roberts - like some "leftists" do with neo-Nazis do
    > today in their shared antisemitism.
    > So what about checking one's eye - and not just focusing exclusively on the
    > one and only only cause of all evil on Earth?
    > Your "humblest" friend :-)
    > Azril
    > We have a long ways to go if the wisest of us, like yourself, walk on such
    > muddy roads.
    > Like your humble state at the end, I am afraid I do no know the precise
    > answer(s)...
    > Abrazo
    > Azril
    > ______
    > On Mon, Aug 25, 2014 at 9:21 AM, Mikael Book <book@...> wrote:
    >> Emma Rosenthal's attack on Paul Craig Roberts (the one that Sukla Sen
    >> forwarded to our list) is a piece of slander and not worth much
    >> consideration.
    >> I read the articles of Paul Craig Roberts every now and then at
    >> Counterpunch and PCR:s own website, and will continue to do so, because of
    >> their qualities, and despite the somewhat choleric tone of this writer.
    >> Does this imply an alliance?  No.
    >> Would I be prepared to sign a statement that was also signed by PCR? Yes I
    >> would, depending of course on the content and the situation.
    >> Would it be possible that some day I would find myself fighting an enemy
    >> side by side with Paul Craig Roberts? Yes, I believe that could happen.
    >> Churchill and Roosevelt made an alliance with Stalin -- and viceversa. To
    >> what extent does an alliance depend on principles, how much is it
    >> determined by necessity (a question of life and death), how much due to
    >> personal sympathies and antipathies?
    >> I am afraid I do no know the precise answer(s).
    >> Cheers,
    >> Mikael
    >> Mikael Böök * book@... * gsm +358(0)-44 5511 324 *
    >> http://www.kaapeli.fi/book/  * http://blogi.kaapeli.fi/book/ *
    >> http://blog.spinellisfootsteps.info/
    >> On Sun, 24 Aug 2014, peter waterman wrote:
    >>  Well, let's see, Jan,
    >>> I just reposted an item about a network of lawyers' organisations that
    >>> proposed bringing Israel to the International Criminal Court on the basis
    >>> of multiple charges concerning its war in Gaza.
    >>> One of the signators of this appeal was the International Association of
    >>> Democratic Lawyers, which I remembered as a Soviet front organisation
    >>> (along with two I worked for in the 1950s-60s). Checking this up online, I
    >>> discovered that one of its affiliates is a lawyer's organisation in North
    >>> Korea. Meanwhile it has no affiliate in South Korea.
    >>> I posted the declaration because I agreed with it. But I also did a little
    >>> introductory note pointing out this...*anomaly*? So, I think it is not so
    >>> much a matter of being open to all possible allies but of precisely being
    >>> selective and being open with them and about them.
    >>> Actually, it seems to me that the signature of the IADL does the appeal
    >>> damage. I would be surprised if it were not picked up by Zionists to
    >>> discredit the appeal.
    >>> Best,
    >>> PeterW
    >>> On Sun, Aug 24, 2014 at 6:22 PM, Jan Wiklund <jawi@...> wrote:
    >>>  It is obviously so that a lot of conservative or libertarian Americans
    >>>> oppose war, for different reasons - one of which probably is that war is
    >>>> expensive. Roberts is not the only one.
    >>>> This is not only valuable to know in itself, but it is also valuable
    >>>> since
    >>>> it gives one a hunch about that one sometimes may agree with peolpe about
    >>>> some issues but not about others. Which is good to know since it gives
    >>>> one
    >>>> a hunch about the essentials in alliance building.
    >>>> If our alliances was only built with pople we always agreed with, they
    >>>> would be small indeed, and would never ever win a victory. Which is what
    >>>> we
    >>>> aim at - or am i wrong?
    >>>> J
    >>>> 24 aug 2014 kl. 09.31 skrev Sukla Sen:
    >>>> [This is obviously a somewhat old article, but nevertheless relevant.]
    >>>> http://cafeintifada.wordpress.com/2010/03/09/867/
    >>>>  Paul Craig Roberts and his White Supremacist Appeal
    >>>> <http://cafeintifada.wordpress.com/2010/03/09/867/> *By Emma Rosenthal*
    >>>> March 9, 2010 by emmarosenthal
    >>>> <http://cafeintifada.wordpress.com/author/emmarosenthal/>*ARENÿÿT THERE
    >>>> Roberts is a right wing white supremacist who has written repeatedly
    >>>> anti-disability, anti-jewish, anti-gay, anti-immigrant anti- people of
    >>>> color, rants for years. (and while attempting to be ÿÿpro-Islam,
    >>>> pro-Arabÿÿ,
    >>>> his assertions are rife with orientalist assumptions of Amerikan/western
    >>>> superiority.) His critique of U.S./Israeli policy is not part of a human
    >>>> rights, social justice, anti-imperialist movement for self-determination
    >>>> or
    >>>> liberation, but rather is simply an extension of his white supremacist
    >>>> fear
    >>>> that white people and Amerika are losing ground.
    >>>> Roberts has written for years for VDARE (a racist publication, named for
    >>>> Virginia Dare, the first ÿÿwhiteÿÿ baby to be born in the ÿÿNew
    >>>> Worldÿÿ), but
    >>>> recently he has been published, without criticism or reference to his
    >>>> racist, ableist, sexist anti-gay, anti-immigrant, anti-Jewish, anti-Arab
    >>>> trajectory by Counterpunch, ifamericansknew, antiwar.com, Democracy Now,
    >>>> Information Clearing House, Alternet and other ÿÿprogressiveÿÿ media.
    >>>> In his article *ÿÿWhy Does Israel Want to Initiate War Between theU.S.
    >>>>  and Iran?ÿÿ* (1) Roberts repeats what weÿÿve been hearing for years:
    >>>> that
    >>>> the U.S. government is a puppet regime of Israel. immediately
    >>>> contradicting
    >>>> himself with the refrain weÿÿve heard for 10 years, that Israel is trying
    >>>>  to drag the U.S. into war with IRan, or that Israel will bomb Iran on
    >>>> its
    >>>> own. Weÿÿve heard this from the left, the right, and from two U.S. Vice
    >>>> Presidents. (Cheney and Biden) and yetÿÿ no war. (Sanctions, defamations,
    >>>> pressure, but no war!) Does this mean that the tail doesnÿÿt wag the
    >>>> dog, as
    >>>> has been suggested? After all, if Israel has really wanted the U.S. to go
    >>>> to war, or if Israel really wants to bomb Iran, if Israel really did run
    >>>> the show, wouldnÿÿt this have happened years ago?
    >>>> On the other hand, is it possible that Israel is less influential than
    >>>> weÿÿve been led to believe and that the threat of an Israeli caused war,
    >>>> is
    >>>> part of the illusion the U.S.  and Israel have been manufacturing for
    >>>> some
    >>>> timeÿÿ the idea that Israel is responsible for U.S. foreign policyÿÿ
    >>>> taking
    >>>> the focus off of the U.S. and its global empire, while simultaneously
    >>>> making Israel seem much more powerful than it really is. ÿÿ a mutually
    >>>> beneficial illusion.
    >>>> In his article *ÿÿThe End of Free Speech? Criminalizing Criticism of
    >>>> Israelÿÿ*, (2) Roberts attacks a hate crimes bill that extends violent
    >>>> hate crimes protection to LGBT people and people with dis-abilities. He
    >>>> asserts that this new bill would make any criticism of Israel and the
    >>>> Holocaust, illegal, contrary to ANY reading of the bill, which says
    >>>> absolutely nothing about Israel and has no impact at all on speech.
    >>>> In his article *ÿÿ Muslims Are Their Own Worst Enemyÿÿ* (3) he repeats
    >>>> tired orientalist stereotypes, blames the victims of U.S. (and British
    >>>> and
    >>>> Russian Imperialism) for their own condition ÿÿM*uslim disunity has made
    >>>> it possible for Israel to dispossess the Palestinians, for the U.S. to
    >>>> invade Iraq, and for the U.S. to rule much of the regionÿÿÿÿ*
    >>>> In his memoriam to Milton Friedman, (4) the architect of some of the most
    >>>> deadly economic policies of the Twentieth Century, he calls Friedman the
    >>>> *ÿÿgreat
    >>>> economist of our times.ÿÿ*
    >>>> In his article *ÿÿThat Buchanan Bookÿÿ *(5) he repeats and embellishes
    >>>> Buchanonÿÿs attacks on immigrants, multiculturalism, people of color
    >>>> people
    >>>> with dis-abilities and the left.
    >>>> *ÿÿBuchanan has strong opinions, but his opinions are based in facts,
    >>>> unlike his equally opinionated opponents, who have bought into the
    >>>> multiculturalist dogma of the evils of western civilization or taken
    >>>> refuge
    >>>> in neoconservative wishful thinking.ÿÿ*
    >>>> He states,* ÿÿWhites are shrinking into a minority even within their own
    >>>> countries. massive uncontrolled legal and illegal immigration, together
    >>>> with collapsing fertility rates of whites everywhere, foretell a
    >>>> vanishing
    >>>> race.ÿÿ* as if itÿÿs a bad thing.
    >>>> (Seriously though,  the disappearance of any culture or group is NEVER  a
    >>>> good thing, but the construct of whiteness ÿÿincluding his unstated
    >>>> inference to race mixing as further diluting this vanishing breedÿÿ
    >>>> isnÿÿt
    >>>> about the preservation of a culture, but the total assimilation of
    >>>> several
    >>>> distinct and disparate languages, heritages, histories and legacies which
    >>>> are swallowed up into a homogenized (White) identity in the interest of
    >>>> empire and dominationÿÿfor those who qualify, whiteness is the price of
    >>>> losing who you are.)
    >>>> He goes on to assert that the situation may be worse than Buchanan would
    >>>> have us think: *ÿÿIn the U.S., native-born whites already are
    >>>> second-class
    >>>> citizens in their own country. Unconstitutional group privileges have
    >>>> arisen based on race, gender, and disability. White males no longer have
    >>>> equal rights. ÿÿ*
    >>>> He concludes this article; *ÿÿDemonization of whites is the weapon used
    >>>> by
    >>>> multiculturalists to breakup western civilizationÿÿ Demonization has
    >>>> already
    >>>> demoralized some whites, making them ashamed and fearful of their skin
    >>>> color.ÿÿ*
    >>>> *ÿÿBy the time whites become political minorities, decades of
    >>>> demonization
    >>>> will have prepared the ground for legislation prohibiting their
    >>>> propagation
    >>>> and, perhaps, assigning them to the gulag as a final solution ÿÿ none of
    >>>> this is ordained. faculties could replace multicultural propagandists
    >>>> with
    >>>> real scholars, and legislation could halt or reduce immigration to
    >>>> assimilable numbers. Is western civilization worth the effort? Does
    >>>> anyone
    >>>> any longer know what western civilization is? ÿÿ*
    >>>> So how come roberts is getting so much play among progressives, including
    >>>> the progressive press, given his history of bigotry and intolerance, as
    >>>> well as having ÿÿservedÿÿ on Reaganÿÿs cabinet as Treasury Secretary
    >>>> (making
    >>>> his essay *ÿÿThe Rich Have Stolen the Economyÿÿ*, a bit absurd)?
    >>>> Could it be that his white supremacist positions, including the assertion
    >>>> of a Zionist occupied Amerikan government, run by foreign Israeli
    >>>> interlopers, tricksters, puppeteers, as well as an entire ethnic group of
    >>>> U.S. citizens with suspicious national allegiance, absolve (Christian)
    >>>> white (and otherwise privileged) Amerikans of their (real and
    >>>> mis-afilliated) guilt, allowing them to address injustices without ever
    >>>> having to examine the root causes, raise their class consciousness, or
    >>>> challenge their own nationalism, Amerikan hubris, entitlement and
    >>>> arrogance.
    >>>> When I ask why ÿÿweÿÿ are promoting Roberts, I am told that he has
    >>>> important
    >>>> points to make, that no one is all good or all bad, that his position in
    >>>> the Reagan Administration lends credibility to those more legitimate
    >>>> assertions ÿÿwe all agree onÿÿ. But even though a broken clock is right
    >>>> twice
    >>>> a day, and Mussolini  made the trains run on time, do we really want, in
    >>>> giving credence to his ÿÿgood pointsÿÿ to legitimize his racist, sexist,
    >>>> ableist bigotry and promote Roberts at the expense of other writers who,
    >>>> though lesser known, might better articulate a vision of
    >>>> anti-imperialism,
    >>>> anti-colonialism, infused justice, inclusion, diversity and
    >>>> self-determination?
    >>>> 1. http://www.thecanadiancharger.com/page.php?id=5&a=133
    >>>> 2. http://cafeintifada.wordpress.com/2009/05/08/654/
    >>>> 3. http://www.vdare.com/roberts/100301_muslims.htm
    >>>> 4. http://www.vdare.com/roberts/061116_friedman.htm
    >>>> 5. http://vdare.com/roberts/west_future.htm
    >>>> --
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    >>>   1. *EBook, November 2012: Recovering Internationalism
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    >>>   <http://www.into-ebooks.com/book/world_social_forum/>*
    >>>   2.
    >>> *EBook (co-editor), February 2013: World Social Forum: Critical
    >>>   Explorations http://www.into-ebooks.com/book/world_social_forum/
    >>>   <http://www.into-ebooks.com/book/world_social_forum/> *
    >>>   3. *Interface Journal Special (co-editor), November 2012: For the Global
    >>>   Emancipation of Labour <http://www.interfacejournal.net/current/>*
    >>>   4. *Blog: http://www.unionbook.org/profile/peterwaterman.
    >>>   <http://www.unionbook.org/profile/peterwaterman.> *
    >>>   5. *Interface Journal Special (Co-Editor) Social Movement
    >>>   Internationalisms. See Call for Papers <http://www.interfacejournal.
    >>> net/>,
    >>>   (Deadline: May 1, 2014). *
    >>>   6.
    >>> *Needed: a Global Labour Charter Movement (2005-Now!)
    >>>   <http://interfacejournal.nuim.ie/wordpress/wp-content/
    >>> uploads/2010/11/Interface-1-2-pp255-262-Waterman.pdf>*
    >>>   7. *Under, Against, Beyond: Labour and Social Movements Confront a
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    >>>   <http://www.into-ebooks.com/book/under-against-beyond/>(2011) Almost
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    • Re: [WSF-Discuss] Paul Craig Roberts and his White Supremacist Appeal

      from Azril Bacal on Aug 25, 2014 09:26 AM
      Dear Mikael,
      We share the understanding that the WSF is - about "the world" :-)
      Glad to know that you are not fixated on Israel and/or the war in Gaza, as
      plenty of "our people" are.
      No! I don't know Emma. But maybe she reads about our comments concerning
      her views on Paul Craig Roberts, of whom I must humbly admit had no
      previous awareness of his existence. Maybe my comments to you - about
      extending the list of criminal national-states to the Hague International
      Court of Justice might also be pertinent to his proposal fixed on we know
      whom, right?
      I agree with you about it might being unwise to bring the example of the
      so-called "grand alliance" during WW II.
      One challenge at WSF might rather be:
      What on Earth might we envisage and do something about - in the short,
      middle and long shot
      - to give Peace on Earth "a chance" - before it is too late - or?
      On Mon, Aug 25, 2014 at 10:55 AM, Mikael Book <book@...> wrote:
      > True, Azril, I cannot name anybody who has the precise answers to these
      > questions about alliances. Perhaps it was unwise from my side to bring up
      > the example of the so called grand alliance during WWII and those
      > well-known names? On the other hand, in a WSF-discussion we cannot avoid
      > speaking about "the world", can we?
      > But Azril, I am not fixated on Israel and/or the war in Gaza. Maybe Emma
      > Rosenthal is, which might explain why she writes about Paul Craig Roberts
      > the way she does. I maintain that her article (the one that triggered this
      > discussion thread) is slanderous and of poor quality. If you happen to know
      > her, pls tell her to do better! Kind regards,
      > Mikael
      > Mikael Böök * book@... * gsm +358(0)-44 5511 324 *
      > http://www.kaapeli.fi/book/  * http://blogi.kaapeli.fi/book/ *
      > http://blog.spinellisfootsteps.info/
      > On Mon, 25 Aug 2014, Azril Bacal wrote:
      >  Dear Mikael,
      >> It appears to be a humble statement from your part, that you are "afraid
      >> not to know the precise answer(s)..."
      >> Name one name of someone on Earth and Heavens - who has the precise
      >> answer(s)?
      >> At any rate, you feel you had "enough" to not hesitate in your answer - to
      >> Sukla's message in our list, when writing that: Emma Rosenthal's attack on
      >> Craig Roberts ...is "a piece of slander and not worth much consideration."
      >> You know for a fact, that I always commended your wisdom in the past.
      >> Now it is my time to question it, as follows:
      >> So, yes! Roosevelt and Churchill tactically made a deal with Stalin.
      >> But weren't we at the WSF trying to build together "Another Possible
      >> World"
      >> - which required from us to avoid the pitfalls from the past? To avoid the
      >> old ways of "using all means premised on our lofty aims"? To avoid the old
      >> ways of regarding our enemy's eneases. my as our allies? Are we still
      >> trapped by old ways?
      >> Reading you now, Mikael, makes me sad and keenly aware that we are still
      >> overshadowed by our past conditioning and reductionism.
      >> My list of those condemned for "Crimes against Humanity" is much larger
      >> than yours - and not "fixed" exclusively on Israel, as you seem to be
      >> doing
      >> right now...I would include ISIS, the members of the "Insecurity Council"
      >> and the countries producing and selling weapons, the countries financing
      >> the rockets launched by Hamas/Jihad - instead of these funds being used
      >> for
      >> the sustainable development of the people in Gaza, Saudi Arabia, Ir¡an -
      >> and even Sweden and Brazil for producing/selling weapons. In facts, I
      >> would
      >> include most if not all contemporary national-states should be send to the
      >> Hague Tribunal for being class-ethnocratic and ethnicidal societies, that
      >> factually kill people through their policies of privatization and
      >> increasing socio-economic inequality.
      >> But that would make it difficult for the Hague Tribunal to handle this
      >> overwhelming number of c
      >> Even though I share the same horror againts this viscious and senless
      >> waste
      >> of human lifes due to the interlocked violent politics of Netanhayu's
      >> Israel and Hammas/Jihad's Gaza.
      >> On the grounds of the values I thought I was endorsing at the WSF and NIGD
      >> (or was I perhaps deluded from the beginning?) - I have endorsed Desmond
      >> Tutu's appeal to the israeli people - but have simultaneously kept
      >> distnace
      >> from that unilateral reductionism of the position that now leads you to
      >> join hands with Craig Roberts - like some "leftists" do with neo-Nazis do
      >> today in their shared antisemitism.
      >> So what about checking one's eye - and not just focusing exclusively on
      >> the
      >> one and only only cause of all evil on Earth?
      >> Your "humblest" friend :-)
      >> Azril
      >> We have a long ways to go if the wisest of us, like yourself, walk on such
      >> muddy roads.
      >> Like your humble state at the end, I am afraid I do no know the precise
      >> answer(s)...
      >> Abrazo
      >> Azril
      >> ______
      >> On Mon, Aug 25, 2014 at 9:21 AM, Mikael Book <book@...> wrote:
      >>> Emma Rosenthal's attack on Paul Craig Roberts (the one that Sukla Sen
      >>> forwarded to our list) is a piece of slander and not worth much
      >>> consideration.
      >>> I read the articles of Paul Craig Roberts every now and then at
      >>> Counterpunch and PCR:s own website, and will continue to do so, because
      >>> of
      >>> their qualities, and despite the somewhat choleric tone of this writer.
      >>> Does this imply an alliance?  No.
      >>> Would I be prepared to sign a statement that was also signed by PCR? Yes
      >>> I
      >>> would, depending of course on the content and the situation.
      >>> Would it be possible that some day I would find myself fighting an enemy
      >>> side by side with Paul Craig Roberts? Yes, I believe that could happen.
      >>> Churchill and Roosevelt made an alliance with Stalin -- and viceversa. To
      >>> what extent does an alliance depend on principles, how much is it
      >>> determined by necessity (a question of life and death), how much due to
      >>> personal sympathies and antipathies?
      >>> I am afraid I do no know the precise answer(s).
      >>> Cheers,
      >>> Mikael
      >>> Mikael Böök * book@... * gsm +358(0)-44 5511 324 *
      >>> http://www.kaapeli.fi/book/  * http://blogi.kaapeli.fi/book/ *
      >>> http://blog.spinellisfootsteps.info/
      >>> On Sun, 24 Aug 2014, peter waterman wrote:
      >>>  Well, let's see, Jan,
      >>>> I just reposted an item about a network of lawyers' organisations that
      >>>> proposed bringing Israel to the International Criminal Court on the
      >>>> basis
      >>>> of multiple charges concerning its war in Gaza.
      >>>> One of the signators of this appeal was the International Association of
      >>>> Democratic Lawyers, which I remembered as a Soviet front organisation
      >>>> (along with two I worked for in the 1950s-60s). Checking this up
      >>>> online, I
      >>>> discovered that one of its affiliates is a lawyer's organisation in
      >>>> North
      >>>> Korea. Meanwhile it has no affiliate in South Korea.
      >>>> I posted the declaration because I agreed with it. But I also did a
      >>>> little
      >>>> introductory note pointing out this...*anomaly*? So, I think it is not
      >>>> so
      >>>> much a matter of being open to all possible allies but of precisely
      >>>> being
      >>>> selective and being open with them and about them.
      >>>> Actually, it seems to me that the signature of the IADL does the appeal
      >>>> damage. I would be surprised if it were not picked up by Zionists to
      >>>> discredit the appeal.
      >>>> Best,
      >>>> PeterW
      >>>> On Sun, Aug 24, 2014 at 6:22 PM, Jan Wiklund <jawi@...> wrote:
      >>>>  It is obviously so that a lot of conservative or libertarian Americans
      >>>>> oppose war, for different reasons - one of which probably is that war
      >>>>> is
      >>>>> expensive. Roberts is not the only one.
      >>>>> This is not only valuable to know in itself, but it is also valuable
      >>>>> since
      >>>>> it gives one a hunch about that one sometimes may agree with peolpe
      >>>>> about
      >>>>> some issues but not about others. Which is good to know since it gives
      >>>>> one
      >>>>> a hunch about the essentials in alliance building.
      >>>>> If our alliances was only built with pople we always agreed with, they
      >>>>> would be small indeed, and would never ever win a victory. Which is
      >>>>> what
      >>>>> we
      >>>>> aim at - or am i wrong?
      >>>>> J
      >>>>> 24 aug 2014 kl. 09.31 skrev Sukla Sen:
      >>>>> [This is obviously a somewhat old article, but nevertheless relevant.]
      >>>>> http://cafeintifada.wordpress.com/2010/03/09/867/
      >>>>>  Paul Craig Roberts and his White Supremacist Appeal
      >>>>> <http://cafeintifada.wordpress.com/2010/03/09/867/> *By Emma
      >>>>> Rosenthal*
      >>>>> March 9, 2010 by emmarosenthal
      >>>>> <http://cafeintifada.wordpress.com/author/emmarosenthal/>*ARENÿÿT
      >>>>> THERE
      >>>>> Roberts is a right wing white supremacist who has written repeatedly
      >>>>> anti-disability, anti-jewish, anti-gay, anti-immigrant anti- people of
      >>>>> color, rants for years. (and while attempting to be ÿÿpro-Islam,
      >>>>> pro-Arabÿÿ,
      >>>>> his assertions are rife with orientalist assumptions of
      >>>>> Amerikan/western
      >>>>> superiority.) His critique of U.S./Israeli policy is not part of a
      >>>>> human
      >>>>> rights, social justice, anti-imperialist movement for
      >>>>> self-determination
      >>>>> or
      >>>>> liberation, but rather is simply an extension of his white supremacist
      >>>>> fear
      >>>>> that white people and Amerika are losing ground.
      >>>>> Roberts has written for years for VDARE (a racist publication, named
      >>>>> for
      >>>>> Virginia Dare, the first ÿÿwhiteÿÿ baby to be born in the ÿÿNew
      >>>>> Worldÿÿ), but
      >>>>> recently he has been published, without criticism or reference to his
      >>>>> racist, ableist, sexist anti-gay, anti-immigrant, anti-Jewish,
      >>>>> anti-Arab
      >>>>> trajectory by Counterpunch, ifamericansknew, antiwar.com, Democracy
      >>>>> Now,
      >>>>> Information Clearing House, Alternet and other ÿÿprogressiveÿÿ media.
      >>>>> In his article *ÿÿWhy Does Israel Want to Initiate War Between theU.S.
      >>>>>  and Iran?ÿÿ* (1) Roberts repeats what weÿÿve been hearing for years:
      >>>>> that
      >>>>> the U.S. government is a puppet regime of Israel. immediately
      >>>>> contradicting
      >>>>> himself with the refrain weÿÿve heard for 10 years, that Israel is
      >>>>> trying
      >>>>>  to drag the U.S. into war with IRan, or that Israel will bomb Iran on
      >>>>> its
      >>>>> own. Weÿÿve heard this from the left, the right, and from two U.S. Vice
      >>>>> Presidents. (Cheney and Biden) and yetÿÿ no war. (Sanctions,
      >>>>> defamations,
      >>>>> pressure, but no war!) Does this mean that the tail doesnÿÿt wag the
      >>>>> dog, as
      >>>>> has been suggested? After all, if Israel has really wanted the U.S. to
      >>>>> go
      >>>>> to war, or if Israel really wants to bomb Iran, if Israel really did
      >>>>> run
      >>>>> the show, wouldnÿÿt this have happened years ago?
      >>>>> On the other hand, is it possible that Israel is less influential than
      >>>>> weÿÿve been led to believe and that the threat of an Israeli caused
      >>>>> war,
      >>>>> is
      >>>>> part of the illusion the U.S.  and Israel have been manufacturing for
      >>>>> some
      >>>>> timeÿÿ the idea that Israel is responsible for U.S. foreign policyÿÿ
      >>>>> taking
      >>>>> the focus off of the U.S. and its global empire, while simultaneously
      >>>>> making Israel seem much more powerful than it really is. ÿÿ a mutually
      >>>>> beneficial illusion.
      >>>>> In his article *ÿÿThe End of Free Speech? Criminalizing Criticism of
      >>>>> Israelÿÿ*, (2) Roberts attacks a hate crimes bill that extends violent
      >>>>> hate crimes protection to LGBT people and people with dis-abilities. He
      >>>>> asserts that this new bill would make any criticism of Israel and the
      >>>>> Holocaust, illegal, contrary to ANY reading of the bill, which says
      >>>>> absolutely nothing about Israel and has no impact at all on speech.
      >>>>> In his article *ÿÿ Muslims Are Their Own Worst Enemyÿÿ* (3) he repeats
      >>>>> tired orientalist stereotypes, blames the victims of U.S. (and British
      >>>>> and
      >>>>> Russian Imperialism) for their own condition ÿÿM*uslim disunity has
      >>>>> made
      >>>>> it possible for Israel to dispossess the Palestinians, for the U.S. to
      >>>>> invade Iraq, and for the U.S. to rule much of the regionÿÿÿÿ*
      >>>>> In his memoriam to Milton Friedman, (4) the architect of some of the
      >>>>> most
      >>>>> deadly economic policies of the Twentieth Century, he calls Friedman
      >>>>> the
      >>>>> *ÿÿgreat
      >>>>> economist of our times.ÿÿ*
      >>>>> In his article *ÿÿThat Buchanan Bookÿÿ *(5) he repeats and embellishes
      >>>>> Buchanonÿÿs attacks on immigrants, multiculturalism, people of color
      >>>>> people
      >>>>> with dis-abilities and the left.
      >>>>> *ÿÿBuchanan has strong opinions, but his opinions are based in facts,
      >>>>> unlike his equally opinionated opponents, who have bought into the
      >>>>> multiculturalist dogma of the evils of western civilization or taken
      >>>>> refuge
      >>>>> in neoconservative wishful thinking.ÿÿ*
      >>>>> He states,* ÿÿWhites are shrinking into a minority even within their
      >>>>> own
      >>>>> countries. massive uncontrolled legal and illegal immigration, together
      >>>>> with collapsing fertility rates of whites everywhere, foretell a
      >>>>> vanishing
      >>>>> race.ÿÿ* as if itÿÿs a bad thing.
      >>>>> (Seriously though,  the disappearance of any culture or group is
      >>>>> NEVER  a
      >>>>> good thing, but the construct of whiteness ÿÿincluding his unstated
      >>>>> inference to race mixing as further diluting this vanishing breedÿÿ
      >>>>> isnÿÿt
      >>>>> about the preservation of a culture, but the total assimilation of
      >>>>> several
      >>>>> distinct and disparate languages, heritages, histories and legacies
      >>>>> which
      >>>>> are swallowed up into a homogenized (White) identity in the interest of
      >>>>> empire and dominationÿÿfor those who qualify, whiteness is the price of
      >>>>> losing who you are.)
      >>>>> He goes on to assert that the situation may be worse than Buchanan
      >>>>> would
      >>>>> have us think: *ÿÿIn the U.S., native-born whites already are
      >>>>> second-class
      >>>>> citizens in their own country. Unconstitutional group privileges have
      >>>>> arisen based on race, gender, and disability. White males no longer
      >>>>> have
      >>>>> equal rights. ÿÿ*
      >>>>> He concludes this article; *ÿÿDemonization of whites is the weapon used
      >>>>> by
      >>>>> multiculturalists to breakup western civilizationÿÿ Demonization has
      >>>>> already
      >>>>> demoralized some whites, making them ashamed and fearful of their skin
      >>>>> color.ÿÿ*
      >>>>> *ÿÿBy the time whites become political minorities, decades of
      >>>>> demonization
      >>>>> will have prepared the ground for legislation prohibiting their
      >>>>> propagation
      >>>>> and, perhaps, assigning them to the gulag as a final solution ÿÿ none
      >>>>> of
      >>>>> this is ordained. faculties could replace multicultural propagandists
      >>>>> with
      >>>>> real scholars, and legislation could halt or reduce immigration to
      >>>>> assimilable numbers. Is western civilization worth the effort? Does
      >>>>> anyone
      >>>>> any longer know what western civilization is? ÿÿ*
      >>>>> So how come roberts is getting so much play among progressives,
      >>>>> including
      >>>>> the progressive press, given his history of bigotry and intolerance, as
      >>>>> well as having ÿÿservedÿÿ on Reaganÿÿs cabinet as Treasury Secretary
      >>>>> (making
      >>>>> his essay *ÿÿThe Rich Have Stolen the Economyÿÿ*, a bit absurd)?
      >>>>> Could it be that his white supremacist positions, including the
      >>>>> assertion
      >>>>> of a Zionist occupied Amerikan government, run by foreign Israeli
      >>>>> interlopers, tricksters, puppeteers, as well as an entire ethnic group
      >>>>> of
      >>>>> U.S. citizens with suspicious national allegiance, absolve (Christian)
      >>>>> white (and otherwise privileged) Amerikans of their (real and
      >>>>> mis-afilliated) guilt, allowing them to address injustices without ever
      >>>>> having to examine the root causes, raise their class consciousness, or
      >>>>> challenge their own nationalism, Amerikan hubris, entitlement and
      >>>>> arrogance.
      >>>>> When I ask why ÿÿweÿÿ are promoting Roberts, I am told that he has
      >>>>> important
      >>>>> points to make, that no one is all good or all bad, that his position
      >>>>> in
      >>>>> the Reagan Administration lends credibility to those more legitimate
      >>>>> assertions ÿÿwe all agree onÿÿ. But even though a broken clock is right
      >>>>> twice
      >>>>> a day, and Mussolini  made the trains run on time, do we really want,
      >>>>> in
      >>>>> giving credence to his ÿÿgood pointsÿÿ to legitimize his racist,
      >>>>> sexist,
      >>>>> ableist bigotry and promote Roberts at the expense of other writers
      >>>>> who,
      >>>>> though lesser known, might better articulate a vision of
      >>>>> anti-imperialism,
      >>>>> anti-colonialism, infused justice, inclusion, diversity and
      >>>>> self-determination?
      >>>>> 1. http://www.thecanadiancharger.com/page.php?id=5&a=133
      >>>>> 2. http://cafeintifada.wordpress.com/2009/05/08/654/
      >>>>> 3. http://www.vdare.com/roberts/100301_muslims.htm
      >>>>> 4. http://www.vdare.com/roberts/061116_friedman.htm
      >>>>> 5. http://vdare.com/roberts/west_future.htm
      >>>>> --
      >>>>> Peace Is Doable
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      >>>>   1. *EBook, November 2012: Recovering Internationalism
      >>>>   <http://www.into-ebooks.com/book/recovering_internationalism/>.  [A
      >>>>   compilation of papers from the new millenium. Now free in two download
      >>>>   formats] <http://www.into-ebooks.com/book/world_social_forum/>
      >>>>   <http://www.into-ebooks.com/book/world_social_forum/>*
      >>>>   2.
      >>>> *EBook (co-editor), February 2013: World Social Forum: Critical
      >>>>   Explorations http://www.into-ebooks.com/book/world_social_forum/
      >>>>   <http://www.into-ebooks.com/book/world_social_forum/> *
      >>>>   3. *Interface Journal Special (co-editor), November 2012: For the
      >>>> Global
      >>>>   Emancipation of Labour <http://www.interfacejournal.net/current/>*
      >>>>   4. *Blog: http://www.unionbook.org/profile/peterwaterman.
      >>>>   <http://www.unionbook.org/profile/peterwaterman.> *
      >>>>   5. *Interface Journal Special (Co-Editor) Social Movement
      >>>>   Internationalisms. See Call for Papers <http://www.interfacejournal.
      >>>> net/>,
      >>>>   (Deadline: May 1, 2014). *
      >>>>   6.
      >>>> *Needed: a Global Labour Charter Movement (2005-Now!)
      >>>>   <http://interfacejournal.nuim.ie/wordpress/wp-content/
      >>>> uploads/2010/11/Interface-1-2-pp255-262-Waterman.pdf>*
      >>>>   7. *Under, Against, Beyond: Labour and Social Movements Confront a
      >>>>   Globalised, Informatised Capitalism
      >>>>   <http://www.into-ebooks.com/book/under-against-beyond/>(2011) Almost
      >>>> 1,000
      >>>>   pages of Working Papers, free, from the 1980's-90's.*
      >>>>   8. *Google Scholar Citation Index:*
      >>>>    *http://scholar.google.com.pe/citations?user=e0e6Qa4AAAAJ
      >>>>   <http://scholar.google.com.pe/citations?user=e0e6Qa4AAAAJ> *
      >>>>   -
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