• Communication commission discussion

Fwd: How to get involved in the WSF process in Montreal

from Azril Bacal on Apr 06, 2016 09:09 AM
Ref: FSM 2016

Estimad@s compañer@s,
Para vuestra información e involucramiento, con el apoyo fraternal de

(Gracias Teivo y Pierre)...

Por aquí me tienen, ayudando la divulgación de las actividades
preparatorias del FSM 2016...intentando involucrar y comprometer a más
personas y organizaciones en este proceso planetario tan urgente en
nuestros días.

Por mi lado, aparte de los contactos en la lista de correos (arriba) estoy
en contacto con Reiner en Berlin (y Colin en Ginebra), co-coordinando las
actividades del IPB en el FSM 2016 (por ejemplo, en contra de la
militarización/nuclearización del Ártico al estilo de la OTAN/NATO)...Por
otro lado, estamos en contacto con Roberto Savio para organizar
eventualmente una actividad (acaso conjuntamente con otros miembros del
communication Committee del CI-FSM)  de Cine-Foro por la Humanidad ("Tod@s
Distint@s, Tod@s Iguales") - y en contra del Rasismo, Antisemitismo,
Islamofobia y todas las formas conocidas y por conocer de discriminación
social...como una forma de educación popular en la esfera gramsciana del
imaginario colectivo, capturado en estos momentos por la exxtrema derecha y
los medios de comunicación al servicio del gran kapital, el complejo
militar-industrial-comunicacional y sus paraísos fiscales


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Teivainen, Teivo <teivo.teivainen@...>
Date: Wed, Apr 6, 2016 at 9:12 AM
Subject: How to get involved in the WSF process in Montreal
To: Azril Bacal <bazril@...>, Immanuel Wallerstein <
Cc: Nigd-list <nigd-list@...>

Dear All,

This message is on WSF participation and also includes a little
article on transnational
democratic non-state politics.

I was just in touch with Pierre George who has been organizing various
things related to Montreal WSF, especially distance participation etc.

Here comes a little form, in three languages, for people who want to help
in coordinating the participation. It would be really great and helpful to
get some of us involved in this. Everything can be done from home.  See the
link below.

There will be Social Forum of Finland in 10 days (April 16) and some of us
are involved in some activities. Heikki Patomäki has been the key figure in
organizing an event on the DIEM process, it will take place in Merihaka
(the first time my hood has a social forum event, great). I will be
speaking in the inauguration, at the Construction Workers Union building.

The whole event is organized as pop-up thing, across town. I think it is a
nice format, though the reasons may have much to do with the right-wing
government cutting everything here, including money for civil society

So I enclose the link for this who want to get involved WSF preparations.

Let me also a attach an article that two of us, Silke Trommer & I, wrote on
a very NIGD theme: Representation Beyond the State: Towards Transnational
Democratic Non-state Politics

In the article, we compare the WSF process and the West African process of
trade negotiations. I put the link below and the pdf attached (it is a
preprint online version, the print version will appear later in the journal

"Alternautes ! " - Implication - Involvement - Involucramiento FSM 2016 WSF
ENGLISH below ESPANOL mas abajo ---- FRANÇAIS ----- ce formulaire est
accessible depuis la page https://fsm2016.org/simpliquer/devenir-benevole/
Le FSM 2016 sera un événement «étendu», dans le temps et dans l’espace,
avec des activités à Montréal du 9 au 14 août. Il y aura aussi des
activités «locales» partout dans le monde, pendant et autour de ces dates,
ainsi que la possibilité de participer à distance à une bonne partie de ces
activités via Internet. ( voir la description de la dynamique d'extension
https://fsm2016.org/participer/hors-montreal/ et la liste des activités
annoncées hors de montréal
) Les valeurs qui inspirent l'organisation du processus de préparation du
FSM sont celles affirmées dans la charte de principes du fsm (voir plus
bas) et dans le collectif FSM 2016 : inclusion, ouverture, transparence,
horizontalité, auto gestion, indépendance. Ce formulaire est destiné aux

Out article (also attached):



Dr. Teivo Teivainen

Professor of World Politics
Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies
Fabianinkatu 24, POB 4
00014 University of Helsinki, Finland

* twitter:    @TeivoTeivainen
* e-mail:    teivo.teivainen@...
* blog 1:    teivo.net <http://www.teivo.net/>

* blog 2:    blogs.helsinki.fi/teivaine/

* direct phone: +358-50-3505120

*From:* owner-nigd-list@... <owner-nigd-list@...> on behalf
of Azril Bacal <bazril@...>
*Sent:* Wednesday, March 30, 2016 6:25 PM
*To:* Immanuel Wallerstein
*Cc:* mestrum; Nigd-list
*Subject:* Re: [nigd-list] WSF Montreal

Great, Manny,
Otra razón para asistir al WSF 2016, aunque un poco más cerca para tí,
Un fuerte abrazo

On Wed, Mar 30, 2016 at 2:55 PM, Immanuel Wallerstein <
immanuel.wallerstein@...> wrote:

> we shall be coming/immanuel and beatrice wallerstein
> On Wed, Mar 30, 2016 at 11:38 AM, mestrum <mestrum@...> wrote:
>> Dear friends,
>> Isn’t it time to start to check who will be in Montreal at the WSF2016?
>> Will we be able to organize a workshop on the future of the forum?
>> Francine
>> Sent from Mail
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