• Communication commission discussion

Querido Pietro, Como siempre donde las papas queman!!! Compartiremos la valiosa experiencia de la lucha no-violenta en Colombia. Mil gracias y un fuerte abrazo. Azril Fwd: [Redes-nv-internacs-alfabets] RV: Video "Colombia and nonviolent struggle"

de parte de Azril Bacal on 2021-07-25 08:09
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Från: Servicio Paz y Justicia - México <serpajc@...>
Date: sön 25 juli 2021 03:47
Subject: [Redes-nv-internacs-alfabets] RV: Video "Colombia and nonviolent
To: <redes-nv-internacs-alfabets@...>

Dear friends!

I hope you are well in every sense, with hope and strength!

We’ve been engaged Deep in colombian social struggle, and just returned
from that country as part of a civil human rigthts International mission.
As part of this process, we made this video about Social Struggle and
Nonviolence, that has been translated in english. We share it hoping it can
be useful for others.

Peace! Pietro

Video “Colombia: Stop in order to advance twice as far. National Strike and
Nonviolent Resistence” : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22PB4i124aQ

https://youtu.be/VnlMjP4Ge9g  Video "Colombia: Parar para Avanzar el doble.
Paro nacional y resistencia civil noviolenta"

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