• Memory&Documentation WG

Project/strategy - some questions

de parte de Hilde C Stephansen en 29/06/2009 20:25
Olá pessoal

Obrigada Pierre pela criação da lista! Vou ecrever em inglês, espero que tudo mundo entenderem (se não, diga e eu vou tentar traducir...)

We need to start thinking about the project or strategy of the memory and documentation working group. In the chat on Wednesday 24th it was suggested that every working group has a draft project proposal ready by 4th July, which is next Saturday!

This is just a quick message for now with a few things to consider, to get a discussion going.

Outreach: how to involve new organisations and particpants? Who has already expressed an interest in memory/documention? Who has been involved previously? Who could we invite? 

What kinds of memory/documentation is within the remit of this working group? There are many different things that can be considered 'documentation', including:
1. Memory of Forum events (reports on activities etc.)
2. Outcomes/results of Forum events (for example, declarations of Assemblies or results gathered by 'outcomes projects')
3. Coverage produced by shared media projects (Forum TV, Forum radio, Ciranda)
4. Organisational documents (for example, reports from IC meetings, strategy and discussion papers)
...and others?

What kind of documentation/memory is needed for 2010/2011? How can this be integrated with previous work? 'WSF documentation' exists in many different places, there are lots of different websites - should part of our project be to organise this information, for example by linking to different sites through some kind of portal?

I'm sorry these are just questions rather than proposals for now. Let me know what you think.

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