• Memory&Documentation WG

  • proposals for requesting budget

    from "Hilde C Stephansen" on Jul 11, 2009 06:45 PM
    Dear friends,
    There are a lot of great ideas and projects being developed around memory
    and documentation. Many of these are quite big and ambitious projects with
    a  long-term perspective and cannot be finalized immediately.
    But - the deadline for requesting budget from the ComCom is July 15th.
    Jason has asked for people to fill in the form available here to request
    I am not sure what kind of financial support it is possible to get through
    ComCom, I expect not very much, and not enough for everything the
    different collective want to do. But if as a working group we want to
    request a budget for some or part of the different projects we need to
    decide on what to request and how to do this.
    Unfortunately I will be away from tomorrow until the 15th without much
    internet so I won't be able to co-ordinate this, I'm sorry. I hope
    somebody else will be able to.
    Thanks, beijos,
    Thread Outline:
  • FSM Permanente - Notícias de Belém

    from rita@... on Jul 13, 2009 01:24 AM
    Olá amigos/as
    Começa na terça, dia 14,  o Seminário do Fórum Social Pan-Amazônico
    Haverá debate sobre a comunicação
    Estou à disposição para contatos de qualquer projeto dos GTs Com e  
    também para recados de saudade.
    Segue uma nota com a programação
    Hi friends
    I am in Belém for the Pan-Amazonian Social Fórum Seminary, starting at Jul/14
    There will be work on communication
    Call me by this email, if you need some contacts here, for any WG  
    Communication projects, or to say hello to anybody here
    The link above, on the Seminar program, is only in portuguese version (yet)
    • Re: FSM Permanente - Notícias de Belém

      from SergioMiletto on Jul 13, 2009 03:48 PM
      Boa sorte no Seminário.
      Acompanharei as notícias.
      Sergio Miletto
      55 11 4145 1874
      Em 12/07/2009, às 22:16, rita@... escreveu:
      > Olá amigos/as
      > Começa na terça, dia 14,  o Seminário do Fórum Social Pan-Amazônico
      > Haverá debate sobre a comunicação
      > Estou à disposição para contatos de qualquer projeto dos GTs Com e  
      > também para recados de saudade.
      > Segue uma nota com a programação
      > http://www.ciranda.net/spip/article3028.html
      > Hi friends
      > I am in Belém for the Pan-Amazonian Social Fórum Seminary, starting  
      > at Jul/14
      > There will be work on communication
      > Call me by this email, if you need some contacts here, for any WG  
      > Communication projects, or to say hello to anybody here
      > The link above, on the Seminar program, is only in portuguese  
      > version (yet)
      > --
      > Archive: http://openfsm.net/projects/communication-commission/lists/memory-documentationwg/archive/2009/07/1247448253547
      > To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to memory-documentationWG@... 
      > .  Please contact memory-documentationWG-manager@...  
      > for questions.