• Memory&Documentation WG

[Fwd: [lib-wsf] On the road to the Dakar 2011 World Social Forum]

de la part de "Hilde C. Stephansen" on 12/11/2009 15:30
Dear all,

I am forwarding for information an email that was just sent on the WSF
Library list. Perhaps it would be an idea to get in touch with them to
discuss our different projects? What do people think?


---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: [lib-wsf] On the road to the Dakar 2011 World Social Forum
From:    "Mikael Book" <book@...>
Date:    Thu, November 12, 2009 10:41 am
To:      lib-wsf@...

Dear all,

next week, a seminar on the World Social Forum event in Dakar 2011
will take place in Dakar, Senegal.  The programme of the seminar is found
at the website of the African Social Forum:

During the seminar, where I will participate as the representative of the
NIGD, I hope to discuss our WSF Library Project.

A brief overview of the Project, from the conference at the WSF event in
Mumbai 2004 via the activity during the WSF event in Nairobi 2007 and up
till today, is online there:  http://www.nigd.org/nigd/libraries

Will add reflections about the nature and the role of the project in my
forthcoming contribution "On Libraries and Political Power As If
Montesquieu Still Mattered" (outlined there:
http://www.kaapeli.fi/book/wsflib/abstract_mikael_book.doc )

Greetings from Finland,

 - Mikael

Mikael Böök * book@... * gsm +358(0)-44 5511 324 *
http://www.kaapeli.fi/book/  * http://blogi.kaapeli.fi/book/ *

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