• Contacto - grupo practical info

some practical question and answer for inclusion in next newsletter

de parte de pierre.george@... on 2009-02-19 11:22

it appears that  reporting has not been contemplated by belem organising
committee and  i suggest that comcom offer a decentralized  frame for this
not knowing what was the  talk  between jason and thiago about next
newsletter in belem, i give here some suggestions

in starting phase this frame can be implemented overnight (  mainly
translation of this text and creation of relato-fsm space and some links,
the form in result space is already in place )
see the last paragraph about strenghtening the reporting group of comcom


proposal of text for bulletin
"answers to  5 practical questions  that wsf participant worldwide can have
about the follow up of wsf2009 "

1- where to find the  belem 30 final assemblies report and contact ? :
answer  : in belem site and   in result-fsm space in openfsm
there is a  table with name of assemblies that expressed the last day  -
and link to contacts - and link to the declaration  and 10 line synthesis -
in openfsm a  fsm-calendar page   will give a global view of dates and
events scheduled in 2009 2010
for more information write to result-fsm list
people inside this space are from the reporting group of communcation
commission and will update the table with your indication

2- where to find other results concretized  in fsm2009? :
answer :in result -fsm space
if your results were not included in the declarations of one assembly among
the 30 that took place,   you can send a form with your results see link
here ( in result- fsm2009 )
people inside this space are from the reporting group of communcation
commission and will update the table with your indication

3- where to find directory of other reports from activities in fsm2009 ?:
Answer  : a space in  openfsm :  relato- fsm2009  will act as a directory
for the reports  received  with a table of activities  by objectives - with
link to contact - and link to report and follow up pages.spaces where
reports and photos can be found
to update this table with your report ,  send  a message to its mailing
list  here :
people inside this space are from the reporting group of communcation
commission and will update the table with your indication

internal  note
starting from scratch ,then organizing a bit
the base directory could be buit from  the 2000 activity list  divided by
objectives ( files are available in facilitator space)  , ( 11 list of 200
activities )  and also some general categories  - youth camp - streets of
forum -
the blog of fsm-relato  (or the blog of a specific open space  fsm-blog
could be open to public ,
handling this directory may also include censing documents that appeared
over the internet and creating links to them
job that thiago made on wsf2008 -

4- where to report and follow up on my activity in fsm2009 ?
there were around 1500 activitiesheld in belem and reorting them is a
contribution to the richness of the process and will help making contacts
during the years to come
you may have already your site or a space on internet where to report
 if it is not the case You are welcome
-post a message on the open blog   relatoblog-fsm ( specific space )
-use  geographical space created in openfsm where participants can share
their impression and reports  ( see list of those sapce in the relato-fsm
-use openfsm to create your own  follow up space for your sucessful
activities - register on openfsm and create a new space  here  (link)
you can put text and photos and link ot video that you can upload in
wsftv.net and invite people that came to your activity and left their
email, to continue  on line

5- where to find guidance on using openfsm? ( 1200 people already
subscribed )
in openfsm you can
 create and animate an "assemby" space
( inviting people that particpated in the assembly and giving updates of
next steps about proposals listed in the assembly declaration )
create  a space to "followup" on a successful activity
(uploading your reports and inviting people that left their contact  t
continue discussion etc..)
to get  information and guidance
-visual and text documentation is available here : (link)
-also click  on "contact" in any page of the site and explain your question
-or go to wsf internet training and ask for a live  training session on
skype( link)

internally to comcom

i suggest to gear up the reporting-GT of comcom  to face the work load in
result-fsm and relato-fsm
people from comcom  can just subscribe here :
this list can act as a back office working list

while "discussion list " of  result-fsm and relato-fsm spaces  (where the
same people would be members) will serve as front desk
non member of site can post to these list ( messages are received by list
administrators who are theonly one receiving the spam , and not directly in
their mailing box )

also strenghthening "online participation  gt "  will help ........

                                                Pour :   practical-info-gt@...                                      
                                                   cc :  Pierre George <pierregrg@...>, Monica Di Sisto                     
                      Jason Nardi                  Objet :    [Practical info GT] Re: what is deadline for next newsletter ?      
                      19/02/2009 09:30                                                                                            
                      Veuillez répondre                                                                                           


Thiago, if you could work on the draft for today, as we had defined in
Belem... then maybe by tomorrow (20 days after the Forum's end) we could
send it, at least in Portuguese.  I woudn't wait another week if possible.

I can have a look at it this evening.


2009/2/19 Pierre George <pierregrg@...>
      hello everybody
      let us clarify deadline and items , under legutimate conduction of
      thiago ;-)



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