• Contacto - grupo practical info

((EN)) Last bulletin + Montreal

de la part de Comunicacao FSM - Mari Pires on 01/10/2009 19:33
((EN)) Dear all, how're you doing?

As you have seen, the bulletins have been sent this week (the french version
will be sent tomorrow when Helio will finish the translation). I wasn't able
to do it last week because we had serious problems with our server (it
didn't work for several days, but I believe it has finally been fixed). We
were also full of other tasks here (specially the preparation for IC
meeting) and I also had some personal problems. So, I apologize for not
having reached the deadline we had agreed.

Regarding all the issues and comments raised in this group about the
bulletin making process, as we're very close to Montreal, I think it will be
much better if we continue the discussion there. I do believe we will find
together the best way to do it!

All the best for you.
See you soon!


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