• ESFY 2013 مناقشة discussion

  • EN VIDEO & CHAT PARTICIPATION egypt social forum 5 8 december

    from facilitfsm on Dec 04, 2013 11:39 PM
    *Egyptian social forum for Youth is happening  5 to 8 december*
    http://esfy.org  and is extended
    *There are about 50 activities taking place in Ismailia,  including 11
    teleconferences with groups in various part of the world*  ( Canada, brazil
    morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Iraq, Pakistan , india ..)
    English program : http://esfy.org/esfyreg/program/
    Arabic: http://esfy.org/esfyreg/program-ar/?lang=ar
    Spanish: http://esfy.org/esfyreg/program-spansih/?lang=es
    *It is possible to TELE PARTICIPATE  in the various activities in the
    program of this  event  in arabic and in english (*) - here is how !*
    VIDEO  in  http://esfy.org There will be 8 pages giving  streaming
    channels,  one for http://esfy.org/esfyreg/main-lecture-hall/  ( morning
    activity and roaming visits of esfy ) and seven
    http://esfy.org/esfyreg/tent-1/  2 3 4 5 6  7 (one for each  thematic
    tent  and one for the extension rooms ( teleconference with groups abroad)
    see the extension room program
    *Land and Housing Tent*
    *Social Justice, Unemployment, the Right to Work, the Right to Healthcare
    and the Right to Education Tent*
    *Identity and Cultural Rights Tent*
    *Union Freedom Tent (Participative Democracy and Social Politics)*
    *Arts, Alternative Media and Revolution Tent*
    *Local Democracy Tent (Revolutionary Experiences and Shared Challenges)*
    *Extension rooms ( teleconferences with remote groups) *
    *Main Lecture Hall*
    AUDIOin  in the page of each channel  you can select Arabic audio  or
    English audio  )  and you get to a page giving the same  video channel
    muted and complemented by  an audio stream with interpretation  (usually AR
    > English)
     ( there is a team of 20 interpreters volunteering  with Babels  making
    possible to broadcast esfy in english *(* *french and spanish for some
    specific activities )*
    INTERACTIVE TEXT CHAT  in the lower part of the video page *you can
    interact by chat text*  with *host persons* that inasmuch possible  will be
    in each tent and extension rooms  and interacting with you by text
    you can also interact  in the chat with other teleparticipants
    it is very simple to log in the chat system on the page itself
     chat and audio SKYPE For further information/guidance you can also contact
    "esfy.extensionteam" on skype