• isfextension situations table


Current Version

by facilitfsm, modified August 20, 2013

Version 3

by facilitfsm, modified July 12, 2013


  • inserted
  • deleted

( see first the simpler table here : ((isfextension comparing 3 situations)) (EN > AR) )


A table of "communication situations", situation", caseby cases

Each line is a variant of Cases 1 2 3 4 which refer to the build up table and the registration form for outside baghdad

the column are the various communication fluxes that may coexist during an activity : central= face to face in baghdad local = face to face somewhere else - centrical/radial with the center = group in baghdad, - lateral = between groups who are outside bagdhad

A detailed form is available for iraqi organisation to announce and describe extended activities in baghdad : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/11YnTsKMPWsziR3eYohyVp9w3LPnNR6YUl_jMSkKOFo0/viewform

please note the main flux is the central or local one first column in all cases except for case 3 where the main flux is centrical/radial centrical

To be realistic the table is Assuming a ISF with 50 activities in Baghdad ( out of which 10 are enlarged 12 open to guests 13 are tele exchages ) and 30 solidarity activities abroad with 15 having a tele intervention of isf committee in them) - this is about the same as the build up table

Central/local flux of discussion in the room in baghdad or in some place in the world

Centrical- radial flux /tools exchange between goup in baghdad activiy room and group outside baghdad

Lateral flux /tools = between groups that are outside baghdad

Extension Preparation

isf extension team tasks in green

what to do In case of low connectivity

Case 1 not extended

15 activities ?

see : ((isfbaghdad overview en-ar)) ((isfbaghdad overview2 en-ar))

Main flux = Face to face activity in baghdad case 1




No impact!

Case 1 4A enlarged to many people

10 activities ?

red area of buil dup page

((isfextension program buildup)) and ((isfabroad overview en))

Main flux = Face to face activity in baghdad case 1

Tele participation 4A

Needs a camera person –with livestreaming site needs interpreter –written chat linking person with skype chat room or equivalente

Possible and silentby written chat and side meetings 4A

Using skype or equivalent in the linking common chat room and in side meetings

1/"Baghdad" 1/Baghdad needs to announce enlargementof activity and give video channel and chat access – also "abroad" can express intentions and sollicit baghdad ((isfextension contact X & Y))

2/Recommended that”linking person activate the chat room before the event and camera person make some video teaserin the stream channel

Support of isf extension team all 2 steps

The streaming may be with low image definition or only audio

Or it may be cancelled and replace by a chat live transcription made by the linking person and camera person

The feedback chat remains the same

Case 1 4B private open to one or few groups

9 activities?

red area of build uppage

((isfextension program buildup)) and ((isfabroad overview en))

Main flux = Face to face activity in baghdad case 1

Coexisiting conn

Tele participation 4B – coexisting independent connections

Each participation Needs a counterpart with computer in the room using skype or hangout

Not possible

1/"Baghdad" 1/Baghdad needs to announce openness of activity – and indicate the host person - also "abroad" can express intentions and sollicit baghdad ((isfextension contact X & Y

2/ she will receive tele participationrequests and see to indicating counterparts among the people present in baghdad

3/Previous videoconfeence with counterpart recommended

Support of isf extension team all 3 steps

The video conference is degraded to audio– if the audio is bad orif counter part person is really motivative she can take the transcript for her guest-this transcript can be used as minutes of the activity

The interaction is through written chat

Case 1 4C common open up to 10 groups

3 activities?

Main flux = Face to face activity in baghdad case 1

Tele participation 4B-one multipoint connection

One linking person in Baghdad using hangout

but remains not priority, has to be discreetmost of the time

Possible but discreet = no audio interference with the Baghdad room, better on written chat and side meetings

1/“Baghdad” needs to announce openness f activity – and indicate the linking person be contacted

also "abroad" can express intentions and sollicit baghdad ((isfextension contact X & Y

2/Previous videoconfeence with linking person recommended

The video conference is degraded to audio– if the audio is bad orif counter part person is really motivative she can take the transcript for her guest-this transcript can be used as minutes of the activity

The interaction is through written chat

Case 2 with a moment with someone from Baghdad

15 activities?

yello area

((isfextension program buildup)) and ((isfabroad overview en))

Main flux =Face to face activity outside bagdhad case 2

Short time of Tele encounterwith ISF committee

Using skypeor hangout

May Need interpretation

None – there are not outsiders, except if the solidarity activity is enlarged with livestreaming site and written chat

1/“Outside bagdhad” make a request for ISF intervention

has to be explicited .....((isfextension program buildup))

2/ extension teamschedules the intervention and indicates a personin isf comittee3/previous video contact recommended

4/ isf team support during isf event

The moment of video conference is degraded to audio or written chat

Case 2 without intervention from baghdad

15 activities ?

Main flux =Face to face activity outside bagdhad case 2



Nothing to do

No impact

Case 3A 2 points

10 activities?

green area

((isfextension program buildup)) and ((isfabroad overview en))

Face to face comments or the main flux which is centrical

Main flux =Bi point Tele encounteractivity with Baghdad case 3

Needs skype or hangout

Needs interpretation

Use audio+ wirtten

None – there are no outsiders, except if the tele encounter activity is enlarged from one of the two point

1/ one side propose tele encounter and extension team publishes in build up page ((isfextension program buildup))

2/ other side confirm interestand extension team puts in contact

3/ preliminary skype contacts and tests with support ofisf team in baghda

((isfextension contact X & Y))

The moment of video conference is degraded to audio or written chat

Case 3B multipoints

3 activities?

Face to face comments or the main flux which is circular

Main flux = Multipoint Tele encounteractivity with Baghdad case 3

Needs skype or hangoutvideo/audio/written

None –there are no outsiders, except if the tele encounter activity is enlarged filming the screen ?

Can be an evolution of above if agreement between the first two counterparts and more comingor is porposed upfront by baghdad with support ofisf team in baghda

The moment of video conference is degraded to audio or written chat

What is the flux of communication in the various cases ?

  • During ISF the flux of extended communication is mostly “centrical/radial ” “centrical” – people want to interact with Baghdadand only secondarily “lateral” with other people like them who are not in baghdad
  • Also in tele encounter case 3 "Baghdad" and "out of bagadhad" Baghdad and out of bagadhad have the same priority for talking –there is symmetrical –there is interaction all the time of the activity - while incase 2 and case 4 this will be only for a short moment ( eg 10mn of intervention from Baghdad in a solidarity activity ,or 10mn of intervention of an outside baghad group in a Baghdad activity , or not at all
  • While in tele participation case 4 the “central flux “inside” the Baghdad activity room is most of the time more important than the “centrical/radial “centrical flux” eg interaction between out of Baghdad and Baghdad room
  • The case of a multi point with more than two places having equal priority of speechis not so frequent
