• Iraq Social Forum

Re: ISF mailing list - English -Test

de la part de Pierre George on 24/05/2013 12:53
Well received Ismaeel !

Here are some more practical tips

1/ You can know "who is on the list", clicking on "membership" (upper
right) in the message view  :

2/ There is an editing space linked to the mailing list - the page is here
: http://openfsm.net/projects/iraq-social-forum/project-home -

3/ When browsing  www.openfsm.net , if you want to access the Iraq Social
Forum space write " iraq social" in the upper right "search box", and you
will find readily pages from the iraq social forum space


2013/5/24 Ismaeel Dawood <ismaeel.dawood@...>

> Dear all
> This is a test and welcoming message to the Iraqi Social Forum (ISF)
> mailing list - English. There is another mailing list for Arabic speakers.
> Till this moment members of this list are only the members of  The
> International Solidarity Committee For The Iraqi Social Forum (ISF) , those
> who registered in the link  that we send before.
> but our idea is to expand it to all who want to know about the ISF and are
> able to communicate in English.
> To add new members , use this page :
> http://openfsm.net/projects/iraq-social-forum/lists/iraq-social-forum-english/archive
> To subscribe to the Arabic mailing list, use this page :
> http://openfsm.net/projects/iraq-social-forum/lists/iraq-social-forum-arabic
> thanks a lot
> --
> Archive:
> http://openfsm.net/projects/iraq-social-forum/lists/iraq-social-forum-english/archive/2013/05/1369397494964
> To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to
> iraq-social-forum-english@....  Please contact
> iraq-social-forum-english-manager@... for questions.

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