• Iraq Social Forum

Re: Subscription confirmation (mail-command:subscribe-member ulla@... [61646247])

de la part de "Ulla W. Metzger" on 28/05/2013 19:20

I acknowledge the inclusion of my email address to the Iraq Social Forum mailing list.

Best Regards,

Ulla Weyatta Metzger
Executive Director
Women Alert, Inc.

---- Original Message ----
From: iraq-social-forum-english@...
Sent: 5/28/2013 12:44:04 PM
To: ulla@...
Subject: Subscription confirmation (mail-command:subscribe-member ulla@... [61646247])

Hello ulla@...,

We have received a subscription request for your email address to the
Iraq Social Forum mailing list. To confirm the request, simply reply to this 
message leaving the subject line unchanged.

If you do not wish to subscribe to this list, please disregard this
message. Send questions to iraq-social-forum-english-manager@.... 

List Manager

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